My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Friday, July 13, 2018

Flower Friday the 13th "Hangover".....

My Senior 6 month wellness update at the end
The hosta plant below right corner lives
in the tall red pot under the Maple tree near our Sanctuary* top left corner.

Dad mentally designed this spot then presented his mental image to our the ultimate landscaper Adam...
When Adam finished...he told Dad it looked like a Sanctuary* that is what we call it.

Senior 6 month wellness results
I've gained about 3 ounces...woohoo
my kidney levels were good...except my phosphorus was up a wee bit from
3 months ago.  Dr. Szabo tweaked  RX for Aluminum Hydroxide which is a phosphorus binder.
This is okey dokey fine since it doesn't have any taste and
is sprinkled over my food.  I also got my Rabies vaccine.
This Jaguar's chassis is good to go for 6 more months.

Oh and my loo has a fancy pants sun screen over it. Nick the installer was quicker than greased lightning.  I didn't even know he was here. No more scary shadows in my litter box
and we can raise and lower it as need be.


  1. First..WAHOO for a weight gain and test results!!!!!!
    Love your pansies...our hostas are also just starting to bloom.
    Rosy, Jakey & Arty

  2. that are good news, yay!!! and we love the name you found for this place... it is purrrrfect!!!

  3. Paws up on the mostly-good vet report - AND the new sun screen!

  4. Oh Madi I'm happy to hear your vet gave you a good (mostly) report! With the little tweaks in meds you are good to go. Thanks for the lesson on hangovers - I needed that.

    Hugs, Teddy

  5. Hey Madi, it sounds like you're in pretty decent shape. Keep it up, my friend and neighbor. Happy weekend to you, too.

  6. We are so happy to hear your great health report, Madi! Your sanctuary is so beautiful and serene!

  7. Hari Om
    OH gal-cat, when I read 'hangover' in the title, I was imgaining you out on the turps pawparing yourself to sleep out Friday 13th!!! Mind you, as a cat, I guess you can do that without liquid assistance!!!

    Congrats on the health repawt - and the new shade. Life is good eh? Hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

  8. Excellent form for your hangover! I like to do that too. I'm glad you got a good report!

    your guy Raz and The Florida Furkids

  9. Yes, good checkup news! Yippee!!!
    I love the hangover (Mom you are funny).

    Happy weekend.

  10. OMC! I thought you had a real Hangover, that you got in to much catnip … I reall love this hangover and you are an expert at it. so glad you got your sunshade in record breaking time, it is stressful having strangers in the house... yay for your weight gain and good for 6 months and YAY again... hugs Madi AND Mom and Sanctuary is the perfect word

  11. I sure am glad you're doing good pretty Madi! Your flowers are very pretty too!

  12. That was an excellent tutorial on how to accomplish a proper right paw dangle. We're glad to hear you're doing so well and hope it continues.

  13. Wow, that hangover looks tricky! I'm going to try practicing it! Thanks, Aunt Madi! We're glad your kidneys are doing good.

  14. Hooray for the good vet exam results! Your sanctuary looks very nice and peaceful. Angel Joey dog used to do "hangovers" all the time.

  15. Thanks for demonstrating the fine art of hanging over. Non-felines simply don't appreciate how impawtant this is.

    Pawsome health report. But we didn't realize that the loo shadows were disturbing.... We wouldn't want them either.

  16. Glad your senior numbers are better, Madi! Happy Flower Friday!!

  17. Madi, I want a skylight like yours! And in our upstairs bathroom! It's going on The Hubby's 'to do' list.

  18. Your Dad has a good creative talent - the Sanctuary is beautiful. That hosta looks so very healthy too.

    And speaking of healthy, we are happy to hear your report for your visit. Way to go, Madi!!!

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  19. Glad to hear your check up went well Madi! We love your dad's sanctuary
    Hazel & Mabel

  20. We love the sanctuary, Madi. Very peaceful. And that's great news about your wellness exam!

  21. Pretty flowers. I am so happy to read that your check up went well. XO

  22. So glad for your good report, Madi ! Purrs !

  23. Good news from the vet, Madi. ~Lucy
    I am going to try your hangover, Madi. ~Xena

  24. We think you have a lovely sanctuary spot.
    Great news about your weight and lab results

  25. Great results for your Wellness exam... and you gained a little weight! I just knew it would be good news! The sanctuary is lovely. I could be happy there, it has some nice shade. Your Dad is a good landscaper! That is a very casual and relaxed kind of hangover! Your Mom got some great pictures for this post, Madi. The hosta is gorgeous!

  26. OMD, this is FABulous news abouts your vettie visit! WoooooHooooo! Nows, did you come up with a way to get back at the vettie VAMPIRE techs??? if not, I might just have to go with my tried and true poopie method....☺
    Ruby ♥

  27. I am so glad that you visit to the Doctor went well and that you are one healthy COUGAR! I, purrsonally don't think you look a day over 6.
    I mean...just look at that dangle form!
    Oh-and I am happy that there are no more scary shadows in your loo!
    Purrs Marv


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi