My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Friday, March 8, 2024

Nature and Feline Friday

   Nature Friday host LLB Gang   Click here Hostess Miss Mimi 

This little slug was going down the side of our house head first...I am not much on creepy crawlies but he was actually pretty cute..

What is the purpose of a slug: providing a crucial food source for other wildlife, many species are key composters, helping to breakdown decomposing vegetation. There are approximately 40 species of slug currently found in the UK, with only a small number of these considered as pest species. A slugh is a tough-skinned terrestrial mollusk which typically lacks a shell and secretes a film of mucus for protection. It can be a serious plant pest.

Flash Back March 8, 2014

Madi said you can never, NO never, have too many cushions or pillows.  Look at those sweet paw prints on the white pillow.

Thursday, March 7, 2024

Thankful and Thoroughly Poetic Thursday #156

  Poetic Thursday hosted by our pals Teddy and Angel Sammy 

Here is the photo challenge  

Today I will try to write Dr. Seuss poem for the challenge

Yay for YOU for being YOU
Wearing a tie of blue suits YOU
It is a much cooler than a
Cat in a Hat
Your fingers are like
Thing 1 and Thing 2
What does your mind's eye 
see that makes you Uniquely

 Thankful Thursday hosted by 


From Ernie and his Mom

        I ADORE your Ernie/Raincoat post on March 6.    It is fantastic to read the comments from old & new friends.      THANK YOU❗❗

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Wordless Wednesday from Ernie the Attorney


Thank you to our Hostess

Sandee at Comedy Plus 

Good morning Miss See-sealya

It is I, Ernie, dropping by to say hi and tell you

Mom and I took Joy da Jeep out for a joyful ride on 

March 1, 2024.

It was a great JOYRIDE ❗

    First we went to Odd Lots store to get ME/Ernie a new Winter Coat & a Rain coat. 

     They were on sale.   🐾🐾☘️.   The raincoat is NOT very masculine but was the only one that had a hood.    Mom tried it on me and I liked it.. 
     The winter coat fits me perfectly but doesn't have a hood.   However, the fur collar goes up over my lovely Dachshund ears.  It covers his chest too.   It will be very warm and no snow freaks with try to latch on to my undercarriage.  

Miss See-Sealya asked mom for photos of me wearing my raincoat

As you know, I am vertically challenged and Mom is too YOUNG to crawl on the floor. I hope you like them
I LOVE MY HOOD it keeps my long red wavy ears dry!!

 Ernie I absolutely adore your rain coat. I think it is purrfect for a rainy day because it is full of most happy colors.

Per chance do you recall if the winter coat was in as human size 10?

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Happy Tuesday with Kat


Thank you to our 

Hostess Sandee at Comedy Plus   

Dearest Auntie HiC

 I found a wadded up piece of Christmas tissue paper under the guest bed. 
Mom & I had some fun before she threw it away. 
You’ll see I came down hard on my front, right paw, but that didn’t stop me from having the “Last Word”! 😹

❤️ Kat

OMCs KAT look at those whiskers and big.....gorgeous eyes just waiting to 
JUMP ON IT.  Tissue paper is obviously poSSeSSed.
Auntie enjoyed seeing your white mittens too.
Give Mom a Temptations treat for her wonderful choice of music.
I asked Kat to share his peaceful sleeping secret.  This was his reply:

"I sleep well because I have a pure heart & mind"
Lovingly Auntie HiC


Monday, March 4, 2024

Awww Monday celebrating Dr. Seuss

 Thank you to our   

Host Comedy Plus

A tale of how Dr. Seuss saved the day

When our daughter was six, we took a family 
road trip the Disney World.  This was not our first visit; however, it was  probably the one our daughter remembers the most.
We had lots of snacks and fun car games to play.
Once we near South of the Border, in South Carollilna.
We took turns reading all the road signs that Pedro displayed. 
Every so often, we saw a signs welcoming you to a city or annoucing what county you were entering.  Our daughter said these were 'doors' to the city, county.
At each sign she asking where was the door to Florida.

As the great Dr. Seuss taught us in
If you think you have nothing to do
We gathered all the books we had 
Thing 1 and Thimg 2
were invited too
We had a recipe book about
Green eggs and ham was and all about preparing 1, 2, 3 Fish
Mr. Brown took us to town 
sometimes he was rightside up other times he was
upside down.
Hop on Pop's jumping around made us giggle
 Cat in a hat
was favorite so we read about the most fashionable cat in town.
We finally saw the Door to Florida!!
Our eyes were crossed, we were speaking in rhymes.
To this day there are some of those books I can still quote.
Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss your books
opened our minds, taught us to imagine
and most of all to remember
"to be YOU, because YOU are 
special and unique and always sparkle.

Dr. Seuss said it best
  • "Today you are You, that is truer than true. ...

Sunday, March 3, 2024

Sunday Stuff from EMWs

A fairy house tucked at the base of a tree. 

THE RED door called out look at ME

The next house had a beautiful birdhouse in the middle of a field of daffodils
AND if you biggify you might be able to see a Male Eastern Bluebird on top.