My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Madi: Many Moons

Mom here: Madi has been working pretty hard the last few
days opening presents and playing with Christopher her stuffed mouse.
She has earned
some down time. We hope you all enjoy Mom's photos of the moon over the last month.
Mom is dabbling in different exposures and times of day.
Mom blogging alone today with Madi's approval


  1. Very cool. Moon shots are hard to get!!

  2. You'll need to tell me how you did that Madi's Mom. I've been wanting to try that. Just like TG said...that is very cool.

  3. Yep! Two above are correct, COOL!

  4. Hi Madi !

    Good shots of the moon, Madi's mom.

  5. Great mosaic of the moon shots and ditto on the very cool from JackDaddy. Hope you are enjoying your break Madi.

    Judy & Miss Cindi Lou

  6. A great challenge Madi's mom....great pics of a beautiful moon. Mistaya's M.O.M. Gail

  7. Very nice collection of shots there!

  8. Pawesome pictures!
    My mom never gets a good picture of our moon!
    Kisses and hugs

  9. Cecilia, I love your moon shots!! Impressive!!

    My fall in 2002 was the worst one. I broke my collar bone and seprated my rotator cup on my right side. I am so use to pain and have such a high pain tolerance that I did not go to a doctor for 2 months. The collar bone had healed wrong. The doc said he had never meet someone with such high pain tolerance before. But that it had not served me well. That I would never have any strength in my right arm and hand and he was right. It is hard for me to cut fabric.
    The whole package has messed me up really badly.
    I made a baby quilt top last April and May. Finished the top May 30th and fell June 1st and I haven't done anything on that quilt except get it layered and ready to quilt. I am almost ready to get back to it I think. love, Fern

  10. How many moons do you have there? We only have one and sometimes it hides....

  11. For sure we enjoyed these beautiful pictures, mommy is soooo talented!
    Adorable collage!
    purrs and love
    mommy Léia and Luna

  12. Nice collage of moon shots! We particularly like the two shots on the left that show the moon hiding - sort of playing peek a boo!

  13. **wundermouse**
    Those were great shots of the moon.

    purr on

  14. Wow!!
    Mom its BEATIFUL
    do you have a new camera :-)
    Love your collage !!
    Puurfect work....
    greetings Anya :-)

  15. Very nice! My mom can't get shots of the moon but I think that is because she has a cheap point and click flashy box.


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi