Top to bottom Da Weenies, Sully, Trout Talkin' Tabbies, Sugar, Mayors Murphy, Stanley and assistants, Mayors Emeritus Frankie and Ernie, Lassie and Benji and Reilly and Denny Freya Rose sent us a beautiful animated card Matt and Matilda and Sammy and Wally from S. Africa sent us ecards. Check the tab under our header to see those. MADI: 7 paper cards, 1 animated and 2 ecards = 10 TEN THE PEEPS: 2 TWO |
On Thursday I mentioned that Mom was going to a Christmas Wreath Work shop.
It was a held at Fairview Garden Center in Raleigh, sponsored by BB&T.
TOGM was actually very pleased with her first ever live wreath.
The nursery staff gave everyone a few tips on how to start. They had all types of
greenery cut and in bins for us to select and a wire form.
Mom loved all the shades of green and types of greenery.
For some reason Mom was they only attendee who used Magnolia leaves (there to the left of
the bow). Might just be a Southern thing but she loves the texture and shine
Yep TOGM was proud of it. It is hanging by the front door.
The bow was not included in the work shop. Mom bought it at the there though
and it was just the final touch needed.