swashbuckler Pirate Cat.
Cap'n Ripley is the very mysterious feline brother of the famous Mayzie the lovely brindle dog. Mayzie is Cap'n Ripley's translator. Madi does not speak Piratenese and the Cap'n doesn't speak Southernese. When Mayzie told the Cap'n Remington was trying to win Madi's heart with gifts. He ranted, raved and talked of gangplanks and duels and threatened Rem with his 4 sets of very sharp itty bity swords. Rem is a lover not a fighter so he suggested they engage in verbal negotiations rather than physical conflict.
Rem sent the Cap'n a message that he and Madi were FRIENDS only.
Madi was sleeping very soundly during the turmoil, which made her Dad ponder if she even
PeeS I doubt very seriously that Cap'n Ripley knows Rem is a gentle giant.
HARLEY UPDATE: We are happy to report that sweet Harley is home resting comfortably. The bladder catheterization went well, no blockage and no infections. We are hoping July will be a better month for our little buddy. Several years ago he was diagnosed with Irritable Bowel, which complicates just about everything. It was under contorl until early June when he had to be on antibiotics for infected teeth. Then had 3 teeth extracted, more antibiotics after the extraction all of which just totally mess up his system. Not to mention the numberous trips to the vet during June making June a very stressful month. IB and stress make for a very unhappy kitty. We love you to bits Harley!!!