My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Saturday, December 29, 2018

Winter Moon rising and this and that

Sauna Setting in my computer's editing program

Night time landscape setting on my camera

December 22 we had a full moon on the rise...
In spite of all the Decorative lights on our cul-de-sac, the moon was big and bright from the time it popped over the trees

This photo was 100% luck and straight out of the camera.
This street runs beside our house.  While taking photos of the moon, I decided to
snap a few of all the decorative lights.  As I snapped, a car was passing.
I was able to capture some of those funky speeding lights you often see  in night photos, lower right corner.

This and That

And this and that I found in my December 12th file.

We have been watching this steel go up for several weeks.
It is progress in the making there was an older 3 story building on the site.
It was torn down to make way for this multistory building.
The old building was in a flood plain from day one.  I guess no one ever really thought
Crabtree Creek would flood.  It did many many times. Right into the parking lot of the old
building and very close to the front door.
The site is still in the flood plain;  however, the new building is on top of a multilevel parking deck.
Once it is occupied all will have to be sure to move their cars to higher ground and
pray the water recedes quickly.
 The physics behind how these cranes can lift heavy things without breaking is
way above my understanding.

Photo from Crate and Barrel's front entrance

There you have it my this and that is finished.


  1. VERY cool night photos! I don't understand how those cranes get away with what they do of life's little mysteries I guess!

    Hugs, Pam

  2. I am dumping all the post that I created and never posted, some I deleted and a few I will push through. cranes are amazing at what they can do. love the entrance to the store. your night photography is great, I just can't seem to get the hang of it... I do love the car lights and would have missed those if you had not mentioned them

  3. Those were some terrific pictures of the moon. It sure was a gorgeous moon. That is interesting on how the cranes do all that lifting. Anyway, you all have a wonderful week end.

  4. I love a full moon, especially in the winter. Our days are so short and it makes me feel not alone.

  5. Hari OM
    It really was a fabulous moon - but I didn't get a piccie due to cloud cover!!! You did good, lady &*> YAM xx

  6. You captured some great shots of the moon. It is amazing how cranes work to lift such heavy things so high.

  7. Those are terrific photos! Hey, maybe they are really building Steel Magnolias!

  8. The lights are so beautiful at night with the moon above.

  9. Great pictures! We have not seen the moon in a long time due to the constant clouds here in WNY.

  10. Those were some great nighttime photos! The moon was so bright when it was full this month it seemed almost like daylight at night!

  11. I love your night shots. Very pretty area.

    I don't know anything about cranes either, but they sure get the job done.

    Have a fabulous weekend, my friend. ♥

  12. Love your photos. Some geek half a world away has screwed up my computer with their compulsory updates. So I can't download photos onto my computer. As well, there is a long waiting list to have the computer worked on. So it'll have to be a January job. Methinks.

  13. The 'night time landscape' setting photo is particularly atmospheric., I think.
    Cheers! Gail (now reunited with Bertie).

  14. Great photos. I wish I could decorate like Crate and Barrel. XO

  15. Those photos are wonderful! I need to go to a Crate and Barrel.

  16. Physics...and Charmin. Don't they go together? Love the speeding car lights.

  17. You shot some wonderful night clicks! Crate and Barrel is an uplifting store... :) Somehow got it confused with Cracker Barrel and thought we were going to talk about FOOD! Ha!

  18. We watch The Flash with Mommy, and that's what The Flash looks like when he is running. ~Xena
    I think the moon was celebrating Christmas with it's big, round light. ~Lucy

  19. As much as I try to snap images of full moons, I am always disappointed with my iPhone camera. Around here, you cannot build in certain flood plains. But, the Fed makes you purchase flood insurance!

  20. Cool picture. The people who invented the crane are a lot smarter than I am.


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi