My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Tuesday Tale: Enlightening News

Guess what 2 weeks from today, August 7th, is National Lighthouse Day,

Rosy, Arty and Jakey's mama made this gorgeous badge.
Please feel free to copy it for your blog.  
you may join the blog hop on August 7th by clicking HERE

It was on this day in 1789, that Congress approved an Act for the establishment and support of lighthouse, beacons, buoys and public piers. In Celebration of the 200th Anniversary of the signing of the Act and the commissioning of the first Federal lighthouse, Congress passed a resolution which designated August 7, 1989 as National Lighthouse Day.  Read all about it here 

Mom and Mama Beth are huge fans of Lighthouses.  Needless to say they were delighted when
they read about this special day.  
We'd like to invite everyone to join us and Rosy and Arty and Jakey in a Blog Hope celebrating lighthouses.
All you have to do it tell us about your favorite lighthouses, beacon, buoys or piers.
Lighthouses can be found on rivers and sounds just like this one

  Mama Beth will set up a blog hop too.  We can hop all over this great big
world learning and seeing new things.

NC is famous for her lighthouses and they all have very interesting histories. 

Several years ago Mom and Dad went on a week long tour of NC Lighthouses
They told me a great story about Ocracoke Island Lighthouse and it's a resident kitty

Ocracoke Lighthouse is the oldest OPERATING lighthouse.
There are others older but they are not in service.
In 1798, a 54' wooden tower was built on this point on Ocracoke Inlet to mark the channel.

Mr. Kitty got a little cheeky with pizapped Madi
Mom said I'd have cried like a girl if he whacked me
with his daggers.  She said he had never had a mani-pedi

We hope you will hop around the world with us to show us your lighthouses,
beacons, buoys or public piers.


  1. oooh we love lighthouses too... the mama would even live in a lighthouse... if it has an elevator... maybe we can drive to Tevennec the most haunted lighthouse of the world... if the elephant skate will learn to swim till august ;O)

  2. My human has always wanted to go inside a lighthouse... she has even dreamt about being in one.

  3. That is a great idea. We're definitely going to take part!

  4. That sounds like a great holiday! Thanks for letting us know.

  5. Hari OM
    Well, as a fan of such myself, will have to see what I can come up with!!! Hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

  6. We love lighthouses too! This is going to be fun!

  7. Well my Mom and Dad did a lighthouse driving tour through Cape Cod and up the eastern coast some years ago taking lots of photos and Mom did a lot of oil paintings of the lighthouses. There's something truly wonderful about the "work" lighthouses do. Very cool hop!

    Hugs, Teddy

  8. I used to sell and collect lighthouses and went to San Diego with a friend from where I worked for a lighthouse tour. It was a lot of fun and there was good FOOD! AC dudes come this morning... Ugh. I think I will leave and shop! Good Morning Madi and MOM!

  9. What fun to see all the lighthouses. They are all so different. You all have a super day.

  10. I've nefer been to a Lighthouse, I finks thats very remiss of my peeps!
    Lets get the map out and find the nearest one...oh, so I lives the furthest point from the coastline in the UK...ummmm, finks this could be a problem!?!?
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  11. sounds like fun, I have zero pics of lighthouses and there is only one in our area, it is on an island and access only by boat. so no way for me to see it. but I will look at what you show us...

  12. Y'all will have fun with the blog hop. Lighthouses are so cool.
    I won't be able to join, since my little ol blog is private.

    Have a very good day!

  13. This sounds like fun!

    your guy Raz and The Florida Furkids

  14. I've been to the Ocracoke lighthouse, but it was far before I became a photographer... We used to spend long chunks of summers on the outer banks of NC. It was before it was popular. We'd have entire beaches to ourselves. I loved it.

  15. Those are just beautiful pictures, we love lighthouses and the ocean, but here in Iowa all we have is windmills and ponds. Mags and Gusser

  16. Those are terrific pretty Madi and we love the lighthouse kitty!

  17. Michigan has a TON of lighthouses, but I haven't visited the inside of a single one. Maybe because they are all haunted? Mr. Kitty ain't playing around!

  18. this one could be a challenge for us but it sounds like fun!
    Hazel & Mabel

  19. madi....we could livez ina lite houze ina fast minit....if we finded one that waz emptee..... N one that dinna costz 98 millionz......

    :) ♥♥♥

  20. That sounds like fun, we have lots of those in Oregon to share. Thanks for showing us the NC light houses!

  21. Mama already has about a billion pictures put together and is talking about taking Rosy to lighthouse!! We can't wait!!
    Rosy, Jakey & Arty

  22. That sounds like a cool hop. I wish I knew of one to talk about. XO

  23. I love lighthouses too. I've only seen one or two and am not sure we have a photo but I'll check.

  24. that sounds like some great fun. We might have to get Mom to take us on a roadtrip because we don't think there are any lighthouses around here, not even at the Kansas Ocean where our friends Maggie and Cam visit. We will see what we can do. That day is our parents' anniversary.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  25. We'll have to see if our mom can get out to the one lighthouse around here. Despite living on the shore of Lake Ontario there aren't many lighthouses around. We have piers that have lights on the end but no house.

  26. Gosh...we are in Canada...can we pawticipate?

  27. What a handsome orange he is! Not far from here is the St. Marks Lighthouse. I don't know if it's still in operation, but it's very popular for tourists.

  28. Cool! Maybe we’ll share our post about our island Lighthouse. That would be fun!

  29. That is really cool. Mommy and Daddy went on a tour of Rhode Island lighthouses. It was wicked cool.


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi