My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Friday, September 28, 2018

Final Friction Friday & Flower Friday

Today we are once again thrilled to be pawticipating in YAM-Aunty's
Blog hop link at the end.

We selected lines 8, 12 and 16 from page 87 in a book as our prompts

  Dishonorable Intentions by Stuart Woods
line 8: wrote them down
line 12:be more perfect
line 16:I looked forward to seeing

Word count: 356


When I started working at NCSU (for the 2nd time) in 1988, I met a delightful young single
gal.  Upon learning her name was Dee, I thought to myself no other name could be more perfect
for someone as full  of life, always smiling just one of those folks I looked forward to seeing.
Dee was a whiz with numbers and accounting.  I was NOT and she was good at explaining
grant proposals and all things mathematical.  Early in our friendship, I noticed she had a tattoo on her ankle. I could tell it was a word; however,  I tried not to stare as that didn't seem quite appropriate.  In 1988 tattoos were rare.  Then colder weather came she wore more slacks and I didn't notice it as much.  After several months, there is was again staring at me.  I finally asked,
Dee what were the letters tattooed on her ankle?  She look at me with a twinkle in her eyes,
picked up her pencil and wrote them down.
Imagine my surprise when I saw that she had written the letters Dee
I rattled off a series of questions:  Why in the world do you have your name on your ankle?
Do you forget it sometimes?  Really there has to be a logical reasons...
It seems the answer was simple:
She said "when I go out, cute guys can see my name and we get past the awkward stuff in a hurry."
She assured me it was an excellent ice breaker.

This story came into My Mind's Eye the other day when I took this photo of my
pantry door.  The light inside the pantry was on...I noticed how the items inside gave the
picture colors.
I've had a pantry for 33 years but up until about 2 years ago it was just a nondescript
wooden door.
Visitors would ask where is your trash can?  I'd say in the pantry.
They would look for the pantry.
Much like Dee, labels aren't necessary but they are often helpful.
When the pantry light is on, it makes the frosty glass come alive.
The door also catches the sun early in the morning.

Madi loved exploring the pantry.

It is a blog

Flower Friday...
Our host are Rosy SassyPants, Mayor Arty and Prof. Jakey

oh dear me friends since the Fury of Florence came thru our area most flowers are gone..
even the ones at Garden Center were pitiful last Saturday.
Each Saturday after we have lunch, we ride thru a part of old Raleigh called
Country Club Hills.  Most homes there are inherited not sold.  However, every now and then
an older one will be torn down and a Mega Mansion will replace it.
Such as this one.  AND this is just the side of the house. LOL

I just love vivid colors (surprise, surprise).  Any child or even me would enjoy playing here on this elementary school play ground.


  1. I like this idea a lot , it#s clever to label things, even the ankle LOL

  2. Hari Om
    What a fun remembrance - and a good one for FFF and FF!!! YAM xx

  3. We love your story and it makes mom remember the pantry that she grew up with when she was a whole lot younger. What a fun and vibrant playground!

  4. Great story. Love the reason for the tatoo. Hope you all have a wonderful day and a good week end.

  5. Love your pantry door! I have been thinking about a stencil for our pantry because I think people would wonder what door was our pantry door since it is across a little hall. But, shoot, why not just a new door???? CH will love this idea... Hahaha. I so love how you see the colors in things and enjoy the small things... I always say it's the little things that make us happy! Enjoyed your story about Dee and her tattoo! Sad about the flowers. I am always amazed at how many homes are torn down to build Mega Mansions! Good Morning!

  6. Great story about Dee. Love your pantry door.
    That is a very large house.

    Hurricane Florence was a witch. Glad she got on her broom and finally left.

    Take care and have a really good weekend.

  7. That was fun! We have a pantry but we're not allowed in it at all.

  8. I love your story - it's funny why Dee has her name on her ankle. Your pantry door is so classy! We had a pantry when I was a child... and I'd love to have one here. We do not have enough storage space in any room in our house!

    The playground is so inviting with its colors!

  9. What a great story about DEE! And also the Pantry door is fabulous, I am pea green with envy! Wish I had more than a closet pantry (put in when I redid the kitchen a decade ago).

  10. Is that Madi in the flowers by the McMansion? Will she be hiding regularly? It would be fun if she was hidden somewhere every day or once per week!

  11. The Hubby and I sometimes tangle over what we call certain rooms in the house! "The Front Room" seems to indicate several him. Anyhow, labels just might help us out. I label him 'My ATM', because I carry a credit card, and he is cash-only. So, when I need some bills, he hands them over like at a bank machine...Hahahahaha!

  12. We love your story and think your pantry door is great. There aren't many flowers blooming around here either.

  13. Pawsome story and even more pawsome pantry door!!

    Hugs, Madi's guy Raz and The Florida Furkids

  14. We aren't sure we could ever get the Momster to get a tattoo, but we sure loved your tale.

    And Mom loves that pantry door. She misses a pantry here.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  15. What a cute story on Dee's tattoo. I have always wanted to get a tattoo...but am too chicken ;-). I love the phrase "mega mansion"!

  16. Your story reminded me of the pantry we had when I was a child. It was almost the size of a small kitchen. It is usually only the older houses in the UK that have a walk in pantry. I wish I had one!

  17. Ooooh, we love that pantry door! We refer to our pantry as "The Magic Closet" because LOTS of really interesting things are hidden behind that closed door!
    Yours sincerely,
    Margaret Thatcher

  18. C:

    behind de 8 ball two day but still wanted ta stop N say hi ~~~~~~~~~~~~~♥♥♥☺☺

  19. That is a nice door, I like the added touch of Madi. I miss having a pantry, we had one in my childhood home. XO

  20. We like that pantry door. Our pantry is really just a big cupboard and there’s no sign on it at all.

  21. Nice pantry door! and enjoyed the story of Dee
    Hazel & Mabel

  22. SQUEEE! I want that pantry door! When the grandbabies get older, I have already told my husband that I want that kind of door for my pantry. It is pantry perfect. ☺


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi