My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Friday, August 18, 2017

Flowers, Fill ins Bad Poetry Day

Happy Flower Friday

All these photos were taken at Logans Garden Shop earlier
this week.

 Ohhh don't you just love this Golden Shrimp Plant?

Mom Ellen from 15and came up with the first 2 and Annie of McGuffy’s Reader came up with the second two.

1. MOM: If someone were visiting my area, I would recommend a visit to NC in the Spring or Fall summers are hot, hazy and humid.

2.MADI: My favorite room in my home is my dining room where my kibble bowl and food dish live

3. MADI: Back-to-school time makes me think that maybe I don't really know everything like I think I do!!

4. MOM:My favorite year of school was 1967 because I was a senior.  My class of 1967 was very close knit and we had lots of fun. September 29, 2017 I will be attending my 50th High School Reunion.

National Bad Poetry Day hosted by Ranger
 I've written some purrty bad poetry lately
This little ditty was written several years ago for Oz's Bad poetry day

Madi I am.
sometimes I'm a glam(orous) kitty
Madi I am,
sometimes I like to jam
 Madi I am,
but most times I just

Madi I am,
when mom gives me ham
I always say thank you

Sincerely Madison D Cat


  1. Oh but we think ALL your poems are wonderful!

  2. Oh but we think ALL your poems are wonderful!

  3. I love the poem and I think you know efurrything... you are a diva and a cat and divas and cats know all things between ehaven&earth ;O)
    the mama loves the shrimp plant, but she fears I would eat it... what? it's a shrimp plant and the name says dig in right?

  4. Great fill-ins, poem :D and flowers, are ;) Pawkisses for a Happy Weekend :) <3

  5. Yes, we do like the shrimp plant and we see that you found cannas too, Madi! We love all of your poems! Each and every one of them is so creative!

  6. Hari Om
    shrimp plant, pink or yellow, is one of my personal faves! I too enjoy your poetry Madi, so don't diss yessell gal!!! Hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

  7. thank you mam for the ham. MOL... where is your highshcool? do you have to travel for the reunion? I was class of 62, and have never been back.
    before Jones nursery went out of business due to lowes/home depot/Walmart, I spent happy hours wandering and taking photos, back on 03 when digital was new. the would bring excotic plants and set them up for me to take photos of. I printed and framed 3 8x10 of the flowers and they hung them over their cash register. thanks for the memory jog

    1. Those flowers are sure pretty. Love the shrimp plant. The fill-ins are excellent too. Madi, we like that poem. You all have a wonderful day.

  8. I've never been to one of my reunions. really, didn't like anybody in my school well enough to want to see any of them again ;(

    Love the flowers. Have a really wonderful weekend.
    Happy eating Madi.

  9. A shrimp plant? Hm, I've never seen yellow shrimp before though!

    Bad poetry? Who says? I think it was really good.

    Mara from Norway

  10. What beautimous flowers Madi and yes, we really love the shrimp plant!! We wonder if it tastes like shrimp?! Thanks for joining up to Flower Friday this week!
    Jakey & Arty

  11. Wait. You can grow shrimp?!!? We must add this plant to our garden!!!
    Yours sincerely,
    Margaret Thatcher

  12. OMD, does the Golden Shrimp flower taste like real shrimp??

  13. That golden shrimp plant is very interesting! That is a great bad poem!!
    Hazel & Mabel

  14. Madi, I bet you say, thank you, ma'am, only in your head! Hehehehe!

  15. Hehehe... love your bad poetry.
    Thanks for pawticipating.

  16. WOW! Look at all the lovely flowers! The ones on our deck have suffered from all the heat and lack of rain in Vancouver this summer. My new Mommy says they are ready for the recycle bin, but I think they are my own personal jungle!
    And I LOVE your poems! Maybe someday I will write poetry, I hope I can be as good as the Persian Philosopher Rumi - one of my favorites is
    "Why should I be unhappy? Every parcel of my being is in full bloom."
    Have a most wonderful day

  17. Those are sure pretty flowers sweet Madi!

  18. Beautiful flowers! We hope you're still doing better, Madi ... we've been thinking about you and and that glorious tail of yours :)

  19. We need to get Mom to the garden shop ASAP - we absolutely have to have golden shrimp growing in our garden - can you imagine how tasty they must be???

    There is no such thing as a bad Madi poem:)

    Woos - Lightning and Misty

  20. Those are some pretty flowers. We've never heard of a Shrimp Plant.

  21. Very pretty flowers, we never heard of a shrimp one :) I like your poem, it is not bad. Thank you both for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. Madi, you are very smart, no school needed. And you do have a nice dining room, I love those colorful chairs in there. I hope your Mom has a great time at her reunion! XO

  22. Your flower photos are lovely! I am going to paint some terra cotta planters when we move so I can put some flowers in our yard. We haven't sold our house (it's on the market) or found a new one in Texas but I am planning ahead. LOL!


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi