My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Wear Orange for Crockett

Today my very own orange grandkitty, Frisco, is pawticipating this special day with the 
Lone Star  Cats Travis, Angie, their humans and K9's, Finley and Brinley
in memory of their brudder Angel Crockett who got his wings on May 13, 2019

Frisco is already orange; however, he insisted there should be more.

Crockett run free my friend...may you always have warm breezes and bright Orange sun every day.

Comical cat
Kind brudder to his siblings 
Ever more remembered
Texas born
Terrific ginger friend

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Friday, May 17, 2019

Feline and Nature Friday with Kat and Bday wish

Hosted by Comedy Plus

Email from Kat:  May 12, 2019

Dearest Aunty HiC
Mom and I laughed out loud when Dad handed over today’s mail. We told him the story of Uncle B’s MIA card, and he laughed too!  Mom loves your custom made cards, and this one is so cute! 
It’s Mom’s first birthday card this year, and no doubt the best, as MY picture is on it! 😹
We love you!
❤️ Kat Your Feline Nephew  and The Canines

WOULD LIKE TO WISH.....our Most Marvelous Mom aka 
Rama Happy Birthday

Dearest Nephew and K9s

Indeed Uncle laughed at me on May 7th when I mailed it.  We dropped it in a DIFFERENT box.  Uncle asked when Is Aunty's Bday.  Mom said May 17...
He laughed 10 days to Georgia are you sure that is long enough?  It took 13 days to get my card and it was mailed in Raleigh.
Thank goodness you have it.
Lovingly your Aunty HiC...who really dislikes being late with greeting cards!!

Back story to this:
My husband's birthday was April 27, 2019.  
On April 24th, I mailed his card at a drop box 2 blocks from home.
Expecting it to arrive before his birthday. 
Friday April 26 he rec'd a card from our friends 2 hours west of us.  It was mailed on
April 24th too.  WHAT the Heck is going on I said. 
On April 27 he rec'd a card from our daughter who lives 3 hours east of us.
It was mailed on April 25th.  Honestly this is the first time in all our 
50 years together he has not rec'd a card before or on his bday from ME.
I went to the drop box got the box locator #, called the USPS to find out what branch picked up the mail from that box.  Then I called them.  Because the card was not mailed with a tracking # they could DO NOTHING.

On the afternoon of May 7th my husband went to the mail box and
glory be there was his Birthday card 13 days after his birthday.
It was postmarked April 24th, the day I dropped it in the box.
Oh if that envelop could only talk, I'm sure it would have an amazing 
Road Trip story to tell!! 
If you don't know the story about Not Earl...**see below

As told by Angel Madi
**Our mail man story:  Not Earl has been our mailman for nearly 26 years. Until about 10 years ago, my peeps thought our his name was Earl. When Not Earl was gone for some time, Dad finally asked the substitute mailman if Earl was sick?  He said, do you mean Tony?  Dad said, Oh, His name is "Not Earl"?
The substitute said no it is Not Earl, it is Tony.
From that day forward the peeps still call him (not to his face) "Not Earl"!
My peeps don't think he looks like a Tony.
Every time mom tells this story I ask her what a Tony looks like.
I never get an answer.

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Thoroughly Poetic Thankful Thursday

Today we join Two  SPOILED CATS 
Angel Sammy and Teddy for their poetic pictorial poem.

Here is our photo challenge

Way out West

In another life, I  yearned for the hills of the West.
If I was a young whippersnapper, a cowgirl would I be.
I'd ride the range from dawn til dusk.
My ride's name would rusty Rusty.
I'd start my day on the porch.
A hot cup of joe in my hand
I'd be cooling my heels before I go.
 I'd watch the sun peep over the hills.
Day dreamin' I'd be as far as
My Mind's Eye could see.

I am also joining Brian and family for

I'm very thankful the man of the house is on the mend.
Since returning home from visiting the Cape Lookout Lighthouse,
he thought he had a cold; however, it turns out it was a very nasty sinus infection.
The doctor gave him two prescriptions. We will both be thankful
to get back to our morning routine of walking.  We have surely missed
that part of our day.

I am thankful for Linda Mom of the Da Weenies and Ann from Zoolatry for the
love and time the put into keeping up with our Rainbow Friends.

April 2019

Click the link below to visit this very special blog.

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Straw hat day

Today is also National Straw Hat Day 

We thank Ms. Ann at Zoolatry for this lovely button.

Angel Madi loved pawticipating in any and all events so today 
I'm re-posting a picture from May 15, 2012, of Madi's tush in a straw hat

MOL  Mom felt fortunate to get this picture so she decided not to 
try to get one with it on my head. 
I never asked Madi to do anything I would not do.

I am not much of a hat person but I had to buy this for our
trip to Moab, UT and Colorado in June 2017

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Tuesday Tall Tale: Cape Lookout Lighthouse

Sunday May 5th we left for a short road trip to Crystal Coast aka Atlantic Ocean.
There have been rumors the state will soon suspend the ferry service to the island. Evidently keeping up w the ever changing channels and marking the water highway is becoming increasingly difficult. Due to all the coastal hurricanes and changing currents over the last few years.   This was a spur of the moment decision last week.  We had it on our list of to do this year just moved it to the top.

