Morning you can see Mom and Dad are home; however, I want you all know I, Madi, gave them a tongue lashing when they finally returned home.
(Please click on the below picture if you want a closer look at my unhappy face).
Let me warn you this post is full of entertainment for all.
You'll be seeing gorgeous pictures, reading untruths about me and there is even a
very handsome K9 at the end.

The lovely and talented Ms. Glenda was gracious enough to come to my rescue when Mom and Dad decided to abandon me. Ms. Glenda was quite generous with my food. She was quick to recognize my many attributes. She listed them on a note to Mom and Dad...and I quote,
"When I arrived Madi was ready for her food. She was a little 'hissy' until she ate some food. (I, Madi, just beamed from ear to ear when Mom read that. I had to let Ms. Glenda know who was boss)...the note continues... Then we played with her string toy and she let me rub her for a few minutes but she quickly let me know she had enough".
Mom and Dad thought traveling west on this mountain road in search of Boonville, NC which is 1 hour east of Boone, NC, was more important than staying home with me.

The 2nd day of their getaway the headed 1 hour west to Boone, NC where they saw gorgeous vistas at 3795' elevation

panoramic views of the Great Smokey Mountains as seen from the Blue Ridge Parkway

Apparently seeing mountains was more important than staying home with me.....

Below is a picture of Appalachian State University's Football Stadium
which is also in Boone, NC
Go Mountaineers aka Apps!!! Good luck this fall

Along the road they saw many Christmas Tree Farms....

North Carolina is one of the top three Christmas tree producers in the USA
We are well known for our Fraser Furs

BUTT the main purpose of their trip visit their very good friends
who are not picture but their handsome K9 Yogi was eager to be photographed...

If any of you are familiar with the Dog shows from several years ago, you might be interested to know Yogi is the grandson of Sammy Sousa an award winning Pembroke Welsh Corgi. Yogi is owned by the couple that Mom and Dad went to visit on their vacation. Mom told me Yogi plays soccer like a champ, he knows a ton of commands and tricks but most of all his best accomplishment is being the best pet ever to his humans. Needless to say, Mom and Dad had a great vacation, lots of good food and fun with their very good friends.