My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Friday, January 31, 2020

Feline, Nature and Final Fiction Friday

Thanks Comedy Plus for hosting Feline Friday

Thanks LLB Gang for hosting Nature Friday

Dearest Aunty HiC
Shhhhh! Be very, very quiet. Dad is resting his eyes, while rubbing whiskers with me. Yep, my motor boat is running full speed. 😻


Aunty HiC Please tell our friends that we are slowly making our way back to 
our brick and mortar home.  We are taking our time with plans to be home by early March.
❤️ Kat Your Feline Nephew
Feline Friday
Dearest Nephew
shhhhhhh indeed, Uncle and I are smiling quietly at this most adorable photo!
I love that your Dad has on a shirt to coordinate w your beautimous green eyes.
Lovingly your Aunty HiC


Nature Friday

You might recall we have lunch every Saturday at Seaboard Cafe which is housed in 
Logan's Trading/Garden center which also sits beside the CSX train tracks.
We go for the food...EVERYTHING at Seaboard is delish.
Trains are always entertaining.  Freight train pulls out each day at 11:30 ish.

Now for Final Friday Fiction

As we meandered around all the pretty flowers, Dad of Angel Madi said...
is that a gorilla up there?  WHAT/Where I replied?  Well lo and behold it did look like a gorilla
so we went from meandering to cautiously walking closer while being stalked by
none other than Big Foot Gorilla combo!!!
  What the heck is a gorilla doing at a garden center?
Granted they have all kinds of pots, bird baths, and yard art

When the lady working in this area saw me taking photos of it,
she said at least you aren't draping yourself all over it for a selfie.  That seems to be the
thing.  During Christmas she said some one had placed it near the Christmas trees.
Evidently even knowing it was there, she was frightened by it lurking in the trees as dusk fell.
She told us there was another one somewhere on the lot same scary expression just smaller.
I asked if it had been named...nope not yet so I'm calling it Gary the Big Footed Gorilla
and FRIENDS if you want Gary for your very can buy
him for $3,500.00 US dollars.  FYI: it is made out of fiberglass so it is mobile should you want to display Gary in different parts of your garden.

Wednesday, January 29, I challenged you to find a clue that would appear today's story.
Did you find it?
Can you see it now


  1. ha, and I thought we are the first ones with daffodil photos... seems you won this year, YAY!!!!!!

  2. Hari OM
    LOL, oh, you photoshopped Gary onto an angel!!! Very droll. I wonder if he will ever get his furever home??? YAM xx

  3. That is a sweet photo of Kat and his dad.
    I see the gorilla face now!

  4. Oh my goodness, who would want a gorilla in their garden☺ Love the daffies♥ Safe travels to you and your family, Kat!
    Miss Cecilia - you were one of the blogs that Trend Micro was telling us was not "safe" to visit but we persisted and on the 3rd try, they let us proceed. This is so strange!

  5. I thought it was a Sasquatch when I saw it. No thanks. $3500 can stay in my bank account. Now a gorgeous horse............hmmmmmm, let me think about it :)

    Happy weekend.

  6. I can see it now. Do you know how old my eyes are? I knew you knew. I had to biggify the photograph and I found the surprise.

    Kat is such a delightful kitty. I've so enjoyed their adventures in the wheely-house.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend, my friend. Big hug. ♥

  7. I see the clue but did not in the other post.. good job on hiding gary in plain sight. even if someone gave me that gorilla, that looks more like sasquatch to me than a gorilla, I would not keep it. I would sell it right away... I like pretty things to look at, not scary. the photo of Kat and Dad, I would keep because even though I don't know them, the photo makes me feel JOY.. they both look so happy and it is an awwwww moment.

  8. We also thought it was a Big Foot (Sasquatch) and not a gorilla. Either way it is a huge and ugly thing that I can't imagine anyone shelling out $3500 for. We are jealous of your daffodil as it will be months before we even see a hint of them around here. Now we see where you substituted the head onto another sculpture.

  9. Ooooooooo, what a beautimous daffodil Aunty C....and that Gary sure looks a bunch like our neighbor Bigfoot, they must be related BOL!
    Rosy, Jakey & Arty

  10. Awww, Kat and Pup are amazing RVing sweeties but they might just enjoy being home for a while. I'll bet Kat didn't see any gorillas on this adventure!

  11. We'll take the early daffodils and pass on the three thousand dollar gorilla.
    Happy Nature Friday!

  12. Is it that blob on the left? WOW, only $US3,500. You could buy a several for your garden. Might keep people from dumping leaves on your a bit more and get animatronic! Love the Kat/Dad snuggles.

  13. kat; how kewl yur dad haza shirtz with both yur namez on it.... total lee awesum... & thanx for de offer but we will stix with R own celtic cross N st francis :) ☺☺♥♥

  14. Daffodils!!!!!!! We're expecting snow again next week. I am so totally over Winter weather!!!

  15. Kat is such a sweetie. That is very early for daffodils. I guess spring is early :) XO

  16. Kat, that's such a sweet picture. You take such good care of your people.

    Gary is pretty darn scary!

  17. Um, Gary., No. But some of those others...yes yes yes!

  18. That whisker to whisker photo os precious. Mom said that back when they still had Robin (matriarch of the family and 3 boys) the boys used to call her whiskers nylons because they were so stiff, pointy and strong.

  19. All good trips must come to an end. Hopefully they are returning home with healed hearts.
    As for Gary, no thanks. The last thing I want is that scary statue lurking in my yard at dusk.


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi