My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Monday, May 13, 2019

Awww Mooday with Moo Cow

Today I am pawticipating in
Click here to see more adorable

Oh my word was I surprised when I opened my mail box
a few days ago.  I had a mystery package..
I scratched my head trying to figure who the sender was. 
I used to know someone in the city from which it was mailed
but not by the name on the return label... then when I opened the box I
I want to than Mark for sending her down to Dixie to visit with me

After she was unpacked, I gave her a wee bit of  mondo grass,

We got down to business.
(thank goodness I didn't have to milk her) WHEW!!

Moo was gracious enough to help me with my chores and hobbies!!
After traveling alone all the way to my house, she was quite the chatter box.
And quite funny she told me a few cow jokes while I folded laundry.
Q: Why did the cow cross the ocean?  A: To get to the udder tide.
Q: What sound do you hear when a cow breaks the sound barrier?  A: Cowboom.
Q: What is as big as a cow but weighs nothing?  A: Her shadow.

After my chores were completed, we went into the my blog office/craft room.
Originally she was coming to visit with Angel Madi.  Of course we had to get a photo of Moo
and Madi together.

Turns out Moo Cow loves to sew and is quite agile with her hooves.
She helped me pin the kitty cat border around my quilt.

Finished quilt post next Tuesday, May 21

Moo Cow was over the moon happy to jump right into crocheting lessons;
however, she is left hooved and I am right handed, that's makes learning kinda hard.
So she decided maybe learning to crochet was not the best idea.

Q: What happens when a cow is exhausted?
A: It cowlapses.

Moo Cow and I had a very busy visit but she did tell me one more joke just
before we read a bedtime story, Prancie's Prayer by Moo Cows mom Miss Ellen.

Moo you were a most excellent house guest...please Dew Drop Inn again.
Hugs Cecilia


  1. we love your little friend a lot... and we laughed as we read about da cow-lapsing ...goood one!!!

  2. Moo is quite the comic and very helpful around the house!

  3. I am glad Moo arrived safely for the next part of her visit. Looks like she had a good time helping out and telling jokes.

  4. That sure sounds like a fun visit from Moo. Love all the jokes and the pictures of Moo.You all have a wonderful day.

  5. Moo sure looks purrfectly at home at your place!

  6. Hahaha! A great guest Moo is and you are a great hostess! Seems Moo loved her visit. I think it would have been very interesting if you would have had to milk her! The picture with the crochet is priceless. Your quilt is a perfect contrast to her Moo spots.

  7. wow, what a day you had with Moo.. Moo is really talented, just like you are. love the red quilt as background...

  8. Hari om
    HER shadow. Cows are girls. Bulls are boys. Apart from that, very good jokes and Moo is A.D.O.R.A.B.L.E!!! That quilt looks promising... YAM xx

  9. It looks like Moo is having a great visit with you.

  10. Moo is sure a fun house guest! But I just have to ask: does she have a squeaker?

  11. So this is where Moo Cow is. I wondered. It's good to know she's still visiting.

    Love that quilt.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday, Cecilia. Big hug. ♥♥♥

  12. MOO !!!!!!!!!! it bee grate ta see ya; we wundered wear ya waz on yur jour knee; thiz post rox; yur fotoz N jokez bee... cow a bunga !!!!!!! ☺☺♥♥

  13. Thank you for treating Moo so well. She should have told me she wanted to learn to crochet as I am a lefty :) The quilt looks great, make sure she doesn't do any cow flops on it. :) XO

  14. Well, we can see that Moo Cow is quite the comedienne!!! We bet she brought lots of smiles to your place. Angel Madi must have been purring giggles too.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  15. What fun! We can't wait till Moo comes to visit us!!!

    The Florida Furkids

  16. Fun post with Moo gal ~ sweet!

    Happy Day to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  17. It's always a delight to have fun guests come by for a visit!

  18. What a sweet guest Moo Cow was and so helpful!

  19. Moo sure is having a good time. And we never knew she was such a comedian!

  20. OMD..What a wonderful visit you are having with Moo, she sure is a fast learner!
    Rosy, Jakey & Arty

  21. OMD, OMC! What a FABulous visitor you had! Moo is most charming and adorables! I thinks Moo and Ma have the same ideas abouts crocheting! BOL!!
    Ruby ♥

  22. Moo certainly helped you with a lot of projects! We hope when she visits us we can find lots of fun things for her too! Well done.......

    Hugs, Teddy

  23. Belated comment, as we didn't know from the address we sent Moo to what blog it was. We are delighted to discover you.

    Yes Moo sure had some good jokes (and a lot of them since they were different ones she told us than to you). We are glad she had a good time with you.


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi