My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Sunday, September 20, 2020

Mr. P. P. Pumpkin

Hello I am 
Mr. 'Perfect' Peter Pumpkin
I'm residing at Casa U. 
The humans were totally amazed when the found me
they were not looking.  
BUT they said when you find perfection you must seize it.
I decided I wanted to be fancy for my first meeting 

They said I'm the perfect shape, size color, not a dent or scratch on me
and most of all appears my stem is perfectly PERFECT.
Pumpkins in the past have come up short...pun the stem department.
And best of all I was ONLY 
 I was adopted from Wegmans my adoption fee was ONLY
Evidently this is an unheard of price for Perfect Peter Pumpkins
Below is my original Selfie

 Ivy and I were lonely
Muriel Mum adds the purrfect pop of 
Fall Color


  1. Hari OM
    Well, I think you may well have found yourself in your Picture Perfect Place, Mr PP!!! Ready for the season... hugs and skinrubs, YAM-aunty xxx

  2. Well Mr PPP, we are not really into pumpkins here in the UK, but I must say you are rather handsome.

  3. You are beautiful. Love the color of the mums. Happy Sunday.

  4. You are looking totally orangey purrfect!

  5. What a great pumpkin you found. Of course you found it at Wegmans! If I ever decide to move from this area I hope we move somewhere there is a Wegmans.

  6. Blogging pumpkins! Whatever next!!??

  7. you surely are a perfect pumpkin... and Muriel Mums is beatuiful Iris Ivy makes both of you look good and festive and autumn ready

  8. Wowzers! Peter yous is Purrfect! And wes loves yous in all 3 photos, wes could not picks one over the othere.
    Wes do has to asks though...Peter Pumpkin does yous play squash?
    Marv, Jo Jo, Kozzmo, Cinnamon and Angel Nellie

  9. You are a handsome pumpkin. I have a Mrs. Potato head I can introduce you to. :) XO

  10. Very perfect, indeed, especially next to that mum.

  11. This is adorable! I love the header too.

  12. Peter you are really a fine specimen and have the same name as our Dad. Sans the pumpkin part that is

  13. Wow! You have a Wegmans store near you? They're the best! Glad you found the perfect pumpkin there! We'll have to go out tomorrow and try to find some pumpkins and gourds for our Halloween decorating. There are a couple of little farm markets my GW passes on her way to work that she wants to check out. One place has piles of pumpkins of all colors. We also have a few gourds growing in the compost pile in our back yard. Maybe they'll be ready to pick soon! Have fun!

  14. OMD, that is one FABulous pumpkin!!! if it lived around here, it probably would get stolen! BOL!
    Ruby ♥


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi