My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Monday, February 25, 2019

Sparks Monday and Awww Monday

are all about spreading cheer and positive vibes via quotes.

I saw this on a greeting the Toyota Dealership.
I didn't buy the card 'cause I remembered this photo in 
Pizap would be perfect.

Today I am pawticipating in
adorable Awww
Click on Comedy Plus here to see other Awwws

Yesterday afternoon sun came out FINALLY after 8 days
It was glorious to see.

My Nephew Kat  sent me a picture of the sun on his mountain.
Top right photos

Aunty HiC
Do you see what I see?!? 
The 🌞 is shining! Hu-Mum tried to take me for a walkie, but the wind is howling, and it scared me. I’m in my favorite bird/squirrel watching position, (Hu-Mum’s writing desk), and I’m quite content. Hope you have 🌞 in your neck of the woods too.
❤️ Kat,  Your Feline Nephew !

Top left our bird feeders
bottom left Gracie (the Highlander) enjoying a sun bath
bottom right our deck trying to dry out under the sun.  


  1. aaaaawww the sun! how gtreat that the gray and dark days are over and with the sun we can see a lot of shining sparkles ;O)

  2. Nice to see the sun! We finally saw it yesterday but she brought very high and dangerous winds with her. Hope we've seen the last of winter.

    Hugs, Pam

  3. Hari OM
    Oh you know I understand and appreciate the arrive of the sun... nothing beats when it SHINES!!! YAM xx

  4. Oh yes, we were so excited to see the sun. It was very very windy here too. Great pictures. Have a wonderful day.

  5. the sunshine on your deck fits the let your sparkle shine also. love that photo of the diamonds on the water. so happy for all of you the sun is out... we got up to a cold front, 64 and no humidity and going to 77. yay for the cold front.

  6. A beautiful quote and it brings smiles to our faces☺

  7. Kat has a wonderful view. It's good when the sun finally shows up after all the rain. We're going to be in the rain for the next four days. Sigh.

    Love the Spark.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a purrfect Awww Monday and week. My best to your peeps. Hug to Cecilia. ♥

  8. That is sure a terrific Spark and we're so happy to see the sun too!

  9. Kay that same wind must have howled its way down here to Mississippi

  10. Isn't it pawsome to get a bit of sunshine on your furs, I just LUFFS it

    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  11. It was GLORIOUS getting that sun. I laid in the afternoon sun at the storm door for several hours. Mom loved seeing the sun. The flooding receded enough to allow her to take favorite brother back to Knoxville. The flooding was so bad there Saturday she had to return home with him. Katie was so glad!! Glad you all had suns too. We deserve it after all the weeks of rain. XXX

  12. We're glad you finally found some sunshine. Could you please send some up here too?

  13. Another lovely message from Kat. What a little ray of sunshine he is!

  14. I love your spark today...I do need to Sparkle a bit more!

    How we would looooovvvvveee to see some sun! It's been raining here nonstop since Friday afternoon...

  15. After a ferociously windy day yesterday and last night, today is cold but sunny...until the lake-effect snow hits again. Please, please, please...Spring, get here SOON!

  16. We had a peek at the sun and blue skies for a short while yesterday, right before the big wind storm rolled in.

  17. That is a great spark and photo. XO

  18. Super Spark. We're glad the sun came out for you.
    The Florida Furkids

  19. Great to see the sun after so long. Naturally, we're hangin' out for some clouds....rain clouds.

  20. Beautiful spark and the perfect color choice for adornment for February!!! We have SUN today, cold temps, but we got a WALK!!!

    Woos- Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  21. The sun is out here today. A really nice change from all these grey dark days! I will be glad for spring and the birds coming back.

  22. Love the collage... blue sky and sun! I like that Spark... sometimes we forget to let our sparkle show... :)

  23. I am so ready for sunshine and warmer temps!!!!!!

  24. Wish we had some nice sunshine. We have wind and gray clouds
    Hazel & Mabel

  25. We had some glorious sunshine yesterday but it is gloomy as Eeyore outside today. What a lovely view out the window!

  26. Thank you for your kind words of sympathy for our Only.

    Cats of wildcat woods

  27. Yay for sunshine!!! Your nephew Kat is such a great kitty. Enjoy the sunshine!!!

  28. Having sunshine always makes everything better. :)


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi