My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Saturday, April 9, 2022

Saturday Symmetry Shadows

This home is two doors down from me on the opposite side of the street. I see it coming and going  seven days a week.  However, last week as I waited to cross over to the side walk, the home caught my mind's eye for so many reasons.

Friday, April 8, 2022

Feline and Nature Friday

Nature Friday host LLB Gang  and Feline Friday  host Comedy Plus


  Naoise is ~3 years old.  She was surrendered to the local animal shelter. It is obvious by her sweet nature she was a beloved and treasured pet...which speaks volumes for her first home.

*SHE (*Tobi human to Dui and Roxy) has a friend who volunteers at the shelter. He told *HER about the sweetest cat in the world who needed a new home. 

  *She wasn't sure how Dui and Roxy would react to a feline sibling.  Surprise surprise you can teach two senior K9s new tricks... They are a dynamic and entertaining trio to HER
Welcome Naoise you have won the devotion of HER, Dui and Roxy.
All 4 of you are lucky to have found each other.


Nature Friday today I'd like to share #3 of the 5 (yes 5) seasons we have in North Carolina.  2022 started with 
#1. Winter 
#2. Spring
#3. Pollen
#4. Summer
#5. Fall

POLLEN ( aka EYDD, evil yellow dust of the devil) Started early last week.  The last photo was taken in the morning on Friday, April 1st.
Thursday March 31 we had 1.1" of rain.  It washed of the pollen that fell earlier in the week.  Never fear EYDD returned we had a new layer on the cars.
I have to use the leaf blower to blow off the porches several times a day so we don't track the EYDD into the house. EYDD season usually lasts about 3 to 4 weeks.  The absolute worst is the pine pollen. We can see it lurking and stalking us just waiting til it is purrfectly ripe and ready to fall.
Saturday April 2 the top of our CR-V which is now has yellow polka dots

Thursday, April 7, 2022

Thoroughly Poetic Thursday #64


Angel Sammy and Teddy find such inspiring photos for us

Here is today's inspiration

When I was about six
my younger cousins Mike and Rick
lived in the 'sticks'.
Their mom called us
she said come quick.

My dad announced we're going to see
 Mike and Rick
They have a surprise.
I was excited because I like

After furever, we arrived at their house!
Mike and Rick tugged at my door.
Come on we have something to show you.

I saw a tiny critter, out standing in the field behind their house.
As we got closer, I squealed you have a baby horse.
They quickly said NO it is a
Shetland Pony.
They quickly told me how much fun it is to ride.
They asked do you want to give it a try?
My uncle saddled. 
He gave me a boost up on to the pony.
He walked beside me for a while guiding the pony.
All of a sudden that pony turned in to a bronco. 
He ran toward the apple trees 
of me 
he wanted to be 


Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Happy Tuesday Things!!

  Hostess Sandee at Comedy Plus  

Two HAPPY Tuesday Photos

Light and Timing are the best friends you can have when taking photos.

Light and timing


I was in the right place at the right time and it was a very HAPPY.  I spotted what I knew was a very exotic car ahead.  I had no idea it was a Lamborghini.  I am not a 'gear' head but I do appreciate beauty.

Last but not least the staff of my roving feline fhotographer, Katie Isabella 
saw this very pretty A5 Audi.  The license plate is The Bat
and above the Audi rings is Batman

Monday, April 4, 2022

Awww Monday and Sparks


 Thank you to our   

Host Comedy Plus  

On Awww Monday, I  thought you all might like to see a photo of Rick, the owner of Seaboard Café.  This is his Corgi.
This quote is 100% true of Rick, his staff and of course our pets!
The quote, by Eleanor Roosevelt, is today's 

Sunday, April 3, 2022

Just because photos

A wee peep at the roof line of St. David's Church in Raleigh

Our dogwood beside our driveway

Red Maple in our front yard