My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Thanks-Blogville and Thoroughly Poetic Thursday

Today we join 

I have a lot to be thankful for today.
First things first!! To  all of you reading this

I am just 3 1/2 months from my 16th Meowday (3/11/02) and exactly
7 months from my 9th blogaversary (6/23/09). 
What a wild and fun time we have had over the last
8 1/2 years and it is all because of the citizens of Blogville. Little did we know in the early months of 2009 the journey we were about to have. We quickly learned life is all about the journey not the destination. The friendships formed the things we learned and OMCs how far mom has come she can do more than type now!!.

We thank each and every friend/furiend
we have made since we became citizens of Blogville in 2009. Mom
has 87 million of you to thank for all the things you taught her. Each of you have enriched our lives with your friendship, willingness to help
and support each other and us no matter what the circumstances, happy or sad. 

You are our cyber family!!

Words cannot describe how much we look forward to each and every post you lovingly
prepare. Often I am napping near by when mom reads your blogs...she rattles the
rafters and wakes me from a deep sleep with her
Thanks to Blogville
I have faced some health issues this year and we thank all of your for your support and for the emails or comment inquiring about my Diva-ness. 
In August my prognosis was guarded. Here we are 3 months later.
With the help of our dear Vet Dr. S and all the techs who helped mom learn to
give me my fluids and my pills we are managing!!
Mom has come upon a schedule that works and keeps my tummy happy. 
We three seniors are living and loving and enjoying each day.


Mom offered to cook for Uncle and Auntie K....just like last year but lo and behold 
Auntie K said, " I would really like to cook this year is that ok with you?" 
MOM said Y E S almost before Auntie K finished her sentence.
Now if mom just remembers to bring some turkey home for a starving Diva!
Happy Thanksgiving to you all and may your time with family and friends be filled with lots 
of love and memories
Hugs Madi and Mom

Thoroughly Poetic Thursday with Teddy and Angel Sammy


Our two ginger-men did not give us word prompts today.
They told us X is a hard word and to write about anything.
Today's post is brought to you by the letter
Xcitement is what I felt when I realized it was X day
Xactly how I was going to rhyme
Was something I hoped would come to mind
Xcept what I had in my mind was only a scheme
Xtreme glee filled my cup when
Madi finally said, Mom give it up, there is no Xrta time
You will never Xcel at poetry unless
you Xerox one from the pages of time.
X's and O's
Madi and Mom


  1. We say a huge thank you to all our our Blogville friends, and especially to you, Madi and Mom, for your consistently outstanding contribution and your friendship in tough times. Just a shame that Gail forgot about putting up a Thank You post today (it's been a busy week).
    Toodle pip!

  2. I love seeing what everyone is doing with X today! Happy Thanksgiving!

  3. I had to sniffle some tears away... you are right so much things we shared... and so much adventures and memories fur ever... Thanks to Blogville, thanks to you for being a ffriend and a Happy Thanksgiving!

  4. Xcellent poem! We're so happy we met you in Blogville. Enjoy your Thanksgiving, and may you three Seniors enjoy many many more seasons together.

  5. Awesome job with X! You killed it! We are so thankful to have you and your mom in in our daily lives, Madi♥ Happy Thanksgiving!

  6. Happy Thanksgiving to all of you too and we are so very thankful to have you as our friends. Hope you have a super duper day and lots of good food.

  7. he he he on the x files poem. LOVE IT and LOVE YOU and YOUR MOM toooo. all the things you said I feel also... life is good with friends in blogville...

  8. Happy Thanksgiving to you, and all of my US friends.

  9. Happy Thanksgiving to you, Madi! And a Happy Thanksgiving to your Mom and Dad and all the family! I know your Mom won't forget some Thanksgiving turkey for you! Thanksgiving hugs to you! Thankful this day for Madi and Mom and your blog that makes me smile... ♥

  10. Hari OM
    Oh just know you will get a bit of that buurrrdd... sending Love to you and the peeps. hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

  11. We are thankful for meeting your peeps in the furs and for calling you all our friends. Happy Turkey Day!

  12. Happy Thanksgiving. We are happy to have you as our friends too.

  13. What a beautiful post, Madi and mom, it touched our heart <3 We are thankful that we have met you and your furriendship <3 Pawkisses for a wonderful Thanksgiving to the both of you :) <3:)

  14. We love you too sweet Madi and we're so thankful you are doing good! Happy Thanksgiving from all of us!!!

  15. Madi and Mom, we are thankful for you sharing your life and love with ups through your blog! You are a sun puddle on a rainy day.
    We send Thanksgiving wishes from across the miles from our house to yours. May your home be filled with love, laughter and happiness!
    Marv and Mom

  16. So thankful for you, Madi! Have a great thanksgiving!

  17. Happy Thanksgiving to the three of you! We are thankful you are such a big part of Blogville and for all you do for others.

  18. We are so very thankful we have known you for most of the time we have been blogging!
    A very Happy Thanksgiving!
    Jakey, Arty & Rosy

  19. Happy Thanksgiving from our family to yours!!

    We cherish your friendship and are so happy to know you and your sweet Mom.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  20. Happy Thanksgiving! This is a lovely post. How wonderful that you are living and loving and enjoying each day.

  21. Madi & Mom we are so thankful to have your friendship.
    Hazel, Mabel & Mom

  22. We're so thankful for our friends in the cat blogging world. Happy Thanksgiving!

    Truffle, Brulee, and Mom Paula

  23. Well said, Madi!! We are thankful for you!
    Happy Thanksgiving!

  24. I am thankful for you and your Mom Madi! Happy Thanksgiving! XO

  25. Madi, we love you lots! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your mom and dad.

  26. We hope that you got some turkey too! Happy Thanksgiving to our favorite twerking cat!

  27. You sure do xcel at poetry. You made me giggle with your pawsome poem! Happy Thanksgiving my friends. I'm so glad that you've found a program that is working, Madi.

    Thanks for being our friends.

  28. Happy Thanksgiving Miss Madi and Mom. We are very blessed to have met you and your Mama and have been your friend in our 3 years of blogging. So very glad that your Vet has been able to help keep you feeling good.
    Marty and the Gang

  29. Oh, you sure do have a way with wordies gurl! I loved your poem! OMD/OMC, I sure hopes your Moms brings you some Turkey! Oh, Ma cooked (and did NOT burn down the house! I KNOWS! It was a surprise to me too...I did have 911 on speed dial, just in case....)
    and she gave me some TURKEY! Yuppers, I gots a taste! (and some rutabaga that fell on the floor too ☺)
    I hopes you and your family had a most FABulous Thanksgiving, and you knows we looooooooves you so very much! ♥
    Ruby ♥

  30. Happy Thanksgiving to you both,xx Speedy


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi