My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Thoroughly Poetic and Thankful Thursday

Today we join Two  SPOILED CAT 
Angel Sammy and Teddy for their poetic pictorial poem.

Here is today's photo prompt
We thank Mom Pam for all the effort she puts into finding 
these lovely photos for us.

Well friends this is my first attempt at poetry from OTRB.
As they say, you can't keep a Southern girl quiet for long.

Nite light 
Angel Diva Madi

Even though over my loo, there hung the moon,
For the last year there was a (nite) light
shining bright by my litter box.
Mom put it there to help show me the way
so I would not stray.  
I never missed my box
It was all was her way.
I'm back at Manor Madi now....well not me I flew away 
on the wings of angels.  My ashes are back.  This is a first for 
the peeps.  They didn't have a clue what to expect.  Nor were they given any they expected I would return in an not my style.
Good Buddies I'm here to tell you NOT ME...  OMCs everybuddy sit down...
I came home in a beautiful mahogany BOX..........yes B O about flying high who knew.  
Never in my wildest dreams did I think I'd be able to enjoy BOXES throughout my life and for 
And to top that off...yes there is more...
My BOX came in a RED velvet drawstring bag....

I, Madi(son) D Cat loved being high....but as I aged I lost the ability to
jump to these most coveted locations...
On the Mantel aka Cat Walk entire event capture on Camera 

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

The Rest of the   Celebrating and loving life one adventure at a time.

Today we pick up where we left off...with Madi proclaiming she has been 
unjustly accused...
If you missed that proclamation please here.
During Madi's first year with us she climbed on anything that did not run
 from her.Her favorite place was to jump from this chair to the mantel, 
walk across it to the top
of the secretary.  I was never able to get photos of the adventure...
but I witnessed it many times.
It appears the cortisone shot and all the yummy sardines(she loves sardines),
tuna and regular cat food Miss Piggy is eating she has found the fountain of
While I was cleaning up after supper Saturday evening 8/12/17, 
I saw this....what happened next was transpired in about 1 minute.
Thankfully my camera was handy

Mom Here:
Pictures speak volumes. I do apologize for the blurry photos.
Just before I started clicking I was washing an electric skillet.  
I still had on my rubber gloves.

Note in above her back feet are farther back...she recalculates placement of feet for #2 
PURRFECT paw placement 

UP I go
I was not quick enough to catch the spring up

I would have made it to the top of the secretary but Dad caught me.  
As you can see in the
above photo, that leap was another ~1' up.  The dang blue bird statute is 
about 8" high was in the way.
I needed to be about where it was to make my jump without deading the bird.
I coulda made it from here but the blue bird would have been history
Also in the past when I made it to the top of the secretary which is 8' high 
it was alleged I chewed on the finial and Dad had to get the step stool out.

As the saying goes, it is not about the destination but about the journey
and FRIENDS the journey was fabulous!!!!

Or on the Grandfather clock  re-enactment of

Epic grandfather clock story HERE

Click here to join 

We have so much to be Thankful for today:
#1  That 16 1/2 years ago Madi chose us to be her staff.  Which in turn
lead us to blogging in 2009 and meeting YOU ALL!!
We thank you for all your lovely, lovely heart felt emails, blog comments
cards, poems and most of all

We have received some lovely pictures of  Madi from friends...
and we thank them all click on Cards for Diva Madi on my menu bar.

From Madi and Mom to each of you........


  1. our dad should adopt the idea with the illuminated litter box, his nose met da door last night as he was on the way to the bathroom ;o)
    we love this place high above... it's the place for our angels too.... hugs to you and a big kiss

  2. Hari Om
    Fabulous box - and memories! YAM xx

  3. What a lovely box. And the perfect place for you to spend your furrever.

  4. Your box is perfect and perfectly positioned♥

  5. It is a beautiful box, and we also love the new header. Pawhugs to all of you.

  6. the perfect spot for Madi's forever Box.. I know you miss her terribly. So do we hear in Blogland. the cards are so beautiful, Madi would have loved them. We all know she did NOT chew on that filial... right?

  7. Oh we know Madi is happy. A box and she loved her boxes. That bag was perfect for holding her box too.

    Angel Madi, your poem is wonderful.

    A whole lot of people are gonna miss our Madi.

  8. Oh Madi - you have a beautiful mahogany box and so does Angel Sammy. Mom has the box on her nightstand along with the book she wrote and two Angel statues. We think you probably LOVE the perch high on the Grandpa clock though since you were always most daring and brave! We absolutely LOVE your "Nite Light" poem and think that was a VERY sweet thing that your Mom gave you a guiding light to the litterbox - a VERY impawtant destination........

    Sending you Hugs........

  9. Glad she is home. That has always helped bring me peace in my sorrow.

  10. That is so hard when the ashes come home. But we sure enjoyed seeing all your pictures Angel Madi. Good job Madi jumping up on the mantel. The poem is just the best. We sure send you lots of hugs Ann. It is such a hard thing to go through. Take care.

  11. Oh a beautiful box is purrfect Angel Madi and we are beyond thrilled to see your adventure. Thanks for being here Mom and thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  12. Oh my, such a wonderful adventure captured on film. A wonderful home for your ashes, too, and one that your staff can cherish as much as they cherished your body and soul before, and will cherish your visits to them again now you have your wings and have taken up an extra special lovely place in their hearts....
    Gentle purrs from Erin,
    Mrs H

  13. What a beautiful story and that is a lovely way to have such fond and heartfelt memories every time you look on the mantle.

  14. How pawsome that Madi's ashes are in a BOX and that they came in a RED bag! So fitting for a beautiful DIVA!

    We loved seeing the jumping photos too.

    Hugs, Madi's guy Raz and The Florida Furkids

  15. When I had our friendly feral Sammy cremated, his ashes were in a beautiful white heart-shaped box. For Chuck, it's a wooden box, with a carved lid and a brass plate. We weren't expecting either of these boys to leave us, so never thought to pick something out. There is a local pet crematorium, who will handle everything, if you prearrange. Guess it's something to think about...but then again, no...

  16. Oh goodness, I had a kitty that did this very thing too. Always on the mantle. This was a very long time ago. What a wonderful memory. Thank you for that.

    Our Little Bit resides on our mantle here. She's in her urn and there is a litany of wonderful things she loved when she was with us. Her collar, her favorite treat, all the cards we got when she passed, and her first and favorite toy. Fitting it is.

    Have a blessed Thankful Thursday. Big hugs. ❤

  17. Ghostwriter says it was always a comfort to get the ashes of our angels back. We never forget our angels.

  18. What a pawfect place to sit, Angel Madi! We are so very glad you are home and OMD, what a wonderful poem today!
    Rosy, Jakey & Arty(and Mama)

  19. We do remember that famous unexpected leap to the mantel, Angel Madi. Lucky for you that nothing was broken:)

    We loved your poem. We have lots of nightlights around here too, but we think they are more for the old peeps than for us:)

    As we told your Mom, nothing but the best for Diva Madi - of course, you would have a rich mahogany box in a red bag. Glad you are back home in one way, but we know you are always back home in Mom and Dad's hearts.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  20. What an appropriate resting place for Madi! I'm sure she is responsible. A box and a high place.....Heaven.

  21. madi... you will rest with a place oh honorz a top de grandfatherz clox....we troo lee N joyed yur poem, like yur tat two in de last fotoz :) N iz sorree ya dinna bye axe a dent knock de ewe noe whatz two de floor ......ooopz ~~~~ ♥♥♥

  22. How fitting that you get to be in a box for eternity and that it came in a red bag. That was a great poem from The Rainbow Bridge dear Madi. XO

  23. That is a beautiful box for Angel Madi, and perfect that it arrived in red velvet.

  24. Angel Madi, that mahogany box is purrfect. And we love that it will sit on the mantle, the place you always coveted to be. You did great with your poem, too.

  25. Such a pawfect resting place for you Madi in your beautiful box and red velvet
    Love and hugs
    Hazel & Mabel

  26. OMD/OMC! I do remembers the Mantel leap! I was very impressed! BOL! And I loooooves the box and the most lovely red pouch...pawfect my furiend. Welcome home gurl ♥
    Oh, and loved the poem ♥♥
    Ruby ♥

  27. Welcome home, Madi. Such a touching story about how your final perch was chosen, and a fittingly decorated one at that. From that high position, though, you can keep a watchful angel eye on your home and over Mom & Dad. You have left your pawprints on many hearts over the years you walked this earth, and will be missed. Hugs and deep comfort to Mom & Dad during this difficult time :(

  28. That is a great poem and what a perfect place for you to remain for eternity in that beautiful box on one of your favorite perch.

  29. Madi and Mom! Great Poem, and the pictures made me laugh out load!

  30. OMC! Your box is beautiful just like you. Your peeps found the purr-fect spot for you to oversee them. ♥

  31. Dear Madi we will miss you and Buddy Budd especially. That is such a beautiful poem. Please watch over us until we meet again dear friend. We send purrs and prayers of support to Mom and family
    Timmy, Dad Pete and Family


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi