My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Sunday, March 10, 2019

Easy Selfie Sunday

There are two flowering plants I'd love to be able to successfully raise
African Violets and Orchids...
I  have had African Violets bloom.....if I buy them when they are blooming
I once had a faux pas (hybrid) orchid of some kind that was labeled low maintenance.
It had about 6 buds ready to burst open.
They did...then it died.
Below is what I want...

Audio Selfie

A recent email from KAT with audio

Dearest Aunty HiC
My favorite time of day is right before bedtime. Hu-Mum and I spend time loving and cuddling together. She’s my best friend. Can you hear me purring with delight? 
❤️ Kat Your Feline Nephew

Be sure to turn up your volume

Positive spin in Daylight savings time
My friend Janice received a text from her son RE: DST
It read: "On a positive note, when we move our clocks ahead an hour tonight we lose an hour of rain"!
This weekend was our 5th straight weekend with rain.  


  1. SHE's a notorious plant killer. So won't give any advice. We couldn't hear the purring....but, then we've got a noisy overhead fan going at the moment.

  2. Gail can relate to the African Violet Problem!

  3. Mom wishes she could ace the African Violets too. And she's never had an orchid in the house and she'd sure love to.

  4. we need rain so that doesn't work down here, I went to bed whining about the change and got up whining.. it will take me a few weeks to stop whining. but I do have a postive comment. that KAT sounds like a great big LION to me, wow what a purr.... he sure has a good engine in there.

  5. I am back, i got so caught up in the purring i did not comment on the violets and orchids. i went to another blog and it showed grwoing broccoli seeds in egg shells and it jogged my memory. I have killed several violets in my lifetime, i love them and they always die. i only killed one orchid, it was a gift and looked just like the one above, but did not last long at all...

  6. That is one way to look at the time change, 1 hour less of rain. Anyway, guess we just have to get used to it. Those flowers are gorgeous.Have a great Sunday.

  7. I hope we end daily lights savings soon. Tomorrow is the most dangerous day - you are more lopikely to have a heart attach or be in a car accident due to lack of sleep. We are already soooo sleep deprived. Sigh!

    Must say your flowers are beautiful!

  8. That is one happy cat. I love flowers but have found the fake ones from Michaels' require so much less maintenance.... :)

  9. Pretty flowers! Kat sure is happy and an hous less of rain really is a good deal!

  10. Mom used to have great orchids but, for some reason, a couple died this year.

    We loved Kat's video (especially the yawn!)

    The Florida Furkids

  11. Hari OM
    Orchids, clematis, A/violets... I identify! My father has a couple of orchids on his kitchen bench; they flower every year without fail. He ignores them - apparently that's the key. YAM xx

  12. We only grow flowers outside since inside ones don't do as well. It was nice to hear Kat's purring.

  13. I used to be really good with orchids, but somehow I seem to be killing them now. Maybe global warming is messing up indoor plants now.... :-(

    as a californian, I agree with that hour of rain comment.

  14. I heard that sweet boy purring!
    One less hour of rain is one way of looking at it. We don't lose our hour for another 3 weeks.

  15. I love those orchids. I am getting some myself but I doubt that my luck will be any better than yours. I'm a plant killer, unfortunately!

  16. Ghostwriter can never raise any plants indoors, for some reason. Not even an air plant survives in this house. But she's good at growing stuff outside.

    That kitty cat looks a lot like my cousins Maddie and Hanni.

  17. I used to be really good with violets I had some that were outstanding when I had a sunny (indoor) spot and NO cats. HA ha ha!

  18. So Mom has both orchids and African violets. She is semi-successful with them, but only because she ignores/neglects them. She has a new orchid now that one of our human sisters gave her for her birthday. It too came with many flowers. Thankfully they last a long time. The violet is not blooming right now but maybe if we get some sunshine things will change. Violets don't seem to like natural gas so if you have a gas stove, don't keep African violets in the same room:)

    Love that purring!

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  19. We had rain, and it's washed away an awful lot of snow...yay! A purring cat is a priceless treasure.

  20. Oh, Kat is SUCH a handsome man-cat!!!
    Our mom can't grow anything in the house. Anything!
    Yours sincerely,
    Margaret Thatcher

  21. I have never had luck with orchids or African violets either. Kat is such a sweetie. XO

  22. Oh, nows that is some purring!!!!! I do that sometimes too Kat! BOL
    Ma does okay with the Orchids. There have been some failures, butts for the most part, she doesn't kill them....much. ☺ They have them all over here in the stores, and Ma has to just walk by cause she doesn't have that much space on her window sill! BOL
    Ruby ♥

  23. I can keep no plant alive... truth. Only a Christmas cactus that lived a very long time. Kat's purr is wonderful to hear... such a big yawn! Sorry about the rain, we have not had rain in forever. I am sure we will catch up soon when it rains every afternoon and makes it more humid than imaginable. Good Morning!

  24. I have a Christmas cactus and an orchid that I’ve babied for a year. They look healthy but no flowers.

  25. I don’t do inside plants. Kat you have a very soothing purr


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi