My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Madi: Part I:Receiving the Christmas Gift

Oh boy is Madi excited. A few weeks ago we signed up to participate in
Jazzi's Gift Exchange. Jazzi and her Mom put the participants names in a hat, Jazzi
drew one name at a time and her Mom assigned each of us a furiend
The only rules were

1) be sure to mail our furiend's gift by December 15,
2) once we rec'd our gift we were to post all about it and show what we got.

Thank you Jazzi and Mom for hosting such a wonderful event!!!!!

Madi's name was assigned to Bambi and Happy and their Mom Fern, Animal lover, quilt lover.
Since this was my first time ever receiving a present in the mail...Mom took so many pictures
so decided to make it a 2 part event.

Today is all about 'Receiving the Gift'!!!
Below is the picture of my very first present addressed and mailed to me

Mom and Dad got home late the night my package arrived so they placed it under the
tree for me to sniff all day on Friday.

Finally Friday night Mom got out the scissors to open the box.

Inside the mailing box was this very pretty kitty card

and a very nice note from Bambi, Happy and Fern.

Thank you for all the special touches you added to my gift.

Then Mom found another BOX wrapped up in very pretty
kitty Christmas paper!!! Oh my Fern, Bambi and Happy
know how to make a Diva kitty happy. I sniffed
and sniffed and oh was I happy (Happy no pun intended MOL)

Then Mom asked me to move away from the package so she could get a very nice picture
of the present before we 'tore' into it. I was a little worried about tearing into it for fear I'd
break or ruin it but Mom explained it was just a figure of speech. Ok I didn't understand that
either but I just said 'WHATEVER' Mom get on with the show.

Don't blame me for not showing you what was inside the package right this minute.

You can talk to THE MOM about that decision. She says we'll keep you all

in suspense because anticipation is part of the fun.

I can tell you this it is ONE FANTASTIC KITTY GIFT.
Part 2 the unwrapping will be posted late afternoon on December 14.
Respectfully submitted;
Madi the Happy Diva Cat and Mom the Queen of Suspense


  1. Madi and C,
    We love the way you did it!!!! I am so glad Madi likes the smell!! Not all cats do.
    Looking forward to tomorrow,
    Bambi, Happy, and Mom

  2. Don't you just love surprises???
    Can't wait to see what sweet Fern, Bambi and Happy sent!

  3. Hi Madi
    Its so fun to receive presents
    from other blogfriend :-)
    I see you are happy
    good girl ....
    Hugs Kareltje =^.^=

  4. Lucky you, Madi! What's inside, the suspense is killing us!

  5. That is soooooo adorable Madi! Can't wait to see what it is!

  6. Oh Madi...what a pretty present you received!! I can't wait to see what is inside..we will be checking back tomorrow!! hugs and wags, Mistaya and M.O.M.

  7. Hi, Madi!
    Sure they sent you pawesome presents! I can't wait until tomorrow to see them!
    Kisses and hugs

  8. Hey exciting, cant wait!!


  9. I can't wait to see what you got. I'm mailing mine tomorrow!!! OHOH, I thought that was the cut of date! :)

  10. I love surprises. It's almost like we get to open the present with you!

    BTW, I'm stretching Jack's gift opening out as well - it builds suspense! :)

  11. What a cute idea and a great way to get to know fellow bloggers.

    Miss Cindi says cats are curious and the suspense is bugging her.


  12. Awww, unwrapping is fun! I can't wait to open mine on Christmas!!! I keep smelling it..I am so excited!!

    Licks --


  13. Madi and Mom, you have us all as curious as cats in suspense! HA!!

  14. We can't wait to see what's inside!!!

    We participated in Secret Paws this year and we got our package...and mom has NOT helped us open it yet!!! Can you believe that??!?

  15. Oh Madi, Madi, we can't wait - open the box, open the box!
    The card was cute and the packaging is so very pretty with little kitty cats on but this is torture.
    Just as well our mum has been at work today or she would have been much worse..........
    We were wondering if it might be a mouse - we know you cats like them!
    Hurry up Madi, rip it open.......
    Your inpatient friends
    Martha & Bailey xxxx

  16. Wow that is so exciting that you did the gift exchange! We didn't do one this year (I think there are a couple out there) but we think everyone is having so much fun we will have to do it next year for sure! We can't wait to see what you got!

  17. YAY for packages!!! Can't wait to see what's in there!!!


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi