My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Saturday, February 17, 2018

Caturday Art

If it is Saturday, we are having fun with 

Mom used:
LunaPic, Effect, Photo Spread

Here is the original.  FYI:  I was sleeping soundly on the love seat on top of 
Mom's back pillow and she did not even make me get off her pillow...
FYI #2 Mom is a Keeper!

I call this the Diva and the Pillow instead of the Princess and the Pea

Friday, February 16, 2018

She caught me....

Every morning after Dad gets out of the shower I like to have a walk about
and Mom didn't know until
I was betrayed by Dad....documentation to follow.

 My shower caper was ruined now for a Quick escape.

FYI:  pardon that squeak at the end

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Thoroughly Poetic Pictorial Thursday

Today we join Two  SPOILED CAT 
Angel Sammy and Teddy for their poetic pictorial poem.

Once again we thank Angel Sammy for selecting a picture
that has inspired us.

Moon Stories
by Madi and Mom 
The year was '69 way before my time.
News of a trip to the moon was all the buzz
Way back then mom was not mom but she was a worker
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace at NC State occupied her time.
She told me all the peeps there were very excited.
Work came to a halt the moon walk was at fault.

Fast Foward

The year is now 2014, Blogville was in the midst of matching making theme.
This kitty was ready and willing to join in the fun
I  threw my name in the hat and waited for my man cat
Lo and behold a purrfect match was found and that was that.
His name was Raz and OMC he was full of charm.
This lady cat quickly grabbed his arm.
Our third date was out of this world.
 A trip to the Space Station was what he proposed.  
I was alarmed but he said no worries you will come to no harm.
Raz bought us matching Space Suits and we were so cute.
Off to the Space Station we went.
My head was spinning  when I saw the stars
I sang like a loon at the man in the moon 
Filled we glee we were free to float with ease just 
Raz and Me
Sincerely Space Cadet Madi


Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Creative Critter Couture in Par-ee

We are coming to you from the Fashion Capital of the world  and City of Love Par-ee
What a fun time we have planned

Our runway/catwalk pawticipants are from all over Blogville
All commentary was carefully crafted by M.C. Fifi...she maybe contacted at 

Everyone get comfy, turn your cell phones off and get ready to clap we have
36 extremely gawgeous pawticipants in today's fashion show

Fifi the French Poodle, our Mistress of Ceremonies will be providing commentary today.

Rosy SassyPants and Diva Madi playing during the lighting and sound check

Blogville's Mayor Arty swaggers down the red carpeted runway looking
so very dapper and debonair... Ladies no drooling

Jakey our resident artist showing he has an eye for color and cr8tivity!!
Arty the other guys will be 'green' with envy when they see you.
 Rosy, one of blogville's youngest, is radiant in  red
and already knows how to work the crowds.  Look at that
Sassy pose.

Every girl luvs a guy in uniform...OMCs Sir Bertie of Scotland
 looking very distinguished in his Royal Highland Fusiliers
formal attire.  Quite frankly this kitty's heart is aflutter

Madi was was honored when YAM-aunty, from Scotland, asked if she could walk down the
runway with Madi... YAM-Aunty orange is definitely YOUR color.
You ladies are breathtaking.

Kansas Krew is up next

Ohhh do you hear the whistles and applause for the quite glamorus
Misty in her Midnight Magic blue.  She even dyed her furs to match her frock

As soon as debonair, James "Lightning" Bond steps onto the runway, the gals are Woo'd
he we need smelling salts over on runway left.

Timber looks H O T in this Lumberjack formal wear for boys
Timber you might be Siberian by birth but OH boy I think you look
superb in your Scottish red plaid
Lumberjack is really the name of this suit

The Legacy Chronicles from  TEXAS are in the house
Jessie is about to.... two step onto the runway in her Texas Blue Bellbonnet gown.
Ladies just so you know I've got eyes in the sky and anyone messes with
my handsome Stanley will have their ears BOXED by me.

Pigeon the feline looking quite fetching in black with glorious red locks

Casey Big Brudder to Jessie and Pigeon is sure to set some hearts on fire 
with his cowboy swagger

(Allie,Jessie and Pigeon, we apologize if the print on your commentary is itty bitty.  We have enlarged it and saved it 87 times it keeps getting small again)

Florida Furkids
Alluring Allie sashaying in Tropical formal wear
shades of green.

My handsome guy RAZ looking poised and purrfect in
Mediterranean blue casual suit

Ruby from So Cal
Just sashayed down the runway striking her most AireZEN pose for you know who
Ruby is anything but subtle...

Okay Ladies the Doodz from Utah are about to to strut their stuff...
stay in your sits and no touchie feelie especially to Murphy.

