My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Tuesday Tale

Five days a week we walk at least 45 minutes  between 8 am and 9:30 am.  
We do our walking at Crabtree Valley Mall
about 2 miles from home  (as the crow flies).  Depending on the weather, if it is above
40 degrees in winter and below 75 (with out humidity) in the summer, we'll walk outside around the mall, through the parking lots and trails.  The mall doesn't open until 10 am.

The wise ones say walking is good for your health
We find that it is  not only healthy, it will make you wealthy. 
and often you can **help your those around you.

**During 2018, while walking, I found three bank debt cards in the parking lots on different days. 
 I am amazed at how careless folks are with these cards.
Each one from one of the three banks in the mall area. We turned them into the banks
right a 9 am. On New Year's Eve day about 8 am,  I saw an object in an empty parking spot that looked like a small pocket book calendar.  I almost walked passed it but decided to pick it up.
When I turned it over, I was shocked to see it was Passport from Mexico.
I opened it to check dates.  Expiration date was April 21, 2020. The owner had
filled in her name, local address and phone number.  We took it to the mall office immediately.
If the owner had already realized it was missing, I know she was frantic.

Mostly what we find is lots of coins and some times paper money.  We put in a huge jar. At the end of the year take the jar to the bank to use their automatic counter.  I thought I'd give you all a chance to 
guess how much money we found this year.  Below is a photo of the jar.
Note there is a $1.00, $5.00 and $10.00 bill.  All found in empty lots early in the morning.
So you have a head start it is more than $16.00.

We'll be taking the Jar to the bank sometime in the next few days.
I'll let you know the total.

Moral to this story is two fold:
1. be careful with your debt cards don't just stick them in the top of your pocketbook or in your pants  pockets.  If you have to have your passport with you at all times, put it somewhere safe.
2.  keep your nose to the ground when walking there are treasures to be found.



  1. that is super great to help others who lost something very important !!! and wow, how much moneeh you found! we walk mostly in da forest so we can find not much moneeh... 12 cents by now.... but only 9999.88 to go than we can buy a new car, yay!

  2. I'm glad you keep an eye out and help people - I sort of think the money you find is payment for your good deeds!

  3. My dad always had his eyes to the ground and he was the one who always found the money and it pleased him to no end. Your cake looks so festive and so yummy!

  4. Those walks are not only healthy, they are like a little treasure hunt. We are guessing $25.00.

  5. I don't know how much is in there but it would buy a good many treats!

  6. Hari OM
    Dropping coins is annoying but often not worth scrabbling under vehicles for, hence they get left... the notes are less explainable! Cards and passports though, makes me wonder if that is carelessness or have they been dumped by thieves who couldn't use them? Either way, you did good stuff! As to the guess, not knowing your coinage is a challenge but will stab at $108... (that's an auspicious number in Hinduism). YAM xx

  7. every time I empty my piggy bank for a church project ... there is always one odd penny ... so I'm going to guess $32.06 !
    Blessings to you for taking the time to return the passport and bank cards!

  8. Yay for birthday cake and my mom was Ceille, spelled differently .. but pronounced the same. my guess is 26.00 dollars. I would go to our mall and look but no one goes there now so I doubt there is much out there. I will start looking at the parking lot at Walmart..

  9. We have found money several times because people have dropped it. Love the cake and know if was good!

  10. So many people would drive off and just leave their cards in the machines that they changed the order of the transaction so you have to remove your cards before you can get the money. They can't prevent people from being idiots, though!

  11. Walking at the mall sure is a good place to find money and other objects. We're sure everyone who reclaimed their lost items was very happy you turned them in. It looks like there are a lot of pennies in your jar so we are guessing $24.36. Your cake look yummy.

  12. Mom sometimes walks at the Mall too. That cake looks FABULOUS!

    The Florida Furkids

  13. Owwww your cake looks soooooooo gooooood, I hope that you had a wonderful 70th Birthday! My Mum always had her eyes to the ground but that is because she has to watch out for all the things I may end up eating on our walks, I'm not fussy, I eat anything!!!
    Have a great day!
    Lots of love from Frank and little brother Maxie Moo XxxxxxxX

  14. Yikes that's a lot of really important stuff being left behind. You are nice to turn it in. Now if they will just remember to check for it at the mall.

    I'm so happy you had a great birthday yesterday. That cake looks mighty good.

    Have a fabulous day, my friend. ♥

  15. We always find stuff, but rarely money or important stuff.

    At my 70th (in VA), I had a huge sheet cake. When my brother had a piece, he said 'this is my favourite kind of cake.' Someone said, vanilla? And he said, 'No, COSTCO' Apparently, he had my sister buy it, paid for it, so he could have the cake without his wife knowing! Again, happy birthday.

  16. I turn 70 in Feb this year too (the 9th)...hapoy belated birthday wishes.

    I will guess $24.97

  17. Mmmmm, your Birthday cake looks delicious!!!!

    We put all our loose change in a jar and use it as "poker money" when we go to Las Vegas. I'm going to guess $53.46 :-)

  18. uz catz iz knot good at math but we will say; 23.98...we DUE NOE good cake tho when we see it.... N it gtz 984 pawz UP !!!!! ☺☺☺♥♥♥

  19. I was going to start walking at the mall and now you just REALLY made me want to start walking there! OMG! I say you found $45.30

  20. Hmm, the consensus seems to be around the same amounts, so I'm going for $27.75! I've found my share of $20 bills, and The Hubby found a couple of real gold necklaces in a parking lot. I pick up pennies too; if the gods are going to gift me with money, I'll take it and be thankful.

  21. Mom has a piggy bank of coins to take to the bank too. She is guessing has at least $50 in it. We are going to guess you have $31.32.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  22. I will guess $21.43 :) I always look down and find lots of pennies. That cake looks tasty :) XO

  23. I am going to say $47.79
    I never seem to find anything lying around, and if I did it would probably be one of those jokes where someone has nailed it to the ground.
    Glad you had a good birthday. The cake looks delish!

  24. Love your cake. It is weird for me to see pennies as we live in a penniless world now!

  25. We always look for money on the ground! My husband and kids used to tease me for picking it up at the Circle K so one day when I was inside the store, they tossed a bunch of coins by the car and laughed so hard as I found the treasure! LOL! I’m going to guess $24.76

  26. That cake does look yummy. We guess... $32.71.

  27. Our peeps found a bank card once in the Walmart parking lot and occasionally find money on the ground. YOur cake looks delicious!! We will guess 25.43
    Hazel & Mabel

  28. OMD!!!! OMD!!!!! OMD!!!!! MA MISSED YOUR BURTHDAY???!!!!!! DAMN HER!!!! I'll bite her in the arse for you!!! I hopes you had the bestest Burthday EVERS!!!!! I am so sorry I missed it!!! You do have left over cakes, right??? I'll trade you a piece for a margarita! or a cookie....or a margarita ☺
    Oh, I guess....$28.54.
    Ruby ♥

  29. Cake! I am glad you had a great birthday! I had a cold for your birthday... :)

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“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi