My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Friday, August 16, 2019

Nature and Feline Friday

After weeks of relentless triple digit heat index and nearly 3 weeks of no rain followed by
torrential rains our few plants appeared to die then they made a come back.
All of the petunias were pitiful.  This  group got a new lease on life.

I'm joining the LLB Gang for Nature Friday
You can join to by clicking here

Oh to have a cure for insomnia!!

Angel Madi had several PhDs in the Science of Sleeping!!
this photo was taken on August 17, 2017


  1. oh we hope our plants come back to life too... they are snacks for this ugly orange giant snails...

  2. so sweet to see Madi sleeping so peacefully. my SIL has insomaia, and has for years and her eyes are always dark sockets from lack of sleep. we have had nothing but storm and rain for 3 weeks, we have cabin fever. at 2:30 today BOOM and a dog appeared on the bed, it put down 2 inches in 2 hours. we have had 5 inches in 2 days... flooding all around us but not us. we are on high ground but 3 to 4 storms a day are making us crazy. today is day 4 of AM storms keeping us from the YMCA pool....

  3. MADI!!!!!!! We miss seeing that gorgeous tuxie! I've had a few flowers come back like that so I always err on the side of caution and keep the plant for a few years before I throw in the towel and admit it ain't gonna happen :)

  4. Thankfully, most of our summer has been unusually cool, but we had a hot week or two and many of our flowers died temporarily too, but they are coming back now.

  5. lol......I was thinking yesterday that cats sleep about 16 hours a day don't they ?

    happy weekend.

  6. So good to see Angel Madi. We have had the hots here too and no rain. Hope your day is a good one.

  7. Isn't it amazing what a little bit of rain can do?!! Hope Texas has some soon. We are still in the triple digits with no end in sight, thank goodness for a/c.

    I'm looking forward to heading home next week to the land where 70F is considered "hot" LOL

  8. Sleeping is our favorite sport at my house!

    Oh, and we have a planter full of petunias too. At times it looks like it's ready for the compost heap. But then, after a good rain, or watering, it explodes with flowers.

  9. We've not had rain in months. It's so dry here. We are heading toward Fall though. I'm ready for that.

    Angel Madi did have sleeping down. Don't they all. Aw.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend. Big hug. ♥

  10. Those are such pretty flowers and a sweet Angel Madi too.

  11. Your flowers look beautiful after a long refreshing drink of water! Hi Madi♥

  12. Bertie is a pretty good sleeper too. Although I envy his capacity to instantly switch from fast asleep to wide awake and hyper alert. Something I used to be able to do too, but sadly no longer!
    Happy Nature Friday! (Here we are feeling exhausted simply at the thought of triple digit hear index...)
    Cheers, Gail.

  13. I love these photos of Angel Madi. XO

  14. Aww, Angel Madi! Our temps were pretty fair, but are now going up and up, with humidity too. I am hesitating on adding any new plants to the yard after this summer.

  15. Yep, it's been bad this summer. Madi was definitely a good napper.

  16. We're glad to see your plants have made a come back. Angel Madi sure was a cute sleeper.

  17. Madi obviously never suffered from insomnia! We have had torrential non stop rain for the last 12 hours and all the roses have taken a real battering.

  18. OH yes I wish I could sleep as well as any of my cats!
    I understand too about the heat. The latter part of May, my sprinkler system died and we were have 100+ degrees and no rain. For two weeks I was out moving hoses around otherwise the grass would have simply died. It took 4 weeks to get the sprinkler repaired (replaced really) and by then the rainy season had started. Go figure.

  19. Might work....but then, you may also start licking yourself and trying to crawl in boxes...just sayin'.

  20. Madi was an expert in the "shrimp curl" napping position.....We kitties know how to nap in style!

    Hugs, Teddy

  21. We are having the same sort of weather. The petunias look great.

  22. Aww, we love seeing Angel Madi's curlicue sleep poses.

  23. We have a cool front this week so we will enjoy temperatures in the mid-90s! Haha! Bentley is an expert level sleeper too. It IS an art.


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi