My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Madi: After the hoe down....

What a great time I had at the hoe down. Thanks everyone for coming by last night
to watch me demonstrate the hokey pokey. I hope you all have been practicing it today.
Who knew a barn had so much
dirt in it? Mom had to brush me good to get all the hay out of my fur.
My little paws never touch dirt so there is a lot of licking and grooming to do.
There are some creepy looking things between my tootsies.
Mom did you know about all the dirt in the barn?
Oh gross what is that on my heel?
Note from Mom: Our power has been off for 3 hours this afternoon. Thankfully
Mom had already prepared today's post. Good news is while the power was off all
the neighbors were outside talking. Mom had her camera. She needs to cook
supper so she doesn't have time to download the pictures but come by tomorrow to
meet some new furiends she met this afternoon.
New puppies are all over our cul-de-sac.
Madi and Mom


  1. I didn't think cats were allowed to get dirty! :)

  2. Hay Madi and Mom,
    I know your all are in your beds nice and warm, the day is all over. Sorry to hear you had your power off and probability some bad weather.
    THe pictures of Madi were so cute, I think the cutest that I have ever seen of her. You are a very good photographer!!!
    Love ya, Bambi and Fern

  3. Kitty cats must be contortionist! I don't think I could get my hind leg up in the air extended like you, Madi!!
    New puppies in the cul de sac? Oh goody! Can't wait to see!

  4. Oh my Madi, you do look exhausted after all that hokey pokeying.
    Sorry about the power but then again do we animals actually need it!
    We are very excited about your new puppies!!!!
    We live in a cuddle sack too - our human brother who is now all grown up used to tell everyone he lived in a cuddle sack and we kinda like it so it stuck!!!!
    love and kisses
    Martha & Bailey xxxx

  5. Oh dirt? YUCKY says Billy. You just have to snuggle when the power goes out! Can't wait to see your puppy friends!

  6. Hi Madi!

    Dirt is never fun.
    But at least you had fun at the hoe down and taught all the pups and kitties the Hokie Pokie.

  7. Wow it sounds like you had a good time but it is too bad your feet got gross stuff stuck to them. It is too bad the power went out too - I hate that - it happens here a lot because of "bad infrastructure". Can't wait to see the puppies!!


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi