My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Saturday, December 15, 2018

Saturday stroll and 9th Day

.... before Christmas I give to each of you...

As I mentioned yesterday, we took a road trip looking for a little Nature for Friday photos which I posted yesterday.  

Today I'd like to share some inside photos at the Yates Mill Welcome Center.
We were greeted by this delightful sculptured Heron balancing on a rock with tinsel bling

This whimsically decorated tree which covered about every theme 
you could imagine including nature.
Fish ornaments and birds

This section of a tree explaining the 

the info on either side was too small for a good picture
In part it tells visitors the tree rings were counted many times.  It was between 170-192 years
old when cut down due to the danger of it falling on visitors to Mordecai Historic Park.

 I chuckled at the red tail hawk wearing a red Santa hat.
 I was quite surprised to learn we have Kingfishers (one wearing a Santa hat) in Raleigh
Every species on display is found in Wake County
Red nosed deer with antlers decorated in tinsel
 Carved duck decoys and this beautiful painting of many of the species of plants,
flowers, birds, butterflies and reptiles we have.

Friday, December 14, 2018

Nature Friday and 10th Day Before...

WE took a road trip ~12 miles from home~ on Monday December 3.
(5 miles from hustling bustling Downtown Raleigh)
My dear husband is always on the look out for interesting locations to visit 
for my blog!!  Madi was my Dear Hubby is my Driver and Inspiration

Yates Mill is quite historic and  as you can see from the plaques below.

Click HERE to read about it

Now for those who are lovers of water falls and lakes...
wordless water photos

Just a few days after we took the above pictures when it was 69 degrees
Mother Nature left her calling card: 9" of snow

Taken 7 am on December 9th

Taken at noon on December 13

 10th Day before Christmas I give to each of you.....

Click here for 11 Snowmen

Thursday, December 13, 2018

Thoroughly Poetic Pictorial Thursday #54 11th Day B4

Today we join Two  SPOILED CATS 
Angel Sammy and Teddy for their poetic pictorial poem.

Here is today's inspiration


The crowds are large
at the Malls
Everyone feels the urge to barge
at the Malls
No one waits for their turn to merge
at the Malls
I avoid crowds, winter, spring, summer and fall
at the Malls.

On The 11th day before Christmas
my true love gave to me

11 Happy Snow Men  plus hiding angel

A little snow humor (true).  As I have mentioned many times, I was raised with K9's.
Everyone in my family had dogs.  My mother was the baby of 7 children.  Most of my cousins were several years older.  .  All my life I heard a funny story about
Marion (who was 11 years older than me), and one  Annie Ma's dogs (before me).  It came to live with my grandparents shortly after WWII ended.  They named it WarBond.
The story told on Marion was that when she was 4 or 5 she was in the habit of going
to the back door to check on the critters and the weather. I was told she would say
"Are it snowing out there WarBond". As far as I know WarBond never answered.

Click below for

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

On the 12th Day and Word(less) Wednesday

before Christmas I give to each of you...

12 Twerking Cats

Stay tuned there are 11 more fun days to follow with this
Christmas Theme!!!!
Hugs Cecilia

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Cat Tale and Secret Lives of Letters: E and F

CAT   TA(i)L(e)
Our friends in the NC mountains adopted a stray kitten about 2 years ago.   He is neutered and has all his shots.   He is about 1/4 Feral hates inside but otherwise loves people.  The has a house in their garage with a nice bed.  HOWEVER, the snow NC had on Sunday blew his mind.
He has never seen this much snow 14 1/2"

November Reader's Digest and I happened upon this article, 
"The Secret Lives of Letters", by Brooke Nelson.  Mr. Nelson says letters may be small characters, but there are amazing stories behind all 26 alphabet all-stars.
C and D can be found by clicking here
I will be sharing all 26 stories with you.

Mother Nature had a do over at our house yesterday..we received 2" more snow.  Total 9" in 36 hours.
Just amazing for NC
I'm ready for Mother Nature to move to another zip code.

Monday, December 10, 2018


are all about spreading cheer and positive vibes via quotes.

 Christmas SPARKS every Monday thru December

 No wreath this year but lots of

2018 is the first year in 8 years that I didn't sign up for the 
Gift or Card exchange.  It just didn't seem right w/o my Diva.
If you are collecting ecards or snail mail cards,
please feel free to copy this it is my Greeting to you all

Oh Joy
Official snow fall yesterday was 7" and it broke some snow fall
records for being in December and the amount.
We have power but in BREAKING is snowing again
and they say another 2".  Last night they said a dusting

Sunday, December 9, 2018

Snippets on Sunday

I snapped the picture of the Anhinga at Yates Mill.  It was a very pretty day in the 60's gentle breeze.  Hootin' Anni says this is a Cormorant.  We had no idea but it is my first sighting if it is.  He appeared to be preening...then he opened his wings as if to fly but he just stood there letting the breeze blow.

In case I am MIA just wanted you to know the weather geeks here are predicting
the next Ice Age to arrive here startin late last night into all day Sunday 
on into Monday.   We sit on the cusp of the line that could be several inches of snow or 
worse freezing rain and sleet.  Saturday my friend in FL told me she saw power trucks heading north up I95 so they arrive ahead of the storm.
Hopefully power will remain on because we are 100% certain it it gonna be cold and damp.  Just not sure of the form of damp.

We awoke to a winter wonderland....about 4" on the ground still snowing
looks like NO freezing rain or sleet for us.

11 am our power has blinked on an off several times...We might disappear...