My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Friday, April 19, 2019

Nature Friday in the Rawest form

Oh my CATS did I receive a funny email and 2 pictures from my nephews Kat and Pup. 
I decided it would be purrfect for Nature Friday

Hosted by my Niece Rosy, and her 2 brudders Arty and Jakey HERE

Dearest Aunty HiC

Well, I knew it was just a matter of time before Pup did something disgusting.

Dearest Nephew Kat...
My my is that a superior smirk you are wearing?
Do tell us what Pup has been up to this week

He rolled in coyote poop on his walk today. Mom says he’s a dog, and can’t help himself.   Guess who got a bath this afternoon?!? 😹
I must admit, I’m enjoying the entertainment Pup provides. 
❤️ Kat Your Feline Nephew
In Pup's defense, I would like to remind Kat that Pup used to walk on the wild side thru the mountains all alone...He did not offend anyone's sense of smell.  He promises to do better from this day forward because he is a very thankful Pup to have a very fragrant FUREVER Home!!.

WE have some very heavy rain and wind moving in about Noon today.
We have taken down the bird feeders, which are in front of our dining room window, moved the porch furniture. Now we wait.  Should I become MIA it will be due to


  1. Hari OM
    There are some who would say... lucky pup! YAM xx

  2. ooooh that is something special... how was the smell? we don't have coyotes here, so we would like to know more about that eggs-tra perfume ;O)

  3. I have never had the pleasure of encountering coyote poo, but I have no doubt I would find the smell quite awesome!
    Happy Nature (and Good) Friday.
    Toodle pip!

  4. You look so happy with yourself, Pup! I would have done exactly the same thing!

  5. Kat your Mom still loves him even if he stinks and she loves you too! Your Aunty HiC loves you, too! I hear that dogs love to do that kind of stuff.

  6. thanks for my morning laugh out loud PUP... I would not be laughing if I were the one smelling it, but it did lighten my mood... I must say Kat you are looking postivley REGAL as you gloat.. MOL BOL.....

  7. MOL Woofies DO get into things, don't they?

    The Florida Furkids

  8. It's too bad Pup had to have a bath after his most fragrant roll in the poo. That Kat sure does have a bit of a smirk on his face.

  9. LOL, the pic with a poop-smeared pup! Hope the storm isn't too bad, and stay safe!

  10. OH have mercy! Mommy said she remembers her Jack, a red hunting dog who shared mom's hair Jack use to go up to a neighboring dairy farm and roll in cow poo.
    Nothing like coming home from school and jack waiting on the porch to come in all coated with cow poo. We';d get the hose out. And some old towels to dry him. Pew pew.

  11. we had terrible winds too and the gusts like yours were awesome but in a bad way awesome.

  12. We hope you all stay safe! Before Bear, I was so thankful that cats don't roll in stuff. Imagine my horror when Bear ... 1) rolled in the mud on the front porch 2) more than once 3) rolled in my stack of dirt and dust I'd swept up. I've always joked he's conditioning his fur like a chinchilla!

  13. BOL...We bet coyote poo smells divine! Our Angel Dory used to love rolling in any kind of poo too!
    Arty, Jakey & Rosy

  14. I linked you to Feline Friday, Kat. What a story and I'm well aware that dogs love to do this. Bless their hearts.

    I hope the weather isn't too bad.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend. Big hug. ♥

  15. Don't know about Pup mending his ways. Roxy is our roller. I've watched her, and it is just an automatic response to smells. She can be sniffing then just suddenly collapses on the smell and rolls! No matter how many baths...hosing down...jet setting...she gets, she can't help herself!

  16. Purrayers for safety in the path of the storms

  17. Yep, that's an eww fur sure. But Pup is a doggo, and they do things like that. Kat, that is definitely a superior feline smirk.

  18. Coyote poop- ick. Stay safe. XO

  19. Hope you stayed safe from the storm

  20. Hey, I've never rolled in poops befores, butts it doesn't sound that bad! Ma says that I sometimes smell LIKE I rolled in poop, butts I thinks her snooter is broken.
    Stay safe my furiend! I hopes the storm passes quickly, and with no damage!
    Ruby ♥
    pees: you can come and stay week it's gonna gets into the mid 80's! Ma says she's not ready for summer.....

  21. EEEEK on poop...but that's not nearly as horrid as a BATH! Just kidding - no doubt the pup enjoyed it (both poop and bath). Anyway, hope that the storm did NOT cause any damage there. It pooped out (pardon the use of that word again) by the time it got up here. We were lucky!

    Hugs, Pam and Teddy too

  22. that was so funny about the poop!!! Hoping the nasty storms leave you alone!

  23. I tried to rub my face in bird poop (twice). Mommy says it must have something to do with spring. xox Xena


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi