Madi's Dad decided today was the day to bring the outside inside to
(translated...lets see if we can drive the Cat Crazy).
He comes running in the house, 'get the camera ready...where is Madi',
Well it is the middle of a cloudy Saturday afternoon, I say, I expect she is napping.
'M A D I', he bellows, come here.
The Diva thinks it is feeding time at the Zoo she comes
running...little does she know....
has decided it is time for her to meet her first
We (I'm in on the trick, this is fun) think she will be see Madi isn't happy
when her environment is changed even the smallest change.
the outside world smelling high
then again smelling low
and finally giving it the Madi seal of approval she
sits down beside it never once blinking a laser eye....

The Joke is on us
Madi likes pumpkins or maybe just the new smells.
Once again Madi showed us who is the is the boss of the house
STAR: Madi 'Diva' Cat
Producer/Director: Dad
Cameralady: Mom