My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Sunday, December 23, 2018

Secret Lives of Letters G and H

Tomorrow will be the finale to my 12 Days before Christmas...YEP tease tease 
you have to wait til Christmas Eve.
November Reader's Digest and I happened upon this article, 
"The Secret Lives of Letters", by Brooke Nelson.  Mr. Nelson says letters may be small characters, but there are amazing stories behind all 26 alphabet all-stars.
E and F can be found by clicking here


  1. That is interesting and in fact all the things you've been telling us about language and the alphabet, etc. have been TOTALLY interesting!

    Hugs, Teddy

  2. the H story is quite interesting, especially since our last name starts with H... seems from these posts our letters have been changing and changing and we never knew it. very interesting on the C and G

  3. PS and now we have letters provided by Auto Correct, so who knows where we will end up

  4. We wouldn't want to mess with "C"! And what would Frisco do without G? He IS a Ginger!

  5. Good to know about the different letters. Who knew??? You all have a fantasic day.

  6. Hari OM
    "Aytch" is how all English dictionaries suggest the pronunciation of the letter and the use of "Haytch" considered acceptable if one was from certain regions. Generally, at school, we were taught that the latter was 'common' (subtext for lower class = ignorant). The aristocratic us of "Haytch" was considered and affectation. Whilst both are accepted for 'BBC' usage now, for those of us brought up on the first, the second causes a cringe!

    More of a concern to me is the dreadful grammar which has crept into use. "I" where "me" ought to be, and also too as well in the came sentence... sigh... YAM xx

  7. We learn something new every day!

  8. I didn't know these things. I do now. Very interesting.

    Have a fabulous Sunday, Cecilia. Big hug. ♥

  9. We are in total agreement with Aunty Yam about how the English is being butchered. Mom is happy that at least most of her grands are getting very good grammar lessons in school. She cringes when she reads some things.

    We are so enjoying this alphabet series.

    Merry Christmas from all of us!

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  10. I always wondered why C and G were so similar looking. Now I know.

  11. Wow...we learned something today!

    The Florida Furkids

  12. That was interesting about C and G! Mom i going to have to go and find a Reader's Digest to find out more. Writing for a living makes me interested in these things.

  13. How interesting! Thank cod C and G got separated.

  14. Very interesting letter information. :) XO

  15. I read something the other day that just blew my doesn't matter how the alphabet is written. The letters could be in any order. LOL!

  16. yes, Ma (being Irish Catholic) knows this...her Gma told her all abouts it when she was a wee lass. Didn't knows abouts the G and the C though!
    I hopes you guys are having a most FABulous Holiday weekend!!!
    Ruby ♥

  17. very interesting and I never thought about how the letters were developed


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi