My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Thursday, July 29, 2010

I've fallen and can't get up....

Mom came in the house squealing (what is it with the squealing), Madi you've got mail but then she showed me this cutesy card...who do they think they are kidding? I, Madi, did not just fall off the turnip truck. That is not mail that is an invitation to torture....
Nope not me I refused to 'schedule my on torture'
being the kind Mom that she is Mom did it for me.....
Thanks Mom, remind me to Paw it Forward for you soon.

Can you believe she scheduled it for 9 am on a Saturday? That is right about the time I'm taking my first nap of the day!!!!
So.....dear friends if you do not hear from me on August 1 please send out an APB.
Thank you Madi

Our header picture: We appreciate the very kind comments about it.
The picture was taken during Mom and Dad's Alaskan Cruise down the
Inside Passage in 2005. We put it up to help cool off this horribly hot July!!!


  1. Oh, Mom's are like that, Madi. You were pretty smart to pick up on what that "sweet" looking card was really about. And I know what you mean about the nap schedule. My bath is scheduled for the exact same time and it throws off my whole napping schedule for the entire weekend. And for what? For getting wet!

    lotsa licks, Lola

  2. Oh no, not the dreaded vet! I will be headed to the groomer's about the same time, which is just torture especially when they trim my nails. I don't like people touching my feet!

    Your pal, Pip

  3. Good luck, Madi, with the annual vet check!
    I get suckered into that in November, mom and dad tell me, "want to go for a ride?!"
    DA! Sure, where're we going?!
    And then we pull up to THAT PLACE!! They are all nice and friendly there, but you're so right! The torture of being poked, prodded and worse yet - shots!!
    Hang in there, be brave!

  4. Madi,

    I feel for you girl furiend. My visit to the V-E-T was a few months ago, but I still remembers it like it was yesterday...

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae

  5. Don't those Hoomans know we hates the VETS!!! Billy

  6. The vet visit is because mom loves you Madi.
    Humans don't like doctor visits either.
    So Diva, you aren't being singled out for this.
    It will be ok. I'm sure mom will give you lots of love.

  7. I can't believe your mommy would schedule something that would interrupt your naptime! Somethings in life I just don't understand....

  8. OH NO!!! Not 'da vet!! :O
    {paws on the cheeks}

    Yeah we's saw 'da beautiful photo yesterday ons yous bloggy header.. we's were gonna comment, butt being newbee's and alls..we's tried to play it cools!! SNORTS!! It really is beauteEEfulls!!

    Pug Hugs!!
    Izzy, Josie and Anakin Man

  9. Mom, Don't let Madi read my blog for today....she won't like it.

    Hugs and Kisses to ya Madi :)

  10. We will come looking for you! But, I'm certain that Mom won't let anything happen to you.

    I had my torture appt. on Monday. The EVIL nurse Sharon poked me 3 times before she got her vampirish fill of my blood.

    On the 3rd attempt I told the Dr. to get a switch and whoop know he only laughed...I didn't think it was very funny :<

    Then I told her OH I forgot to get my TATOO (not really going to get one) she said WHAT TATOO. The one marking the vein that you are suppose to stick each time.

    And I asked her AGAIN to put a note on the front of my file (cause I'm older than dirt and can't remember 6 months from now) that says RIGHT, TOP VEIN, BUTTERFLY!

  11. Poor Madi, it is rather inconsiderate to schedule torture on a Caturday. I guess it can't be helped, I mean if it were another time maybe your Mom couldn't come, and that would be really really scarity!
    Try to has a good day Madi, maybe you can store up some extra naps for Saturday!

  12. Madi, would you like us to fly up on the magic afghan on Friday and spirit you away for the weekend????? We can guarantee you'd enjoy that a lot more than the scheduled trip!!! We luvsya Madi and Mom!!!!!

  13. We hates it at the VET. Bonny was there today, for a check up and booster. Gotta say, our girl took it in her stride. Thankfully, they didn't need to 'do' me, I just went on a "dry run" whatever that means....

    Oh and I piddled on their floor (he he he). Not a dry run after all.


  14. Oh No, Madi!
    Want me to come to Raleigh so I can hold your paw Sat.?
    Wouldn't your VET love that?

  15. We're sorry about the scheduled vet visit, but you are welcome to come stay at our house if you need a place to hide out for awhile=we don't have to go back until April, so you would be safe here until then!...xoxo beautiful Madi...Calle, Halle, Sukki

  16. Oh dear Madi...

    We are so sorry to hear you have scheduled torture...and if you need a place to hide out you can always visit us.

    WE love your header picture it is really beautiful



  17. There's a 9 AM on a Saturday? Well now I've heard everything!

  18. Madi--Oh, I feel your pain! I got a card like that yesterday in the mail too!!!

  19. Just went to the VET yesterday and now I can't stop honking...
    I think they put a horn inside of me! Start looking NOW for a good hiding place!!!

  20. Oh Madi! Poor Madi! I feel for you! I soooo hates the vet! Actually I guess I have been lucky... But mom says watch out! I haven't been to the vet in ages it seems! Every cat and dog in this house has gone in the last year but me!

  21. Goodness, Madi...I'm very much sorry to hear abouts this Most Woeful turn of events. But I know you're very much brave and you must be sure that they know they're dealing with royalty!

    I haves a funny story to tell you abouts Capn Ripley. A coupla years ago, he wents to have his teethies cleaned. And when dad went to pick him up, the tech-lady came and asked dad, "Does your cat like you? Cuz he doesn't like us!" So dad walked back into the holding room and there was Capn Ripley shouting out threats to anyone within hearing distance. Terrible words, really, that I can't repeats here. He was even shouting at my dad, threatening to have him "drawn and quartered."

    Well, they finally gots him into a carrier and as soon as they gots home, Capn Ripley was as sweet as punch and even said he was sorry for all the things he said to dad, if you can believes it. He's a very complex character, Capn Ripley.

    Most Unfortunately, he's gonna have to haves his teethies cleaned again this year. Keeps your paws crossed that he doesn't make anybuddy walk the plank!

    Wiggles & Wags,

  22. Madi do not feel too bad - we have a lot of vet visits coming up at our house too - though none that early in the morning! Lola is going on that same day - so we will be thinking of you!

  23. Oh-oh!
    Good luck at the Vet!
    Saturdays are the fav days for my mom to take me there! Hmmm....
    Kisses and hugs

  24. Aw Madi, you have my deepest sympathy. I'm not sure which part is worse, the vet and shots or being put in the carrier and riding in the car. I don't like either.

    Be brave girlfriend!

    Cindi Lou

  25. Hello Madi from Wills cats. We are having a bad heat wave down here and the picture looks so refreshing though we don't really like water. We notice the parental units like to watch what they call cold movies and read cold books. What that means books and movies that show a lot of snow and cold stuff. We really don't mind the heat and wish they would let us out on the porch more.
    Wills front porch gang.

  26. Uh-Oh! I'll think good thoughts for you.

  27. Oh man, Madi! We're sorry your morning, and weekend for that matter, is gonna be ruined by the evil v-e-t visit!! Hope all goes well!!

  28. That was TRICK mail for sure Madi.


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi