My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Friday, February 17, 2017

Winter Flower Friday with Dory

 Dory finally we have some flowers to show you...and they are fresh not recycled. MOL
Photos taken on 2/7/17

Mom and I are extremely excited about today too.  This is the first time Cammie (we hope
Cammie from Army of 4) doesn't mind that we named it after her).
Cammie's given name is Black Tie Camellia has bloomed.  She was planted in the fall of 2016....and the best news is looks like she will bloom twice.  All these blooms are on the back side and there are just as many on the front side too.  

Mom featured this bloom earlier this is special because mom has tried 
furever to capture raindrops on flowers but was not successful,

Now here is a collage of Cammie's many faces.  She looks pink but as you can see in the collage
below she is R E D

Next up
Our pansies on their second blooming.
Our daffies have popped up but up but are not blooming these are our neighbors
The cute little white flowers are from our neighbor too we don't know their name

Mom took a walk down to an area close to us called Lead Mine Lake.
She saw this gorgeous River Birch  bark and the cinnamon colored branches on 
the Crepe Myrtle.  
The top right corner is the MOON...this was snapped at ~2:30 pm

Well that is it for today Winder Flowers with Dory.  Maybe next month we'll have the front side of Cammie in bloom.

Last and for sure not least today is
National Random Acts of Kindness
We wrote this little ditty for the day

by Madi(son) D cat
Always be kind, even when you are in a bind
It will blow your mind when you find
Kindness is contagious!


  1. What beautimous flowers, Cammie is especially lovely!! Thanks for joining Flower Friday!
    PeeEss...We love your poem to celebrate Random Acts of Kindness Day!

  2. Hari OM
    OUTstanding Made (and mum)... these are simply gorgeous. Your ditty for kindness stands high too!!! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  3. cammie is beautiful... sadly jack frost killed all aour camellia flowers... they are brown and mushy now and the mama needs a lot of curses when she has to remove them all 2 days...

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. Beautiful flowers and I haf to confess I do LUFFS the Cammie's, they are gorgeous just like the girlie in the furs!!!
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  6. Mom especially luffs roses. AND they are safe for cats, too.

  7. What beautiful flowers and they're blooming in February! How cheerful!

  8. Those are some mighty pretty flowers. We have some daffodils going on here but not many of them. It is so exciting to see Spring trying to pop out.

  9. Great flower pictures. Love them. Have some of the same in my yard blooming right now too.

    Happy weekend.

  10. that camellia deserves a 'cammy award'. really beautiful and the daffies that we call jonquils are so pretty and cheery. my mothers yard was covered in them.. Madi, glad to see mom let you outside for a while to stop and smell the camellias.

  11. You have so many great flowers at your place, Madi!

  12. Cammie is looking beautiful! I can't believe you have all those happy flower faces already, Madi! It is brown and without flowers here in MissouREE!

  13. Beautiful flowers....but not as beautiful as YOU!

    your guy Raz and The Florida Furkids

  14. I heard a woodpecker this morning...made me think that Spring may just be on it's way. Your flowers are lovely!

  15. Oooooh, I feel so honored!!!!!! I love your Cammie's colors! We don't have any flowers here yet, so we LOVE seeing yours. Mom is especially fond of Pansies!
    Cammie! (The other one!)

  16. We're having spring temperatures here, but I haven't seen any flowers. I hope the trees, shrubs and flowers stay dormant as we can still have nasty winter weather here in the Midwest. Your neighbor's little white flowers are snowdrops.

    Random acts of kindness always make the day brighter--for everyone!

  17. Gorgeous! Love the flowers. We've given up on our vegie garden--the heat has just wilted it.

  18. We really are quite ready for planting and blooming season pretty Madi!

  19. madi....manee thanx for sharin thiz two day.....itz gonna bee a few thousand
    bee for we see stuff... then it will bee a fite bee tween de harez N de chippeez az two who gonna eat what furst ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa de treez R total le awesum two !!! heerz two a uaru kinda week oh end; himz act shoo a lee a prette awesum fish; see ya twoozday ! ♥♥♥

  20. Beautiful flowers, nice to see some color other than white snow. I love your K poem about kindness.XO

  21. Sooo beautiful !! we would love to see some flowers blooming but it may not be for a while yet here
    Mr bailey, Hazel & mabel

  22. OMD OMC MADI... BOTH Cammie's are Beautiful. We can't Believe that you have somethingy BLOOMING this Early... WE still have Piles of SNOW in the Yard... at LEAST it has stopped Snowing for a few days.
    Keep those BEAUTIFUL FLOWERS coming... it makes us feel HOPEFUL.

  23. The flowers are gorgeous! I love your camellia ♥ I hope my daffodils bloom soon. Thank you for sharing your gardens

  24. Wow. Those flowers are BEAUTIFUL. I especially like that Camellia. I like your poem on being "kind" too ... it costs us so little but means so much to other people, doesn't it?

  25. We are jealous. It is months away before we're going to see any flowers blooming.

  26. Such pretty flowers, Madi! Thanks for sharing them with all of us.

  27. We are sure Cammie will be proud
    Lily & Edward

  28. Oh, you KNOWS Cammie is loooovin' that!!!! I loves it to! She is SO deserving of a flower named after her! Ma keeps forgetting to take pics of her's kinda hard in the hasn't stopped. ever. please make it stop. sorry, went off the rails there for a sec! BOL Anyhu, loves the trees that real cinnamon? yummers!
    Ruby ♥

  29. Madison, your flowers are beautiful, especially the camellias! I grew to love camellias when we lived in Tokyo, where they bloom in November and December. The little white flowers look to be Lenten Rose (Hellaboris?)

  30. Sorry Madi, spellcheck attacked your name. I hate when that happens, especially when I miss it.


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi