My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Miscellaneous Fair photos and Plates

This is the door to the Exhibit Hall where all the quilts and crafts were on display.
I love the window above the door looking out on the children's Ferris wheel

This huge tree is in front of the children's rides.

* means I could not figure out the meaning

I thank 
 Katie Isabella's Mom  for #1.  She spotted this plate in East Tennessee
1. SHELPN, Schleping
2. ILUVPROD, I love produce
3. FNSIZE, *
4. Ms Val, A name
5. DA Byrd
6. SMOKIVOL Volunteer Firefighter
7. JEEPGUY, Yep it was on a Jeep
8.L!PBOSS, Lip Boss???  ! replaced the i in lip
9. MAGNOME, Magnum?
10. MV YOU!, Move you
11. LUVUSLICK, Love you slick
12. 6-26x2, Maybe something to do with a marathon
13. MAGIKUL, Magical
14. IBCNU, I be seeing you
16. BA-B-DOLL, Baby Doll
17. TIRE-PRO, Maybe sales tires
18. CME4KAY, Mary Kay Cosmetic Representative
19. S#MOO, State hashtag Moo, possibly an Agriculture Science Major
NC State University plate
20. MOUSEYOUT, Mousey Out?
21. LUPOLAO, *
22. ILUV, I love...but wonder who
23. RDYENG, Ready Engine
26. BOOMA819,*
27. 4-TIP, *
28. LAMOVER, it was on a Land Rover
30. GRAMMYROX, Grammy who is very hip I guess
34. SRFandSAND, Surf and Sand


  1. #3 could be fun size if it was on a small car.
    #12 6-26x2=46 Maybe the 46th state, Oklahoma.

  2. LOVE that TREE! and the first photo is beautiful looking at the ride through the beautiful window... now what in the world were you doing at a QUILT Show? brahahaha you are now the Queen of Quilting

  3. That is a very big tree. Happy Sunday.

  4. Great shots. And fun plates :) XO

  5. Cool pics and fun plates but we don't know the * ones either!

  6. Hari Om
    I too love the images - the abstraction in the first and the magnificence of the second.

    To work...
    #1 - if it had been schlepping it is more likely to have been SCHLEP, don't you think? SHELPN appears to be an avatar name for one Shelley Reddish, who has Utube, Birdie and Stickingpins profiles with this moniker (out of Chestatee GA - so E Tenn not such a stretch)... It is, also, a coding term from HTML - so take your pick!
    #3 - this can be, again, a code item relating to parsing files... it is also a twitter moniker for one Nelson Horsely (Sth Dakota) - but it also shows up as a hashtag in the instything and even has a photo of a plate from AZ, but there is a 2 in place of Z.
    #9 - character from World of Warcraft - yup, gaming again! (There is a computer science forum with the acronym, too, but much less likely reference, as it is based in France.)
    #10 - this is shorthand for having a Music Video on YouTube.
    #12 - does yield the numerical product 'minus 46', so could refer OK... however, if they had carriers for bikes, then it is more likely they are serious about their tyres! (Trail bikers are a tad obsessive about such...)
    #19 - it's a hormonal and vitamin balancer for women. - so probably a rep.
    #21 - appears simply to be a name - archaic, from Latin.
    #23 - could be... but also the code for a sports top by Nike as well as engineering acronym.
    #25 - Don Howdy has a profile on Amazon... and there is a Don Howdy Thomas on FB (living OK, but originated SC).
    #26 - this brought up only references to Australia in the 19th Century and to a wood carver in Germany... so am guessing it just a nickname and they got their car (or had a baby) in August of this year!
    #27 - eyebrow shaping is all the rage and this refers to a tool used in the process.
    #29 - unless there is a company or sports something or other with the acronym SSAHTN in NC, then this refers to the international money market (Forex code)
    #31 - this driver works at rivetting bags, maybe? (nothing useful in researches)
    #32 - it could be a code for shortened URL ... but also the driver may <a href="><b>have climbed this hill</b></a> in Lancashire... OR... they are just called Sir William Hill!

    Thanks for the entertainment... YAM xx

    1. Ooops, have no idea why that last html statement didn't convert to hyperlink ...
      - missed out a " in the string... sigh...

    2. gggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr that time a whole sentence disappeared... THIRD TIME LUCKY???

  7. A beautiful tree. No doubt its shade is much appreciated in the warmer months!

  8. You sure have a lot of creative license plates! We keep looking for them around here too, but GW always forgets them by the time she gets home.

  9. I gots to get Ma to remember to write down the plates she sees! Not that there are really that many that make sense here ☺
    I loves that tree! I bets a lot of picnics take place under that tree!
    Thanks for the beautiful pics!!!
    Ruby ♥

  10. That huge tree is awesome! Dad's pretty quick at figuring out some of the plates he sees, mom's not quite as quick. Most of them, they say, are pretty stupid, though.

  11. Smokey is our team mascot for the VOLS. Could mean Smokey the hound dog and Vol fan.

  12. That tree is awesome!! I think #3 is Fun Size


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Cecilia and Angel Madi