My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Saturday, February 18, 2023

Saturday Symmetry

This home is on one of my *EMW' much symmetry.
It was recently painted.  I cannot remember the previous colors.
These are perfect.
(*early morning walks)


Friday, February 17, 2023

Nature and Feline Friday

    Nature Friday host LLB Gang   Click here Hostess Miss Mimi 


I don't have a clue what I did, whatever it was it was not on purpose.

 Both of the photos were taken at Lead Mine Lake

in order of appearance with my digital camera

At first I thought about deleting...but the more I looked at it the 

better I liked it.

No real Felines today.  I saw these at  Logan's, they really caught my attention
One might be coming home with me soon.

Thursday, February 16, 2023

Thoroughly Poetic Thursday#106

 Today is Poetic Thursday hosted by our pals Teddy and Angel Sammy 

Here is today's inspiration

 Don't Stir the Pot
Ode To *Annie Ma
aka my *maternal Grandmother.
Becky the first Grandchild could not say Gr, thus Grandma was Annie Ma 
She raise seven children
Lots of mouths to feed she was an excellent cook.
But no time to teach, they could just look.
I'm told back then she ran her kitchen like a first Sargent.

As the grandchildren arrived, she had more time.
My cousin, Carol  and I stayed with her after school
Annie Ma's  kitchen, her rules.
Her most requested meal was
homemade chicken pastry aka dumplings.
It was a work of art
Making the dough and rolling it
She cut it in to long pieces.
She would hang the pieces over her arm as she walked to the stove.
Each piece carefully placed into simmering pot of chicken stock.
Once they were all in, they cooked slowly.
NO STIRRING she said.  
She turned down the heat to the pot. 
She needed to leave the kitchen.
She instructed us to watch the pot 
DO NOT STIR it will break the dough.
Carol was older and 'knew it all'... she decided she was going to STIR
 Every  single piece of dough was broken in bits and pieces.
My Mind's Eye remembers the look on Annie Ma's face. It was just like the lady in the today's photo. 
Side note:
There was always a rolling pin near by.  I don't recall that she 
shook it at Carol but she probably wanted to bop her on the head.

Below is Annie Ma and Papa (her husband)
Probably taken in the 1930's. 
Papa passed away in the early 1940's.

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Wordless Wednesday: February the month of Love


Thanks to our 

Hostess Sandee at Comedy Plus 

Madi's guy Raz took her on many wonderful adventures.  Here is a collage of a few of the wonderful places Raz took Madi.

Madi enjoyed many. many LOVE(ly) outings with her Best Guy Raz.

This is a Memory Collage of our some of our dates. 
He even took me on a trip out of this word and we had space suits.  

Description of Madi using the letters of 

Lush charcoal gray furs  (many thought she was black)
One and only Diva
Very much loved 
Eternally in our hearts

Thank you all for your very kind and warm anniversary wishes yesterday...We enjoyed our lunch at Seaboard Café.  Gorgeous day we sat on the patio IN FEBRUARY!!  Rick the owner gave us a huge Chocolate chip cookie for deSSert.

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Happy 53rd Anniversary

Thank you to our 

 Hostess Sandee at Comedy Plus

Our original date was 2/7/70....Bryan was in the Marine Reserves at the time. The powers that be would not give us a date in Feb. 1970 for the weekend drill so we selected 2/7 as our wedding date.
Lo and behold just days before I was going to mail our wedding invitations to the printer, MC told him the drill was set for 2/7. We moved our date to 2/14....great day to get married.

My Furry Nephews and their Peeps sent lots furry love too

Monday, February 13, 2023

Awww Monday and Sparks


 Thank you to our   

Host Comedy Plus 


My feline Nephews...took a stroll thru the house before long it will be TIME to take a stroll out of doors on their leashes.

They had a spring in their step and I love their adorable cat tails.




Sunday, February 12, 2023

Full moon rising

...over our cul-de-sac
these was taken February 4, 2023,  5:45 pm from my driveway looking toward my friend's house.  I sent it to her too.  She was busy in the house had no idea what a splendid moon we had.
My  iPhone camera takes amazing photos.