My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Monday, October 26, 2009

Madi: Joining Martha & Bailey on Strike & Award

I'm joining forces with Martha and Bailey!!!
Our goal is to regulate the number of times a day
our Peeps can cram the flashy boxes in our face!!!
I say just say no to the 'flashy box' by turning my back on it!!!

We also want to thank Martha and Bailey ,our pals from Scotland,for this very gorgeous award the presented to all their friends. We also thank PurpleHatter for their creativity.

Martha and Bailey I'm proud to march with you and to be your FRIEND!!!



  1. Hi Maddy my sweetie
    I have the same award !!
    but my Mommy is always to lazy to publish it
    hugs love
    Kareltje =^.^=

  2. Way to go Madi - we are proud of you! United we stand - or sit - or lie!!!
    Martha & Bailey xxx

  3. Hi Madi!

    congrats on your award.

    about that strike thing Sadie said " If turning your back doesn't work, then find a nice blankey to hide under."

  4. So good to check in on you....
    Congrats on the award...
    miss you and mom...

  5. Glad you've joined the protest movement Madi...

    Bet it felt great to turn your back on the beast!

  6. We're joining you too, Madi!! We're tired of that flashy box in our faces!!!

    Oh yeah, we don't live in a forest, but there are lots of wooded areas and we have lots of deer on our island...we've actually seen them in our time there was a whole family of them...about 6 deer...but most the time they come in the middle of the night and eat mom's flowers!

  7. Oh Madi
    We just love that picture of you. The way the sun is shining on you is simply gorgeous.


  8. Congratulations on the award from "across the pond" in Scotland!!
    Oh dear, Madi doth protest to the flashy box!!

  9. Hi, Madi!
    With our internet problem my mom is soooo mad that she has not been taken many pictures of me!
    I am resting from the flashy box!
    Congratulations on your Award!
    Kisses and hugs

  10. Hay Madi and Mom,
    Yes, Congratulations on your award, you really deserv it. You are so inventive when it comes to posting. I really look forward to reading your posts.
    Love you Madi and Mom, Bambi Happy and Mom

  11. Congrats on your award! Oh come on -- you like the camera AND it certainly likes you!

  12. Hay Madi, I would like to talk to your Mom, O. K.?
    Yes Cecilia, I have a lot of birds and a lot of song birds too. Right now we are having bad weather, you are going to have it tonight.
    Did you ask me if I lived south of you ???
    I do live in north Florida.
    I will take a picture if I get a chance.
    LOve ya, Bambi, Happy and Fern

  13. ConCats on your award Madi!!! That is SO groovy!!! And we MOL'd and mommy LOL'd at your picture!!! We like the hyper~extension of your leg!

  14. That is a cool award. I have to get mine posted. I agree on the putting a stop to all the photos. What do they think we are? Movie stars?

  15. Congrats on the award Madi! And I hope you change your mind about the strike - we love to see your picture!


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi