My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Tilted and Plates

Red Japanese Maple color and black and white
I grew up with mostly b&w...I love vibrant colors
however, slowly I'm becoming a black and white fan.

First up Bella, Dui and Roxy and HER spotted this one DownUnder
1.  MOL 62....
makes me wonder if purr chance someone has 62 cats?!
 On NC plate so they either love North Carolina or they are NCSU fans
3. LIVLARGE:  Live Large then directly after it..
4. KEY2LIFE:  Key to Life maybe living large is the Key to Life
5. XOXOGMA4:  Hugs and Kisses Grandma to four
6. GPSY, Gypsy
7. BDPACK1: Bad Pack #1?
8. GOKYBLUE, Go Kentucky Blue for University of Kentucky on NC plate formerly from KY
9. PCEBSTIL:  Peace be Still?
10. SHOFER: Chauffer
11. "SHAKEN": on BMW
12. H2OSports: they like water sports
13. GRO N UP, Grown Up
14. RURALNC: maybe a farmer
15. @HOMEDAD, Stay at home Dad
16. XY - XY - XY: Mom to 3 boys
17. SOLARVU1, Solar View 1
18. WEB4You,  Web designer
19. ADWOMAN, Lady in advertising
20. GRACE07
21. HWY12N.S.  Highway 12 north south?

Friday, April 19, 2019

Nature Friday in the Rawest form

Oh my CATS did I receive a funny email and 2 pictures from my nephews Kat and Pup. 
I decided it would be purrfect for Nature Friday

Hosted by my Niece Rosy, and her 2 brudders Arty and Jakey HERE

Dearest Aunty HiC

Well, I knew it was just a matter of time before Pup did something disgusting.

Dearest Nephew Kat...
My my is that a superior smirk you are wearing?
Do tell us what Pup has been up to this week

He rolled in coyote poop on his walk today. Mom says he’s a dog, and can’t help himself.   Guess who got a bath this afternoon?!? 😹
I must admit, I’m enjoying the entertainment Pup provides. 
❤️ Kat Your Feline Nephew
In Pup's defense, I would like to remind Kat that Pup used to walk on the wild side thru the mountains all alone...He did not offend anyone's sense of smell.  He promises to do better from this day forward because he is a very thankful Pup to have a very fragrant FUREVER Home!!.

WE have some very heavy rain and wind moving in about Noon today.
We have taken down the bird feeders, which are in front of our dining room window, moved the porch furniture. Now we wait.  Should I become MIA it will be due to

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Thoroughly Poetic Thursday

Today we join Two  SPOILED CATS 
Angel Sammy and Teddy for their poetic pictorial poem.

Here is our photo challenge

From my window I watch 
Hoggy squirrels stashing nuts, 
Why be in such a hurry little furry?

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Welcome to .....

Hosted by my Sandee at Comdey Plus

Kat's mom sent me this picture of Kat and his Dad napping...
Kat is for sure wedged in tightly!!
She told me Kat was purring and Dad was snoring!!
I don't publish photos of humans w/o approval BUT both Kat and his human were happy.

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Tuesday Tale: Quilting for Dummies

I send my sincere sympathy to all Paris. 
I was devastated to learn of the fire at Notre Dame Cathedral 
This is a loss for all mankind.


"Sew" after the reveal of my handcrafted blouse , I hinted at a new
project on the sewing horizon.  
For as long as I can remember, I've been intrigued by the craft of quilting.

I bought some tools of the trade by Fiskars:
  *2 self healing cutting mats, Comfort Grip Rotary cutter, and clear ruler.

The left over fabric from my blouse (center vertical row) gave me just the 
nudge I needed to jump feet first into quilting 101: Self taught
Surprisingly (LOL) I found more RED fabric. Did I mention I love RED?
I found some simple basic quilting directions online.  I cut out 36 squares shown below.

My husband's visual eye is much better than mine.
I recruited his help for laying out my blocks.
I especially liked his idea of all the blouse blocks alternating down the middle
and the zig zags on the corners

Next time you see these squares I hope they are sewn together and most of all presentable.
If you never see them again......, ASSUME my effort was a total flop

*for those of you (like me) new to the craft.  The Comfort Grip Rotary cutter
is like a pizza slicer, and lots sharper.  You need the self healing cutting mat to protect whatever surface you are using for cutting your squares.

BREAKING NEWS.........Sunday April 14

Approximately 10-14 days w/o Sassy

Monday, April 15, 2019

Awww and Sparks Monday: Pup and Kat

Today I am pawticipating in
Click here to see more adorable Awww

I can’t believe it! Pup and I are on the bed TOGETHER. Mom has a leash on Pup, but she says this is progress. I hope Pup and I can be playmates. I’ll keep you posted.
❤️ Kat Your Feline Nephew

Dearest Nephew Kat and Pup 
My heart is singing and my eyes are full of adoration.
You two rescues are soulmates and realize just how very very lucky you are to have found your furever home in the Mountains!  I'm 999999.9% sure Pup will be friends with anybuddy.  Kat it is HUGE that you did not freak out.  You know first impressions are impawtant.
Lovingly your Aunty HiC

are all about spreading cheer and positive vibes via quotes.

PSA we have a service tech arriving at 8 am today.
Fingers crossed I/we won't need to be too involved in what he is doing;
however, should I be MIA it will mean I (or both of us) am having to snoopervise!!!

Sunday, April 14, 2019

Sunday Serenade by Kat

My nephew Kat is so very very thankful for his furever home and all the hidden hidey places.

I rec'd this email and video on Friday:

Dearest Aunty HiC
I thanked Mom for building the screened porch for me, but she said they built it 20 years ago.
How did they know I was coming that long ago?!?  Now, if I could just find the off switch for the birds! 😹

❤️ Kat Your Feline Nephew 

Dearest Nephew Kat,
You are the total package...handsome, kind, loving and most of all full of gratitude for your furever family....
all very admirable traits.
Lovingly your Aunty HiC