Today's Steeple Sunday is dedicated to my dear friend
Anya, her two beautiful daughters and her handsome cat
Kareltje (pictured below)
Memory of Wilfred
their beloved husband and Dad.
Yesterday I was sadden to read that
Wilfred, passed away on October 14, 2010, after a 4.5 month struggle to overcome a massive heart. Wilfred left this world too young. I did not know Wilfred; however, in getting to know Anya over this last year, I learned he was her blog's #1 fan. He so enjoyed the beautiful poetry she wrote. He marveled at her ability to create such funny and original blog posts, as did I. Wilfred enjoyed the beautiful pictures she took of Kareltje and their beautiful country, The Netherlands. Wilfred and Kareltje shared a special male bond in a home full of beautiful women. Since Anya always enjoyed my Steeple Sunday post, today seemed to be a fitting time to dedicate it to Anya and her family.
Anya and family this is for you.
With love
Madi and Mom
Benson Memorial United Methodist Church
Look what we found another beautiful church not all that far from home..but nestled up on a hill
on the side of the road we rarely travel. However, on this beautiful fall Saturday we took The Road not Taken (thank you Mr. Frost) it made all the difference. We found Benson Memorial United Methodist Church. This very pretty and sturdy sign is all that you can see from street level. Hubby and I were quite surprised to find a beautiful church that rambles on and on up on the hill.

Methodist Churches don't have steeples but they have some very beautiful crosses.....
and beautiful architecture.

I love the cross below and the red design ....

Don't you just love these double front doors notice the trees reflecting in the crosses.
Once again very beautiful glass crosses on the door.

The lovely covered breeze way connects the Sancutary to other parts of the church

From this angle the church almost resembles a home.

The only information I could find online was this church is listed as a private company
categorized under churches located in Raleigh. Records indicated it was established in 1964.
This is the first time in my steeple chases I have seen this type of information.