My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Friday, April 6, 2018

Flower Friday with Rosy

Ohhhh look at all your smiling faces...just because it is

My Bunny Spring and I would like to show you what's blooming outside our window.

Recently my Uncle (dad's brudder) G send mom this picture.

Before we show it to you, let me just say
Uncle G is a Violet Whisperer. He has at least 87 violet plants
and he has the purrfect room for them to thrive.
Mom told him he had a VIOLET Thumb!

He told mom
 This plant started from a single leaf 18 months ago,

Red bud just as it started blooming,
There will be more later in full bloom.  
This is the first year the red bud and dogwoods have bloomed at the same time.

close up of red bud

close up of the heart shaped red bud leaves that are just starting to open

Our 2 native Dogwood trees are in full bloom photo taken 4/5/18

Japanese Red Maple in all her radiant red spring frock


  1. Wow! I'd love looking out your guest room window at all the gorgeous blooming trees and flowers. Those violets are amazing. My brother got the green thumb in our family too.

  2. all that cute flowers from a single leaf... wow!!!! your uncle has green paws that#s for sure!!!

  3. hari OM
    African violets - I am Death to them... golly you have so much spring happening. Still waiting here... hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

  4. Wow! Spring has sprung at your house, Madi! The flowering trees and the daffies are just beautiful! And my mom wishes that she had an African Violet green thumb like your Uncle G has!

  5. Spring is such a wonderful time with everything blooming and coming to life. Great pictures. Everything looks great. Have a super week end.

  6. Gorgeous! I love the red bud and dogwood. That Japanese Maple is putting on a show! I have never had good luck with Violets... Uncle G IS the Violet whisperer! You have a front row seat, Madi... and Spring the Bunny!

  7. Love the Daffodils, they always scream springtime!

  8. Love them all, but think the Maple is my favorite. After all it's from my mom's country of origin.

    Uncle G definitely can grow those violets.

    Happy weekend.

  9. Those flowers are almost as pretty as you sweet Madi!

  10. we have tropical trees here, and i miss the red buds and dogwood trees of my youth. these are wonderful. love the daffies to... wow on the violets and from a single leaf... violets are so pretty and hard to grow unless you are a violet whisperer.. some can and some cant, i am a can't

  11. Beautiful signs of Spring but no where near as beautiful as YOU!

    your guy Raz and The Florida Furkids

  12. We are just a bit jealous of all your pretty flowers. Thanks for sharing them to help brighten our day.

  13. Oooh, Redbud is sure pretty! We love when all the bright colors start coming out.

  14. Wow! Leaves and flowers on trees already! We're about three weeks away from dogwood and redbud flowers. Spring is here. . . somewheres!

  15. Oh! WoW! Spring is busting out all over! We are having a most wonderful spring here too! I, Marvelous did not know that so many different trees could have such lively flowers!

  16. Oh my goodness....what a collection of beautimous colors you have in the front yard, Madi and WOW...what a gorgeous violet picture from your Uncle G!!
    Rosy, Arty & Jakey

  17. Oh, it is so pretty there. The daffodils around here are a bit on the sparse side - too many ups and downs in the weather. The violet is beautiful. Mom just got two new ones and is hoping to get them repotted on time today to do a Flower Friday post too. Hopefully she will have better luck this time that last.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  18. Mom's favorite flower is the African Violet but she is hopeless at growing them so we envy your Uncle's Violet thumb.

  19. We can only dream of blooming flowers, and enjoy your photos. We despair of ever seeing blooms in purrson...

  20. Wow! It looks so beautiful and spring like at your house Madi. Our trees are just starting to bud out
    Hazel & Mabel

  21. Gorgeous! We don't have any flowers yet but hopefully the daffodils will be here soon. They usually bloom the second part of April in our neck of the woods.

  22. How nice to see those flowers. We don’t have any flowers yet. It’s still too cold!

  23. What lovely blooms! Love those Redbuds ♥♥
    Happy Flower Friday!

  24. What beautiful flowers and violets! Glad to see your still blogging!!! Missed you!
    Happy Belated Easter!

  25. OMD, your trees are BEAUTIFULS!!!!! We don't have such FABulous trees around here...sigh. Anyhu, that Violet is amazin'! Ma's brown thumb has never been able to keeps them alive, sadly. (especially for the violets...heheheeee)
    Ruby ♥

  26. We envy you your view, Madi! What a wonderful display of Spring (the season ... not the bunny).


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi