My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Madi Celebrates Pumpkins of all sizes....

Mom loves this time of year, the beauty of the fall colors and fall decorations.
Since I am a faithful and loving kitty I would like to celebrate her love of the season too.

Here I am meeting my first pumpkin. I'm trying to decide what to do about the
stick on the top

Below are some of the many pictures Mom took at the Farmer's Market of pumpkins, pumpkins and more pumpkins

Pumpkins all in a row

Silly Pumpkins and their friends

Green Apple Gourds....Mom loves these

Yes Charlie Brown this is the GREAT PUMPKIN


  1. PAWESOME!!! We biggify'd the picture of you and LOVE your lasers staring at the punkin!!! Did ya effur figure out what to do with the stem? And, when our beans went to get our punkin for this Halloween, they had WHITE ones! And, of course, mom doesn't take a picture of that. Then, she told us that some hand all these bumpb and bimbles on them. A picture, you're asking for?!? Yeah, NO! Hope you have fun with it!

  2. Hi my sweetie
    Its a BIG punkin .....
    I can see your lasereyes hehehe....
    I hope you like all those punkins from your mom
    hugs love
    Kareltje =^.^=

  3. Oh Madi, we just lost our comment!!! Wonder where it went. We just loved the top pic of you and the pumpkin. You looked as though you were expecting it to turn into Cinderellas's coach!
    Perhaps you have magic powers. Your eyes looked a bit spooky!
    Your mom seems to like pumpkins.............
    Martha & Bailey xxxx

  4. Hi Madi!

    You sure are quite the pumpkin expert,most Two Leggers don't even know that much about pumpkins.

  5. Oh wow---so what did you do with the stick on the pumpkin?? You look intent(and cute!)

    And there's green pumpkins?? Tommy says she oughta go to the Farmer's Market just to see...

  6. Madi
    That is one heck of a pumpkin you're sitting next too. I bet it weighs more than you.

    That Farmer's Market looks like a lot of fun to visit, especially at this time of the year.


  7. Sure it was pawesome to go there and see all those pumpkins... even the green ones!
    Kisses and hugs

  8. Hay Madi,
    You look real cute sitting there looking at the pumpkin!!!
    We went to an organic farm last week-end. We go to the farmers market every Saturday A.M.
    We eat organic as much as we can also. We have grown tomatoes all spring and summer and they are still gaving 2 or 3 a day.
    Love Bambi and Fern

  9. I hope your mom brought some of those home to bake some pumpkin pies! Pumpkin pies are great!!! Even for kitties!

  10. Madi, can you carve the pumpkin with those laser eyes of yours?!!
    What kind of face will you put on it?
    Very cute and intent pic!
    Green pumpkins?!

  11. Madi, if you stare at the pumpkin long enough it will grow to be as big as the picture on the bottom -- but I am sure you already know that!

  12. Those are all great pictures - we have never seen apple gourds before so that is pretty cool. And as far as the stick on the pumpkin, my guess is that you will want to try and chew on it - although I dont think that woudl be very fun for you so I don't recommend it.

  13. Wow! That's a lot of pumpkins! We don't know what to do with those things...they're too big to play with and you really can't put the bitey on what are they for, anyway???

  14. Great pumpkin pics, Madi! I see you found more green ones, BOL! :-)



Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi