Mistaya, is a darling puppy from Montana...she loves to run, play, she has a
Sistercat and most of all she loves of M.O.M and M.O.D.
Last week Mistaya was out for her walk one day romping and playing in the snow and the next day it was G O N E
she sent out an urgent plea for help finding it.....
There were many replies and offers to send her some from other places; however, the cost of
postage to mail snow is astronomical.
Lo and Behold (
Jack there is
behold again), Madi covered her eyes in shame, as she confessed to Mistaya that she found Mistaya's snow in
and around our house and neighborhood...right here in the South.
Madi's story is that she must have been sleepwalking
popped up to Montana to visit Mistaya saw all the beautiful snow
and just could not help herself...she 'took' it.

The next few pictures were taken on Feb. 18....13 days after the snow and
sleet event that evidently was all caused by M A D I....
Now we know why it will not melt...it is M O N T A N A Snow!!!

This patch is beside our next door neighbor's driveway

Below is Mom's shadow...me thinksts she had a hand in the
'taking' of Mistaya's snow? What do you think?

The M O N T A N A snow on our roof (which faces north) just will NOT melt.....

This patch by our front steps. Mom tried to lift
it just to see if it was softening she said it is pretty dang heavy....
Silly human trick....

Mistaya....Madi offers you her sincere apologies for 'taking' your snow.
She wants to return it to you; however, after a lengthy conversation with the Postmaster General, she discovered she cannot afford the postage. Her Dad and I agreed to loan her the $$$$ for postage. In return,she has agreed to work as
Madi our M A I D*(see blog post dated 2/18/10 for details) for the foreseeable future.
A win, win situation. Be on the look out for a huge refridgeration truck scheduled to arrive at your front door sometime next week.
Sincerely Madi and Mom