Murphy is bouncing in with the latest afternoon Tennis Togs
Wilson, well, is just Wilson

Stanley swaggering on in with his new sheriff in town look
He plans to 'LICK' crime with kindness

Dearest Princess Leah from London looks precious in pink and quite continental.
The buttie pillars think the posies on her lovely frock are real.
I'm sure Chester's tummy will be full of buttie pillars and his heart a flutter.

Our favorite flower Dai$y from Trout Towne
models a flowing black dress with her signature Dai$y print

Let the fun begin Xena and Lucy are about to take the runway

Lovely Lucy in a flowing Lavender frock...she is quite accessorized with 
matching hair too

Xena is Lucy puppy sister..  this is  Xena's first runway trip but she has won
the hearts of the crowd in her darling daisy frock

Riding in on his motorcycle, without a fur out of place, is our fine looking Frenchman Da Phenny
D.P. is sporting a finely cut French formal suit.  Ladies Phenny will sign
autographs after the show

From Massachusetts
Emmy's looks very elegant.  The beaded bodice and taffeta skirt highlights her
Tuxie furs.

The Huggy Puggies from
Idaho Pug Ranch
Hazel glides across the runway with such style in her ruby dress with
lace bodice and flowing skirt.  Hazel that is a purrfect style neckline for you too.

 Mabel is every bit as agile on the runway as she is competing.
Her above the knee red C-thru skirt with white lace underskirt suits her carefree style.
I think she could even run here agility course in this.

Just in from Canada Zaphod, Hailey and their cousin Emma
Phod strolls down the runway with such confidence and poise.
His choice of the pastel formal tie and hankie are spot on!!
Phod is a heart stopper in this morning jacket

Hailey's emerald green dress with delicate pleats  and fitted waist
are accentuated by her cooper eyes...Her heart belongs to Da Phenny

Cousin Emma's black floral print with emerald highlights and ruffles
is perfect with her beautiful black and white furs.

Ohhh we are about to celebrate two events Christmas and Valentine's Day.  Next up
Christmas the Dachshund confidently strutting his handsome self in none other than
Christmas Formal wear.   

Teddy from One spoiled cat 
Swaggers down the runway in this most dapper formal suit. 
This gingermancat will make lots of itty bitty kitty hearts skip a beat when
they see this gold vest which accentuates his gingerness

Next up two friends from Norway
Ms Oswin the kitty and Brom, the beloved teddy of their human. 
Ms Oswin the most furublous kitty from Norway looks  fabulous in her
very own furs. She requested that she sashay in furs and a tiara.
You go girlfriend 

Brom is over 40 years old and a much beloved teddy bear who has been well loved by Mara.
Mara said Brom isn't fussy and would love being dressed up.

I, Madi(son) D. Cat thank you all for pawticipating and I give my cohosts
Mayor Arty, Jakey and Rosy SassyPants a big kitty kiss.

I Mom aka TOGM aka Cecilia would like to add my sincere thanks to all for attending.
I had so much fun dressing everyone up to the 9's.  I dressed myself and shock, shock not in red.
I can honestly say if I were selecting a formal this would be my choice and my 2nd favorite color.
I fell in love with this dress and now I want it.  LOL

Remember this is a blog hop and you must click here to see all the 

Postcards from Paris
Jakey I heard from everybuddy what a great art teacher you are and how much fun they had in your postcard class!!

Here is a sneak peep of mine and Raz's

Mom here:  In April 1968 I took a 3 week trip to Europe
I spent 2 days in Paris. 
My mom wast deathly afraid of heights.  When I was 12 my parents and I  went to the top of the Empire State Building.  It had a 10' fence with barbed wire at the top.   My mom held onto my shirt so tight she nearly choked me.  I kept telling her I wasn't going to jump.  I was not afraid of heights at ages 12 or 19 but I am now.  Must have gotten that from her.   If I had written a post card to my parents (especially my mom),  I this is what I would have said.  
I found my photos of Paris yesterday (2/13/18).
 Madi is saying it instead. Yep I climbed all the way to the top  as the sun was rising.

February 14, 1970

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Before we leave for Paris...

We leave on the red eye tonight.  I hope you are resting up and your bags are packed along with a big dose of confidence.....

Fifi our Mistress of Ceremonies has afew tips on a successful runway experience.


Runway do's and don'ts

Fifi said to be sure to Have Fun 

Rosy and I did our best imitations of the lovely Audrey Hepburn

Always step toe, heel if you are feeling really confident you can
spin on the ball of your foot, kinda like to a stepping on a cigarette

If you are wearing stilts, remember rule # 7 be confident

Ladies once you reach the end of the runway no stopping but 
sharp quick turns.  These are tricky so study the diagram

Guys when you reach the end of the runway you need to do some turns to 
but they can be manly if you study these photos

and the same can be said for you guyz...what is impawant whether casual or formal wear is the man wearing it.

Once it is all over grab a pillow and take a cat nap.

Sincerely Fifi the French Poodle