My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Come Laugh with us: Angels from Manor Upchurch

Madi and I loved to laugh do silly things.
We hope you all enjoy today's blog hop and meet new friends too

#1. Toto

Yo friends and neighbors
I heard there was a comedy gig going on here today so I decided to drop in for a visit.
I notice Mom has called this Angels of Manor Upchurch.
There is no way one can say Dachshund in the same breath with Angels.
Just ain't so...I'm sure in some language Dachshund means Devil(ish)
I heard we were supposed to wear or include red in today's post and we could be on a box or stage.
 I'm RED and I have on a RED collar and I have a RED hot attitude. Being vertically challenged I rarely got on boxes.

Here is My story called Fig Newtons:

Time frame:  late 1970's.....
We're on another trip to Atlantic Beach, NC. On every trip we always stopped for a potty break at Neuse Sport's Shop in Kinston, NC. This particular time the humans had been snacking on Fig Newtons. When we stopped, mom closed up the bag put them in the dashboard of the car. She got out with me for a potty break while dad and sissy went inside. It was early spring so when I finished checking every blade of grass and leaving pee mail, Mom put me in the car.  She made a quick trip inside. As they peeps exited Neuse Sports Shop, Mom and I locked eyeballs.  To her amazement I had some how stretched my very short body to reach the dashboard where the Fig Newtons were stashed. (Note:Dad is  5'11") the seat was as all the way back. This was a long stretch even for a dachshund. I looked at Mom who was now walking faster, then I looked at the Fig Newtons, then back at  Mom. Finally it was clear to me that this could be my last I did what any Dachshund in his right mind would do, I took one last gobble of Fig Newtons as if to say, 'I see you but you aren't here yet so here I go'. It was estimated I ate about 10 of the cookies before Mom got to the car. Thankfully we got to the beach and out of the car before I had a major case of the runs!!! Every time I had to go out I'd look at Mom pathetically as if to say, 'I know I messed up I'm so sorry....please help me'

Note from Mom: We still don't know exactly how he got to them. Bless hislittle heart he had a rough few days but in no time he was once again roaming for food that was not his. Anyone who is owned by a dachshund knows where there is a will there is a way.

#2. Milky-Way

MW as he was called was the ultimate gentleman.  He was social to the point of waiting to see who
was them the high ? mark tail greeting .  Then he disappeared usually to the master
bedroom at his spot on the bottom of the bed....the exact spot Madi liked.
So one night the door bell rang...MW did his thing (we don't remember who was visiting).
HOWEVER, this time MW returned within a few seconds of disappearing.  OMCs
you will not believe what this so called gentleman did...
He sashayed into the room with .......MOM's BRA....YEP B R A
in his mouth dragging most of it behind him.  He dropped it at the
visitor's feet and proceeded to go back to the bedroom.  He had never done this before and never did it again.  No clue what prompted this as he was not a cat who toted.

#3. Madi

How/when/why does one become a Queen of Boxes?
I often asked myself that question.  Of course most cats love boxes but I had a very early clue that I failed to notice.
Madi started with the Ice Box.  After this photo, her time in the box was she moved onto paper boxes. 

As you can tell from this picture not even a space alien zapper gun
could make Madi leave her BOX

Oh Toto and Milky-way you two were both such characters and for sure kept the peeps
in stitches and some times scratching their heads.
Thank you for  prepping them to be the best Pet Parents here Manor Upchurch

Madi(son) D Cat your BFFFFFFFFFFFFF  for  an eternity


  1. Hari Om
    what a furbulous memorial post!!! fun and love and love fun - these are my takeaways from today!!! hugs and whiskeries YAM-aunty xxx

  2. oh such wonderful memories... maybe it is the bed-phenomenon... dogs can stretch their bodies as soon as they are in the bed... the can get as long as cargo trains... maybe it happens not only in beds but in cars too?

  3. What a GREAT post full of fun memories....Madi was all about fun and family and she sure had the BEST family - EVER! Hope everyone enjoys all the posts for Madi today - she will always and forever be in our hearts.

    Love, Teddy and Mom

  4. WE really like this post today. Toto was so darn cute. Those memories were just terrific. Thanks for taking such good care of Madi.

  5. I love all the stories. Pets keep us in stitches.

  6. Such a wonderful bunch of memories, we love you Angel Madi.

  7. Angel Madi you always brought a smile and so many laughs. You truly made my mornings! One of the more recent things you did was when you "jumped" on the chair by the fireplace and had your head up in the lampshade... I don't know why but it just cracked me up. Your curiosity made for some great blog posts and your curiosity always led to some memorable laughs and smiles. Diva Angel Madi Forever!♥

  8. What wonderful memories. You always made us smile, Madi♥

  9. How nice to meet you, Angel Toto and Angel Milky-way! Angel Madi, seeing you inside that refrigerator just cracked me up! Purr and hugs.

