My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Friday, May 31, 2024

Feline, Nature and FFF

  Nature Friday host LLB Gang   Click here Hostess Miss Mimi 

Nature at Logan's

 and to visit YAM's blog

Feline and FFF Flash back
May 2017 
Madi's Ode to Yeow catnip fish

This cat's meow 
is revvved up a notch by YeoWWW!
WHAT ????your meow is just now
hearing of YeoWWW?
YeoWWW comes in all shapes
 A cigar, a carrot, a 'nanner and a sardine my mates.
My favorite is not the cigar
it is a tin of sardines by far. 
Yes a tin I did say,
The organic nip tickles my nose, 
it gives my eyes a scary glare.
As it reaches my brain,
into a trance I will remain.
Often I'm asked, "Madi what is your heart's desire",
My reply without a thought is a loud and a proud
YeoWWW! please sir/ma'am with it I am 'down'!!.

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Thoroughly thankful and Poetic Thursday #167

 Thankful Thursday hosted by 


Kit, David, Kat, Rocky and Auntie HiC

 thank you all for your very kind comments yesterday

'Remembering Pup'.  Pup lived his best life full of love in the Georgia Mountains.

Kit read all your comments and left you a comment.


  Poetic Thursday hosted by our pals Teddy and Angel Sammy 

Here is our challenge for today

I wrote this as if I was the first gal on the left.

Dear me calgon take me away

Another day of graphs and charts

You lost me when you flipped the paper

Doug beside me is snoring, I feel bad for his wife

Right next to him Garth is doodling

Emily is counting the ceiling tiles

All of us are bored and da Boss is oblivious

My mind's eye would rather watch paint dry

If da boss takes a breath, I will ask where is the loo

Nick the boss better not pick me to give a recap

Good googly gook I wish I had a book

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Remembering Angel Pup....


Thank you to our Hostess

Dearest Auntie HiC....
Mom & Dad specifically reserved campsites at the opposite end of the campground from where we were last year when our sweet Pup passed away in his sleep a year ago today, 
May 29, 2023.

Yesterday, they finally decided it was time to walk to that end of the campground.
Someone was camping in our old site, & the couple & their dog were sitting outside. Mom smiled, with tears behind her sunglasses, & intended to walk on by, but she made direct eye contact with the beautiful pup, & had to go talk to the people. Of course she was sobbing by then, & she told them about Pup. Well, the lady, Andrea, started crying too, while D & the other man just looked at each other.
Andrea & hubby were kind, caring & compassionate. I loved all over Remington (maybe Australian Shepherd mix), & the tears turned into a smile.  I still believe most people in the world are good, regardless of what we hear or read in the news.
Remembering our sweet Pup❣️
Always in our hearts❣️ 
Lovingly your Feline Nephews 
Kat and Rocky 

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Happy Tuesday with Kat and Reminder FFF


Thank you to our 

Hostess Sandee at Comedy Plus 

I’m not sure why, but Mom has a difficult time getting me comfortable in her lap. I’m sure it has nothing to do with my “chonkiness”!

She’s become feeble & weak in her old age, 😹 but she grunts & hoists me up the best she can.

I’m really not as miserable as I appear. If it makes her happy, I’ll endure the awkwardness for a while. 😹

P.S. Auntie HiC

I would like to point out that Dad has no trouble holding me on his lap. Maybe Mom’s a bit chonky too, and it’s not just my handsome, fluffy self taking up all the lap space.

❤️ Kat

Dearest Nephew Kat.  OMCs you are, indeed, an arm full of fluffy, fine, handsome man cat.  It is very kind of you to endure the awkwardness.  Mom appears to be A-OK and quite thrilled and is managing fine; however, I am not there to hear her groaning. 
Thank you for these precious photos of you and your lovely mom.
Lovingly Auntie HiC


Please click here for rulz and to visit YAM's blog

May 31, 2024

Monday, May 27, 2024

Awww Monday Mews from the Nephews on Memorial Day

We thank our Hostess Sandee at Comedy Plus
Seeing Old Glory waving in the wind is always an Awww Moment

Dearest Auntie HiC
We are especially thankful for all the first responders always.

Someone needs to call Smokey the Bear because we have a forest fire in the area.

Top picture is clear day, bottom shows current conditions. You can barely see the outline of mountain.
Needless to say we have air quality alerts & the peeps have curtailed all hiking activities until conditions improve.

It looks pretty eerie around here. 

We’ll keep y’all posted! 

❤️ Kat & Rocky 

Dearest Nephews
Auntie is so sorry about the fires in the beautiful San Juan mountains.  She sends all her sincere appreciation to the brave fire fighters on this Memorial Day..  

Saturday, May 25th, they moved to another campsite across the river...
No more smoke or alerts over there.

Sunday, May 26, 2024

Easy Sunday

EMW bunny sighting...can you find him/her?

In case you are wondering, several years ago I took the header photo of the Eagle.
It was painted on what looked like driftwood.
It was the first thing anyone could see when they entered the building.
I knew I had it saved.  I was very happy to find it.