This was an ill-fated trip it seems.
Our original plan was to take the Ferry from Beaufort, NC but due to blustery winds and choppy seas,
the 45 minute trip was cancelled.  However, the 15 minute ferry ride over to the Island was still in service.
We  are got up very early Monday to drive to Harker's Island,  NC to board the Island Ferry Express for a 15 minute ride to Cape Lookout National seashore.  Cape Lookout lighthouse is the only NC light house that we had not climbed.  We were very excited. I am sorry to say WE still have not climbed it.
Unbeknownst to us...and evidently the Ferry operator, Cape Lookout is only opened for visitors
Wednesday-Saturday.  We were there on Monday.

Our trip over to the island was on a smaller boat so no photos going over due to the very blustery wind and choppy seas.  I did get some wonderful photos once on the island and on our return trip which was on a larger boat.

Front view of the Lighthouse keeper's cottage
In 1873 lighthouse keeper's quarters were  finished.
This duplex  is now available to volunteer caretakers

You can see from the clouds it was a blustery day

Left photo 'she'  looks like a giant feline stalking us.
Right Photo same view of 'her' but taken from the ocean side of the lighthouse

next 2 Images from

I snapped a photo of the above but it wasn't clear.
I was able to enlarge this bit of info from my photos.

 Photos taken as the ferry departed the island

We had white caps to and from
Good news is neither of us got sea sick.

Cape Lookout Lighthouse Facts:
Original structure built completed in 1812, costing less than $21,000, 104' above sea level.
By 1850 the sentinel had a list of problems mainly the light was not bright enough

1857 Congress appropriated $45,000 to build new light house.  1859 it was finished it stood 163' above sea level,
lighting could be seen from 19 miles.
The lighthouse played an important role in Civil War serving as a military stronghold and a link in the supply line.

Once back on solid ground we looked around the Visitor's Center.
U.S. Coast guard owns and operates the lighthouse,  It is part of
the Cape Lookout National Seashore, 55 miles of southern barrier islands ranging from Beaufort Inlet to
Ocracoke. For years there were no facilities on the island.  However, now there is a dock
with bathrooms.   Should you visit you will need  to pack your own snacks, insect repellent and sun screen
Whatever you bring must leave the island with you i.e. trash etc.
Cape Lookout is only accessible by Ferry or private boats.

As I mentioned above, it is open to the public and you can climb to the top on

Monday, May 13, 2019

Awww Mooday with Moo Cow

Today I am pawticipating in
Click here to see more adorable

Oh my word was I surprised when I opened my mail box
a few days ago.  I had a mystery package..
I scratched my head trying to figure who the sender was. 
I used to know someone in the city from which it was mailed
but not by the name on the return label... then when I opened the box I
I want to than Mark for sending her down to Dixie to visit with me

After she was unpacked, I gave her a wee bit of  mondo grass,

We got down to business.
(thank goodness I didn't have to milk her) WHEW!!

Moo was gracious enough to help me with my chores and hobbies!!
After traveling alone all the way to my house, she was quite the chatter box.
And quite funny she told me a few cow jokes while I folded laundry.
Q: Why did the cow cross the ocean?  A: To get to the udder tide.
Q: What sound do you hear when a cow breaks the sound barrier?  A: Cowboom.
Q: What is as big as a cow but weighs nothing?  A: Her shadow.

After my chores were completed, we went into the my blog office/craft room.
Originally she was coming to visit with Angel Madi.  Of course we had to get a photo of Moo
and Madi together.

Turns out Moo Cow loves to sew and is quite agile with her hooves.
She helped me pin the kitty cat border around my quilt.

Finished quilt post next Tuesday, May 21

Moo Cow was over the moon happy to jump right into crocheting lessons;
however, she is left hooved and I am right handed, that's makes learning kinda hard.
So she decided maybe learning to crochet was not the best idea.

Q: What happens when a cow is exhausted?
A: It cowlapses.

Moo Cow and I had a very busy visit but she did tell me one more joke just
before we read a bedtime story, Prancie's Prayer by Moo Cows mom Miss Ellen.

Moo you were a most excellent house guest...please Dew Drop Inn again.
Hugs Cecilia

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Mother's Day

Human Sissy of Angel Madi sent me sweets!!  
My daughter is a remarkable woman and I'm so proud to 
be her Ma (that is what she calls me)!!
She knows me WELL I'm a cookie monster.
Thursday UPS delivered a box.
Inside there are 12 yummy cookies from Carolina Cookie Co., Greensboro, NC.
3 each: chunky chocolate pecan, White Chocolate Macadamia Nut, Triple Chocolate pecan and Oatmeal Raisin

Happy Mother's Day to all mom's of humans and furries

Yesterday May 11, would have been Angel Madi's 17th Gotcha Day
In 2002 we adopted her on Saturday, May 11,  which was the day before Mother's Day
Madi 2 months old