My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Madi: How I spent my Saturday afternoon

Yesterday started out like an ordinary Saturday...we slept in, the peeps had a leisurely breakfast. I took my usual nap while the peeps were away doing Saturday errands. Shortly after they returned Mom & Dad decided to watch one of the National Park programs they have on dvr. I decided to do a little fountain watching. As you might remember from previous posts, I'm infactuated with my water fountain. I love watching the water run down the slide. We are all thoroughly enjoying our entertaiment of choice, when poof out goes the power for no apparent reason at 2 pm. No bad weather or anything. Mom waited a few minutes then call the power company. Of course it is all automated. The recording said a crew had been dispatched. No cause is yet known for the outage. After about a half an hour mom calls again,the recording says our power should be back on by 5 PM.
What MOM yells I have washing to do, blogs to write, tv programs to watch

Well there is nothing to do inside so Mom goes out with her camera to take some fall pictures. Lo and behold look what she sees across the street from us a Labordoodle puppy. To quote Jack, the puppy was on a 'string'. Mom walked over to the neighbors to ask if they had a new puppy. Yes we do he is 4 mos old we just brought him home in September. Mom asked his name.

He is acutally about the color of a perfectly baked biscuit

Mom said he was very soft. She told Biscuit she hoped he would grow into his tongue becuase it was very long

Biscuit's forever home is with Evan and Julia and

their Mom and Dad. What a lucky puppy he is and mom is thrilled to know

that he is just across the street from us.

Shortly after meeting Biscuit, lo and behold there is another new face on the cul-de-sac.
Martha and Bailey tell me when their human brother was a wee lad he called it it a 'cuddle sack'.
That is about the cutest thing we've heard in a very long time!!! Thanks Martha and Bailey.
You'll never in 1 million years guess this pretty girl's name....

Her Dad isn't exactly sure of her breed but he said the Vet guessed she was a mixture of
possibly Golden retriever, St. Bernard, Boxer or Swiss Mountain. Waffle is not quite a year old.
She and her dad are going to obedience classes. She is very well behaved.

We also have two older dogs on the cul-de-sac, Casey, a Border Collie and Charlie Brown a Basset Hound. Casey and Charlie Brown live next door to each other. They feed on each other's hyperactivity. Casey runs up and down the length of the fence trying her best to herd Charlie Brown. Much to Charlie Brown's peeps delight, this activity keeps CB trim and fit. Charlie Brown and Casey are both escape artists.
Mom was thrilled to meet the new puppies...I just want to taste them because they sound very delicious and you know how I am about food.
Madi and Mom


  1. Sounds like the people in your neighborhood are hungry!! Maybe you should make them a batch of cookies! :)

  2. You have lots of friends! Now you will have to watch them out the window and make sure they are safe! If they get in trouble go and tell your mom!

  3. We hope your power is on now and your fountain is working again....but we guess losing your power meant you got to meet a couple of nice looking woofies!

  4. Earlier this year, on a day when it was 47deg C, the power company cut our power - to save power. Mum did a LOT of yelling that day. We had no power for over two hours. Your puppy friends all look so cute!

  5. I can't believe you have your own fountain. That's pretty cool Madi!
    Hope it stays up & running for you.

    Biscuit & Waffle -- too funny

  6. Hi Madi!

    Just think you could have had waffles for breakfast and biscuit for dinner, oh I mean you could have them come over.

  7. Madi, Tell sadermaxx, you probably would not want DOG in your house. Most kittys don't like dog visits on less they live with dogs and know them real well. Well that is most anyway!!!
    The power company probably just turned the power off. Ours does once a month, for 30 minutes. You get use to it.
    Love you Madi and Mom, Bambi and her Mom

  8. How funny you are Madi! Watching your water fountain trickle!! LOL Cats don't like water!
    Your mom must be tickled to have a Labradoodle in the "cuddle sack"!! They are sweet dogs, just like their cousins the Goldendoodles! Soft curly fur that does not shed and of course, the personality of a Golden Retriever! Like me!

  9. Hi Madi!!
    We missed you!! It's so cute that you like to watch your fountain!! Our mom says she's glad we don't have a fountain like yours cos she claims that I'll pee in it!! What is that woman talking about??
    Oh wow, you have a Border Collie neighbour? Can you find out if they have another Border Collie by the name of Hershey who's escaped? Please let them know that the said dog is with us now and they should claim it back asap. LOL...

  10. Madi, you are being out numbered with the number of canines in your area.

  11. Biscuits and Waffles are running around your neighborhood??? Sounded tasty, until mom told me they were dogs, BOL!


  12. Hi Madi, we like the look of your water fountain, we can see it is very interesting. We hope it is working properly for you.
    We just loved meeting the pups, Waffle and Biscuit are just too adorable!
    Of course not as adorable as you but then they are dogs.
    We think you are best to make friends now whilst they are at the puppy stage - that way you can whip them into shape.
    Our mum used to have a cat who was the boss of two dogs in her lifetime - it is important to take control!
    love and kisses
    Martha & bailey xxx

  13. What a delicious sounding neighborhood you live in!!! Hope the power wasn't out too long! And, I know you guys live near our grandbean's and our mom's step-mom works at a PetSmart down that way (not sure where), but their dog Rosie is like the mascot! Maybe oneday, you'll meet her!!!

  14. Wow!!
    You are living in a fantastic neighborhood :)
    I love your water fountain it looks very great
    hugs Kareltje =^.^=

  15. They are such cute little puppies - and it is so funny they are both named not only after food but after breadlike products!


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi