My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Saturday, April 22, 2023

Friday, April 21, 2023

Nature and Feline Friday with my Nephews

    Nature Friday host LLB Gang   Click here Hostess Miss Mimi 


Dear Auntie HiC

Apparently our campground allows ponies because 2 were camped next to us over the weekend.

And I’m happy to report my purr-sistent observations (being nosy) scared them out of the campground after one night!

Rocky had a full-blown hissy fit when he saw them.

Mom somehow managed to keep Pup distanced & unaware of the intruders next door.

❤️ #1 Fearless Feline Nephew Kat

Dear Kat

Kat you are one Kool Kat. I bet those 'ponies' were shaking in their booties when they realized they were being watched..  Mol mol mol
I think I might have heard Rocky’s hissy fit

Loving Auntie HiC

Thursday, April 20, 2023

Thoroughly Poetic Thursday #115

   Poetic Thursday hosted by our pals Teddy and Angel Sammy 

Here is today's inspiration

The twirls, swirls and pretty curls

The sunken nook

My mind's eye sees a 

perfect place to read a book

Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Word(s) on Wednesday

Thanks to our 

Hostess Sandee at Comedy Plus

 I have never seen Purple Rain

 but I have seen Pink Snow

The tree just to the right of this photo is a Pink Cherry Cherry

Taken on our weekly Saturday ride around

Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Happy Tuesday from my Nephews

Thank you to our 

 Hostess Sandee at Comedy Plus

Dear Auntie HiC

It was very cold when we woke up on Sunday, April 16, 2023

 It warmed into a beautiful Sunday afternoon, and most people have left.

Rocky is on duty at his sentry post inside, while Kat, the Peeps & I are relaxing in the fresh air.

A friend asked Mom what she most enjoyed about camping, & Mom said it was the simplicity, & lack of a daily “to-do” list. 😉

Sunday afternoon,  Trinidad Lake State Park

❤️ Pup

 Dearest Nephews and Staff👫
OMDs OMCs “Groovin’ on A Sunday Afternoon” took Auntie back to her youth….she was surely groovin’ as she listened!  
I love  your camping sight surrounded by such natural beauty.  
Lovingly your devoted Auntie HiC😘😘😘


I am Happy to report 
Duct work upstairs is finished.  All  in all they kept it very clean while tearing out all the old ducts..  Today they will 
remove all old ducts under the house and replace them.

Monday, April 17, 2023

Awww Monday and Sparks


 Thank you to our   

Host Comedy Plus 

Awww I think the grape like blooms of Wisteria are beautiful. I can say this since I don't have any growing in my yard.  It is considered an invasive vine.  

While looking for an inspiration quote this one made me say 
Awww and reminded me of a line in one of my favorite movies
The Holiday
You should be the leading lady of your life

Due to it raining elephants, cats and dogs on Friday the duct work

 was postponed til today.
 Upstairs duct work has to be accessed in the storage room off my blog office.
So I might be MIA from the desktop while they are in and out of
the storage.  But I will catch up.

Sunday, April 16, 2023

Serene Sunday and Selfie

This gorgeous display greets  you as you enter Logan's
And if you look carefully you might see a selfie...