  10. That are some wonderful and funny memories. We think Toto should have had a nickname of Figgy:) And Milky Way, you made Mom spit out her tea:) And dear sweet Madi, we are so enjoying all the RED tributes to you today - we bet you and your Mom are doing a lot of smiling.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  11. It's the memories that are the most sweet. Lovely post.

    Have a blessed day. ♥

  12. Those are some wonderful funny sweet memories.

  13. Lovely memories. I made a post up and put up link. I hope everyone enjoys it and the poem I wrote. Madi sure was special. I know you didn't know my Angel Tigger but she sends hugs and said she's doing well and having fun as an angel.

  14. toto, milky way N madi.....we troo lee N joyed and CRACKED UP !!!! at thiz post N each storee... 984 pawz up ♥♥♥♥♥☺☺☺☺☺

  15. What wonderful(cute and giggly too!) memories of a trio of very loved members of the family!
    Rosy, Jakey & Arty

  16. I have laughed with you for years and laughed again today, my heart is heavy because my dear Jake is up there over that bridge looking for you to play with. love you always sweet Diva Madi

  17. Hey Toto - bein'a little on the short end ourselvez (shorter Beaglez) we know what it iz kinda like bein'vertically challenged butt bein'a Hound like u wuz we haz figured out wayz to git around that like the trash canz an'mom even has a pikchure of Lady Shasta in the refrigerator tryin'to trade one of toyz fer sumthin'yummy. An'MW - u do sound like a purrfect little gentleman - eelcomin'vizitorz into the house - at leest until that one day when u did a little bit more. Butt yep, we know how Toto an'MW werked hard to help ready the pawrentz fer the Diva Madi.
    Lady Shasta'n Miss Maizie

  18. Beautiful post for Madi. I love the kitten photo of her in the fridge. Madi was a special girl.Loved and missed by us and everyone who knew her. XO

  19. Such precious memories of all of your three fur babies!! We will miss Madi but we bet she is throwing da party of a lifetime and everyone gets a box to sit in :)

    Matt & Matilda

  20. Those are lovely memories and a wonderful way to remember Madi.

  21. What fun memories! Madi, we really miss you...

  22. What wonderful fun memories on this REd letter day for Madi!
    MW's story reminded mom of an Angel Bailey story - mom was doing laundry and a young Mr Bailey grabbed mom's bra and ran outside with it running around while it flapped in the wind BOL!!!!!
    Hazel & Mabel

  23. It is so nice to meet Toto and MW! They sound wonderful and hilarious! I'm sure they are taking great care of Madi. I wouldn't be surprised if they come for a Rainbow visit all together. ♥

  24. Those are such great memories of all your angels. Sorry we haven't been around much our mom was visiting her sister and family in Michigan for a few days.

  25. OMD/OMC!!! Those are some FABulous stories!!! I looooves all the Angels of Manor Upchurch!!! I thinks Toto is a puppers after my own heart!! (though the aftermath sucks...), still, I bets it was worth it! hehehee
    And the BRA??! BOL! Yuppers, that is one funny kitteh that Milky Way! (I would have brought the undies too, butts that's just me....)
    And, they all prepped the peeps for you my BFFFFFFF ~ You made me laugh every day, and I knows with your visits from the Bridge, you will make me laugh tons more in the future!
    Ruby ♥♥♥

  26. The story of MW had me laughing out loud. Hilarious! I wonder what triggered his bra sashay?!!!

    I didn't know that Madi started with the ice box... and then moved onto other safer boxes.

    She will indeed be our BFFF for all eternity. I am loving the blog hop today.

    Hugs to you peeps. Madi wanted you to laugh and be happy. I hope that today is helping.

  27. We were so very sorry to hear about Madi,she was everybodies BFFF and she will always be that to us all,much love to you,xx Speedy and Mum Rachel

  28. What wonderful memories and stories. It's quite clear, Madi was loved and beloved by her family and all of Blogville. Sending oodles of poodles thoughts of comfort

  29. What a wonderful post of all your beloved pets. It was so heartwarming to read these happy stories. I know how hard it is to miss them, but it's so nice to have these happy memories.

  30. Well, sorry we are late...but well, nevfurtheless being all red was fun to do for you, and we are glad we could be a part of this warmly colored blog hop!
    We are glad we got to know you a wee bit, Madi, but sorry it wasn't long enough was it?...
    We bet you are causing all that diva redness to rub off on your fellow angels:)

    Hugs to your parents, and lots of love, too.
    (((((((((( ♥ ))))))))))


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi