My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Tuesday Tale: Quilting for Dummies

I send my sincere sympathy to all Paris. 
I was devastated to learn of the fire at Notre Dame Cathedral 
This is a loss for all mankind.


"Sew" after the reveal of my handcrafted blouse , I hinted at a new
project on the sewing horizon.  
For as long as I can remember, I've been intrigued by the craft of quilting.

I bought some tools of the trade by Fiskars:
  *2 self healing cutting mats, Comfort Grip Rotary cutter, and clear ruler.

The left over fabric from my blouse (center vertical row) gave me just the 
nudge I needed to jump feet first into quilting 101: Self taught
Surprisingly (LOL) I found more RED fabric. Did I mention I love RED?
I found some simple basic quilting directions online.  I cut out 36 squares shown below.

My husband's visual eye is much better than mine.
I recruited his help for laying out my blocks.
I especially liked his idea of all the blouse blocks alternating down the middle
and the zig zags on the corners

Next time you see these squares I hope they are sewn together and most of all presentable.
If you never see them again......, ASSUME my effort was a total flop

*for those of you (like me) new to the craft.  The Comfort Grip Rotary cutter
is like a pizza slicer, and lots sharper.  You need the self healing cutting mat to protect whatever surface you are using for cutting your squares.

BREAKING NEWS.........Sunday April 14

Approximately 10-14 days w/o Sassy


  1. I agree about Paris. A few years before my mom died, she took young and unsophisticated me to Paris, a place that she loved more than anywhere else. Notre Dame was one place where we spent a lot of time. I feel sad.

    I love the layout but I am sad about Sassy. I have my mom’s Singer... much older than yours, I’m guessing!

  2. we look forwards to see it as an artpiece once and egg-sactly like the quilt you imagined. we are hopeless cases when it comes to craftig, beut we try...
    we are so sad that a momument and statement of our culture is damaged now and we hope there is a realy way to build the burnt parts new ...

  3. Hari OM
    Shocking news...

    Your patches look perfect! YAM xx

  4. Oh boy! That's going to be a stunning quilt - red is a great choice indeed. I betcha my sister would be happy to give you pointers if you need them but it looks like you're on your way to quilting stardom!!

    Hugs, Pam

  5. That is too bad that Sassy the singer has died. Maybe she can be fixed since that is going to be hard to complete that gorgeous quilt.Hope you all have a good day and can get Sassy fixed.

  6. I doubt seriously that we will never see them again, you will succeed beautifully I am sure! Love the blocks!
    Very sad about Notre Dame... Jerry and I were in disbelief. Shocked. I am reading this morning that they have every intention to rebuild. I hope they can restore it.
    Poor Sassy... fingers crossed for a quick return!

  7. I am so pleased you are learning new things, and this will be beautiful when completed, sorry about Sassy.. I need to learn something new that doesn't pertain to computers. just like I need to clean out closets, maybe one day it will happen. I would like to learn to paint or draw. but never oh never sewing.

  8. I love those cutting mats and my rotary that I know how to use it.
    Gonna look wonderful. Can't wait to see it.

  9. We would need a Quilting for Dummies book about quilting for dummies here. Yes, that was so sad to watch the Cathedral fire yesterday.

  10. Quilts are so much easier than blouses! You got this, Miss Cecilia!
    So sad about Notre Dame.

  11. We just know that once you have Sassy back you will whip that quilt together in no time. If you ever have any questions feel free to contact our mom. She is always happy to help a new quilter. It's so sad about Notre Dame. We hope they can rebuild it.

  12. My ghostwriter used to do a lot of sewing a long time ago, when dinosaurs walked the earth. She made the kids' clothes, and a few crafts. But she says she never quite had the patience for quilting. Good luck with your project!

  13. There are many Catholic churches that have been burned to the ground in France. Notre Dame just got the worlds attention. So very sad.

    I love the quilt, but quilting for dummies won't work for me. I'm even less crafty than the dummy.

    Have a fabulous day, my friend. Big hug. ♥

  14. We likes your layout! It looks so cheerful.

  15. Go for it! I had a hand-crank kids Singer machine as a child, but my mother used her Pfaff machine to sew clothes for her six kids, and I learned to sew on that beast too.

  16. We look forward to seeing how you get along when Sassy is back!

  17. Poor Sassy! Hope she is back and sewing squares soon!

  18. The tragedy at Notre Dame is so sad. Mom has always wanted to visit the cathedral. We hope it will be rebuilt soon so she can still get to see it.

    Mom will be following your quilting very closely and seeing if she can get tempted to try too. Hope Sassy is in good shape soon.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  19. My foray into quilting left me with two 'reasonable' quilts and a broken needle that had to be surgically removed from my foot. I patchwork quilts--cutting cardboard pieces and hand-sewing them together; but never was able to actually 'quilt' them, so had to use ties. Good luck with your quilt.

  20. Oh, how exciting!!!!! Do you say HBO words when you sew like our mom does?!?! Oh. Right. Wasn't supposed to mention that. Sorry to hear about Sassy; we hope she's back home and running very soon! Our mom would go nuts if anything happened to Bernice the Bernina or Freidrich Pfaff.
    Good luck and have fun! And remember our mom's motto: Measure once, cuss twice!!!
    Cam and Mags
    PS: No, wait ... that's not the right motto, is it?

  21. I've already dreamed of sewing a quilt. Several of my older relatives had the old wooden quilt frames growing up. I loved the patterns. But with my fear of the sewing machine ... and joint pain to sew by hand, I guess it won't ever happen.

  22. I like the fabrics you chose. I look forward to seeing the completed project. I wish I was better at sewing. I would love to make a t-shirt quilt.XO

  23. Oooooooo! I loves that! I can't waits for Sassy to gets back so you can start!!
    I couldn't believes Notre Dame ~ just watching it was horrifying. Butts, at least almost all of the relics were saved and it sounds like they will be able to rebuild...phew!
    {{{hugs}}} to all of France.
    Ruby ♥


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi