Thanks LLB Gang for hosting Nature Friday
Dearest Aunty HiC
Shhhhh! Be very, very quiet. Dad is resting his eyes, while rubbing whiskers with me. Yep, my motor boat is running full speed. 😻
Aunty HiC Please tell our friends that we are slowly making our way back to
our brick and mortar home. We are taking our time with plans to be home by early March.
❤️ Kat Your Feline Nephew
Feline Friday
Dearest Nephew
shhhhhhh indeed, Uncle and I are smiling quietly at this most adorable photo!
I love that your Dad has on a shirt to coordinate w your beautimous green eyes.
Lovingly your Aunty HiC
Nature Friday
You might recall we have lunch every Saturday at Seaboard Cafe which is housed in
Logan's Trading/Garden center which also sits beside the CSX train tracks.
We go for the food...EVERYTHING at Seaboard is delish.
Trains are always entertaining. Freight train pulls out each day at 11:30 ish.

Now for Final Friday Fiction
As we meandered around all the pretty flowers, Dad of Angel Madi said...
is that a gorilla up there?
WHAT/Where I replied? Well lo and behold it did look like a gorilla
so we went from meandering to cautiously walking closer while being stalked by
none other than Big Foot Gorilla combo!!!
What the heck is a gorilla doing at a garden center?
Granted they have all kinds of pots, bird baths, and yard art
When the lady working in this area saw me taking photos of it,
she said at least you aren't draping yourself all over it for a selfie. That seems to be the
thing. During Christmas she said some one had placed it near the Christmas trees.
Evidently even knowing it was there, she was frightened by it lurking in the trees as dusk fell.
She told us there was another one somewhere on the lot same scary expression just smaller.
I asked if it had been named...nope not yet so I'm calling it Gary the Big Footed Gorilla
and FRIENDS if you want Gary for your very can buy
him for $3,500.00 US dollars. FYI: it is made out of fiberglass so it is mobile should you want to display Gary in different parts of your garden.
Wednesday, January 29, I challenged you to find a clue that would appear today's story.
Did you find it?
Can you see it now