Hi all yep it is snowing in Dixie....
to all our friends from the Northern states this is no big deal
but.....the last time we had any significant snow was 2005 so it is a
B I G deal to us.
Since Madi knows absolutely nothing about snow, she gave me blogging privileges today.
I snapped this picture of the moon at dusk the night before the snow started.
the list of birds I've seen today is:
Woodpeckers: Northern Flicker, Downy and Red bellied. Cardinals, Chickadees, Pine siskin, Yellow rumped warblers,Titmouse, Finches: Purple and House, Eastern Bluebirds,
Brown Thrasher, Robins, Nuthatch, white breasted and brown headed, Dark eyed Juncos and Carolina Wrens.
We even had a crow trying to figure out how to eat suet...this is a first.

Nope my camera lens was not dirty the spots are snow and sleet
This was taken before daybreak this morning.

Our little snowman says, "Have a chilly day".
Our little rabbit is saying "help me I'm sinking".

Back porch and deck

Taken from our side yard looking down our street

I snapped this picture from our front door. My car is at the bottom of the driveway

Looks like we will be house bound all weekend. The precipitation should end by late afternoon but the temperatures will be in the teens tonight and only in the 20's tomorrow.
Not to worry, we have lots of Diva food, clean litter. The bird feeders are full and oh yes
there is a big pot of chili cooking for the humans.
AND we still have power and heat.
Mom working hard and Madi sleeping hard