Pickles by Brian Crane
Saturday, September 26, 2020
Friday, September 25, 2020
Final Fiction Feline and Nature Friday
I give you an oldie but goodie form October 5, 2010.
Madi and I were gifted with the Versatile Blogger Award
For those new to My Mind's Eye Blog..the original title was Madi and Mom.
Angel Diva Madi was my Muse...
Madi and I were asked to share little known facts about ourselves
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Madi and Mom say Thank you!!!
1. I'm spoiled (I know that is a surprise)
2. I do not sit in anyone's lap!! Much to the dismay of Mom
(the first family kitty was 100% lap kitty)
3.I talk non stop
4.I was a devil child when the peeps first brought me home.
5. I was lost for 2 hours...not to worry though I knew exactly where I was...
1. I'm proud to say I can drive a stick shift
2. I was Senior Class Marshall in High School
(this means I kept order in the midst of chaos...good training for being Mom
3. When I was about 3 years old I cut my own hair and I cut the hair of
the family Collie, Lady, and Lady's puppies. Luckily no humans or puppies were
4.When I was 5, I was caught in the act of eating a stick of butter.
5.I had a very short career as a Cover Girl
I was on the Easter edition holding baby chicks.
Thursday, September 24, 2020
Thoroughly Poetic Thursday #38
Today we join Two SPOILED CATS
Wednesday, September 23, 2020
Sunday afternoon I walked into the study aka Red Room as Madi called it, I saw this shadow on the carpet. I thought what in the world??!! It looks like a elephant
I looked up at the skylight lo and behold... It was an amazing cloud formation
I rotated the above photo then aimed up at the skylight
Happy Accident
Thursday of last week the remnants of Hurricane Sally left us with 3" of rain (which was a drop in the bucket compared to other areas in NC). Friday and Saturday it was overcast all day. The skylight is still drying off. For those of you who have super duper observation skills the very thin string is part of the skylight shade.
The shade over the skylight stays closed in the summer
In the fall and winter this was one of Madi's favorite napping spots
As the sun moved over the house she followed it until the puddle was gone. Below it is just inches from the wall. She made use of very inch of it until it reached the baseboard
Tuesday, September 22, 2020
Happy Tuesday with Cats and Dogs
Garfield by Jim Davis
Monday, September 21, 2020
Awww Monday and Sparks

The elephant ear plant (Colocasia) provides a bold tropical effect in nearly any landscape setting. In fact, these plants are commonly grown for their large, tropical-looking foliage, which is reminiscent of elephant ears.
This road, Town and Country Road, is curvy, 2 lane speed limit 35. However, the average speed was
45 or more. The powers that be in our city have decided to best way to control speed is to
install 'calming medians' smack in the middle of 2 lane roads in residential areas.
We travel this road every day sometimes multiple times.
There are 3 calming medians on this road.
All have seasonal plantings. The Elephant Ears have thrived as have the Canna Lilies