My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Madi: Friends, fun, puppies and festivals

Well Mom is pretty excited she had great Saturday (not at home with me) but out
meeting new people and seeing new things. I know all of you know Riley and Star the famous dancing Maltese pups...well let me introduce you to their human brother Jason and his wife Haruka Oatis below with my mom right there in the middle. Jason and Haruka have an organice farm, Edible Earthscape in Pittsboro, NC. On Saturday mornings they come to Raleigh to sale their

lovely produce at the North Hills Farermer's Market. Mom went over today to meet them. She told me they were a very nice and hospitable young couple. She enjoyed talking to Haruka about her edible flowers...which sound very delicious.

The weather was gorgeous today so the market was busy. Below is a view of their produce stand. Mom had to snap this picture in between customers.

There was live music playing on the green...some of the uninhibited children were jamming

Another view of the produce stands

Who knew puppies liked coffee...evidently they do

or that puppies shop for produce

Mom said she really wanted to get in the moon walk below @ Logan's Trading Company but the door was to short.
Duh Mom it was for kids not Moms

While out and about she saw this beautiful pink and white balloon arch

which marked the start of a 3 mile run/walk for the CURE for Breast Cancer

Mom said she stopped at this intersection as the Race for the CURE participants crossed the finish line. NOTICE the beautiful Golden Retriever walking for the CURE too.
Mom estimated she waited at this light for nearly 10 minutes as folks just kept coming by...she only saw one puppy

So that is how Mom spent her Saturday away from home...I'm not really mad because I took a very long nap. Madi


  1. Hi,
    We noticed your post on the Kitty Crew's bloggie, and liked your comment about how we cats know how to relax. Our mom thinks so too, and even made up a plaque about it:

    (No, that's not a sales pitch--she just thought you'd like to see that you are not alone in your sentiments.)

    We iss now following your bloggie--you have a nice kitty--she is very pretty.

    Buh-bye for now...
    Tigger, Patches, Jigsaw and Munchkin

  2. Hi Mom & Madi
    Its a very lovely post
    and nice to see your Mom madi ;)))))
    The festival was fantastic I can see that!!
    My mommy loves also festivals ...
    Its great that you have a wonderful day
    you deserve it Mom ;)))
    We love all your pictures !!

    hugs love
    Kareltje =^.^=

    Anya :)

  3. Hi there Madi and Mom! I almost forgot what Mom looked like. Nice to SEE you again lol. Love those kind of markets! They are fun places to go to! And glad you got a nice log uninterrupted sleep Madi.

  4. Looks like a fun filled day!!!

  5. Jack thinks that ALL flowers are edible - or at least put-in-your-mouth-able! I hope you got lots of good things to eat at the farmer's market so you can have some this winter when it (hopefully) turns colder!

    Great pictures!!

  6. Neat pictures! Hey, I saw Madi's mom! I did, I really did!

  7. Madi, Mom looks pretty in pink! Perfect for the race!! Looks like it was such a pretty day there!

    Your Mom and goldens! I'd be worried about a new addition to your family one of these days! Like a big fluff ball of golden fur!! LOL

    Cyber Chin Scratch!
    Raider's Mom

  8. Hi, Madi!
    Now I know your beautiful Mom!
    Sure she had a pawesome day!
    Sounds very interesting!
    Kisses and hugs

  9. Hi Madi!
    It sounds like your mom hsd s lot of fun, it also sounds like you had a nice nap.

  10. Wow!! People watching, meeting new friends...Sounds like your Mama had a blast on Saturday!! It rained all day here, so we just snuggled in and Mommy worked on churchy stuff!


  11. Hay Cecilia,
    Lookin good!! We (Tom & I) love farners markets. We try very hard to eat only organic food and that is where a lot of the stuff comes from. Glad you had a good day Saturday.
    Love Ya, Fern
    P. S. left a message on my blog for u

  12. Wow!!! Looks like mom had an excellent time and the weather looked gorgeous!!! Our mom would have wanted to jump in the jumpin'gym <--- that's what our little bean calls them, too!!!

  13. Wow it sounds like your mom had a great Saturday. Even the waiting at the light seems like it was worth it because she was waiting for a good cause!

  14. Hi there Mom and Madi!
    * wavin paws *
    Now that was a festival! We have farmers markets here (which Momma loves to go to) but they are only vegetable stands held in tin buildings in a furry old part of town. But Momma loves the produce, so she and Dad go at least once a month. I think she would like going to the one your Mom went to.


  15. What nice photos! And I think the puppies were lucky--and Tommy says she wants some of that produce.....does it come with 'nip?



Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi