My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Coming soon.......

Thanks to my friends Sammy and Andy at Meowsville for sharing this picture.
You've seen it before;however, I thought it was appropriate for today's announcement.
am pleased to announce that I have decided to become a career girl. I will be opening my first boutique called 'MADISON' . For those of you who don't know Madison is my full name....
I'm considering asking Sammy, Andy and their mom if they would like to place some of their lovely hats on display in my display windows.

The other day Mom stopped by to check on the progress and take some pictures.
(If you look closely in both of these pictures of my store front, you will once again see Mom's reflection and Goldie aka Mom's wheels.)

and here she is again right under the word 'value'. I see demerits are in line for Mr. Signmaker. There is a misspelled word...we all know
'perfect' should be spelled 'purrfect'.

I've been interviewing different bands to play at the opening of the boutique in late summer.
I decided to hire 'Cat Banjo', they also own the little jewelry shop next door.

Keep watching the news for the date of my grand opening party.....


  1. Hi Madi,

    That is so cool, I never knew you were an entrepurrreneur! I'm not sure about the clothing since I already have a fur coat but accessories sound exciting. Maybe fancy collars and hats like yours. Gifts is fun too, I would love to give my mom a mouse but I'm not allowed to catch one for her. Maybe you will have some for sale?

    Cindi Lou

  2. MAdi
    Very cool!! who new you were the great business girl and a Diva??? Congrats!!


  3. Will we be invited to your opening pawty?? How very cool that you are now a Cat-reer woman!!

  4. Congratulations, Madi! I know you'll be a success at anything you decide you feel like doing, when you feel like doing it and not a moment before.

    lotsa licks, Lola

  5. Hi Madi, we wish you every success in your new career.
    We just know you will be successful.
    Your blog looks very nice - you have a new look!
    love and kisses
    Martha and Bailey xxx

  6. WOW! I am so excited for you Madi!

  7. Madi,

    This is wonderful and exciting news! Is you going to hire your mom to helps you with your new business adventure? ;) I hopes you will be having a Grand Opening Celebration, cuz I will be there!

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae

  8. Oh, how very much exciting, Madi! I can't wait for your grand opening. What could be better than cats playing banjos? But why do I gets images of Scarlett O'Hara running her lumber mill when I thinks of you running your store?

    Wiggles & Wags,

  9. This is vurry eggsiting Madi! We can't waits for the openning. Will there be niptinis?

  10. How Exciting!!! You must be so proud Mom!!
    Madi sure is Special :)

  11. What an awesom catreer choice fur you!!

    will your boutique be CATering just to da Kittehs, or can diva dogs shop there too??? (I hopes so!)


    Pees....My mom LOVES your header piktur of da Smokey Mountains.....Da Blue Ridge Parkway in NC is just abouts her favorist place on EARTH!

  12. Sounds like the grand opening is going to be a meowing good time!

  13. Hello Madi Diva Cat!

    Delighted very much indeedy to hear you opening own shoppe.

    Will you sell CAT SUITS?
    Maybe in a range of colours?

    Bonny could do with an outfit, for the Batchelorette pawty!

    Woofs and Rambatious Lickies
    Hector and Bonny too!

  14. Meowza, Madi, you are totally pawsome!!!!!!!!! Your very own shop!!!!!!!!!

    We'd be most honored if you'd put some of our hats in the window!!!!!!! We have scads of them, so it would probably mean you making a trip to San Antonio to pick out the ones you want, Madi!!!!!!!!

    We can't wait for the grand opening!!!!!!!!!!! xxxxxxxxx

  15. Hi Madi and Mom,
    I am so excited for you sweet girl!! And very impressed!! You are going to be successful I know!!!
    XXOO, Bambi & Fern

  16. OH Madi
    The diva entrepreneur!
    How exciting!

    We can't wait for the grand opening!


  17. That is exciting news, beautiful Madi; congratulations and best of luck with your cute shop!...kisses...Calle, Halle, Sukki

  18. I'm confused. Are you really opening a shop?

  19. Will there be any Doggie Couture in your new shop?

  20. WOWZERS Madi! Now you are a career Diva! What next?

  21. Wow Madi we had no idea you were such an entrepreneur. It looks like it is going to be a great place!

  22. That is such exciting news Miss MADIson~!!! Looking forward to the grand opening and you look MEOWVELOUS in your bonnet! We think displaying some will really draw the ladies in!!!

  23. I’ve just popped in to say I have given you an award, Its ok if you don’t want to except it, cus it might not be your kinder thing or you might already have it, and it comes with some conditions, the reason you have got it is you are one of my recently discovered blogs and think your blog is fantastic. I have put a link from my blog to your blog on the post”Awards from my furiends”. Pop over to me blog and see if you would like it. It’s the one with the butterfly on.
    See Yea George xxx

  24. miss madi,
    how super duper cool that you are opening your very own boutique!! you sure are full of the talents -- being a diva...bloggin'...and now running your own store! are you gonna wear that pretty hat to the grand opening?
    the booker man

  25. We can't wait til your shop opens!! It will be a huge hit!!

  26. Sounds pawesome, Madi!
    I am sure it is going to be a success!
    Kissses and hugs

  27. Wow,this is very exciting!!! Congratulations!! LOVE that hat, by the way.

    Your pal, Pip

  28. Madi--I am late checking in tonight but I am so glad I did! This is big news! LOVE that hat on you, darling!


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi