My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Madi: What am I thinking

This one is a no brainer...Madi is thinking....

If I don't look at you, then you aren't there!!!

I get this a lot.
What do you think?
Note from Mom: You best watch your p's and q's Madi...remember
Santa is coming in 13 days


  1. Hi Madi...I bet you are thinking about trying to get your M.O.M. to take you out for a walk! Haha! Or maybe your thinking about all those wonderful presents Cat Santa is bringing you for Xmax!!! hugs and wags, Mistaya

  2. Hi Madi, we do that too - especially Martha - she doesn't even look when mum calls her name!
    Santa Paws will soon be here and we will let him know what a very good kitty cat you have been all there........and not to listen to your mom!
    love and kisses
    Martha & Bailey xxx

  3. That should read 'all year' as opposed to 'all there' - this is what happens when you let your mum have a glass of wine!!!!

  4. BOL, My angel brudder Benny used to do that wiff Boomer.. if she came too close he would look away, saying "If I can't see her, she doesn't exist!" and that would work fine until she bopped him, BOL! He was so scared of her, heehee. I miss him. :-(


    PS. I will try to be less exuberant around Boomer and see how that works out.

  5. You HAVE to be good, Madi! I really, really talked to Santa today! No kidding!

  6. HI Madi
    Momma read that a direct stare for cats is interpreted as an aggressive act which is why I only glance at Momma. She says she loves to get me winking at her with love eyes as she calls it. It's when my eye lids get heavy and she closes her eyes to mimic mine. She says she knows I am telling her I love her when I do this...and you know what? I am...

    purr on

  7. Please 13 days, holy cow! I still have shopping and all my wrapping :)

  8. Hi, Madi!
    I do the same to my mom many times but... yes... Santa is coming soon so I know I have to behave!
    Kisses and hugs

  9. Madi,
    You are right!! If you don't look, she is not there!!
    Happy says she wants warmer weather and drier!
    It has been cooler and wetter than it should be..
    Hugs, Happy and Fern

  10. You're sure thinking right Madi! Just keep on being know why.....Santy Paws....hehe

  11. Hi Madi,

    Well just between you and us, not to worry! We'll tell Santa when we see him next week that you are the best behaved cat ever! And prettiest too.

    Luv ya,
    Riley and Star.

  12. I think she's wondering what the number for Domino's pizza is - and if she can get extra sardines on her pizza!

  13. Madi the Diva is being persnickety for Mom with the flashy box!

  14. You are right Madi, if we don't look they aren't there. If we turn our backs they can't see us. But it is getting close to Christmas so we had better be good.

    Miss Cindi Lou


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi