We took our daughter to New York City to celebrating her 16th birthday.
Nature Friday host LLB Gang and Feline Friday host Comedy Plus
The window featured for today's Nature Friday is just to the left what we fondly called the Diva Throne.
Just about 6 pm on Thursday September 2nd I noticed this purrfect reflection on the wall.
L: wall above tv this wall is across the room from the window
R: window facing south. As the sun is setting, it peeps thru this window for about 2 minutes. Yep photography is about timing and lighting.
This chair was Madi's highway to all of her grand adventures. As a young whippersnapper, she often jumped up to the mantel for a casual sashay over to the other end to jump up about 18" to the top of the 8' tall Curio cabinet....for a nap.
Feline Friday Flashback July 2018
Well it seems I was caught in the midst of a grand adventure and I might be busted...
I'm thankful to report I am now driving myself where ever I want to go!! The surgeon said I could drive in a week; however, I tried backing down the driveway last week. I felt a pinch so I decided no way was I getting on the public roads.
where I spent many mornings, after my appendectomy, *resting on my laurels. Happy to say my recovery has progressed nicely too.
I finally remembered to look of the origin of this *expression.
The phrase/idiom 'Resting on your laurels' dates back to ancient Greek and Roman traditions where victorious Olympians or generals wore crowns made of laurel wreaths as symbols of victory, success and status.
Thanks to our
Thank you to our